Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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I have never thought to do this. Great, thanks


Rascal- I have no idea. I am in Rhode Island. See what you can get in your area. This was not my choice, it's what's available here. The guys that run the center are great and very very knowledgeable. I had to trust them.

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Hoping the new "farm bill" passes, federal government encouraging the growing of hemp on a large scale with an acknowledge to the medicinal potential, oil etc. Guess who knows what works?


Hi all
When I tapered by son off of clonazepam I did it very slowly and was using CBD as a substitute. Interesting to see the differences in my son when the CBD tincture wears off after about 4-6 hours. He starts to get more irritable, more perseverative talk, more anxious so his staff gives it to him about every 4-5 hours in the day. He has chronic anxiety, agitation due to the autism and the CBD INMHO has helped more than anything else. I am currently weaning him slowly after atypical antipsychotic going very slowly. So far so good. UCSD researchers are doing study on CBD and autism currently. From what I am hearing anecdotally CBD is helpful with other mental health issues, not just autism. His staff and myself take behavioral data on the behaviors that indicate his anxiety. You can see the difference when the CBD has apparently started to wear off. I am curious if anyone has used CBD to address an acute episode of anxiety or panic attack. I would think that vaping would be quickly absorbed and get a faster result than just putting the CBD oil under the tongue (sublingually) Has anyone had experience with that?


Good to hear your son is doing well on CBD. I have generalized anxiety and trying to wean off large amount of Xanax. I also have painful arthritis . I’ve been researching CBD put there are so many that it’s difficult to know where to purchase from. I look forward to others responses.
Thank you


Hope you are feeling better and it wasn’t anything serious as to why you were in the hospital lol dumb you wouldn’t be in the hospital if you weren’t I’ll, sorry. Hempbomb gummy’s have CBD/hemp in them no THC. They are just like the gummy bears you can buy. I order them in line. They help a lot with my anxiety and I can do things. I hope this helped if not send me another message. Glad you are home

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@cdcc Thanks for the reply. Actually, I,was in the hospital because I passed out and the EMT’s found I was in afib so they took me to the hospital where they found a clot in my lung. I’m in denial about it all.
Anyway, the gummies sound like a really convenient way to deliver the CBD. I can’t take anti inflammatories, so I don’t think I can take CBD. I’m going to have to ask my dr about it.


@cdcc Thanks for the reply. Actually, I,was in the hospital because I passed out and the EMT’s found I was in afib so they took me to the hospital where they found a clot in my lung. I’m in denial about it all.
Anyway, the gummies sound like a really convenient way to deliver the CBD. I can’t take anti inflammatories, so I don’t think I can take CBD. I’m going to have to ask my dr about it.

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I can't take NSAIDS due to several issues, one of which is that I'm a "bleeder." Even though CBD helps inflammation, it isn't an NSAID. It's good to check with your physician though. I'll do some research on this now. Thanks.



I can't take NSAIDS due to several issues, one of which is that I'm a "bleeder." Even though CBD helps inflammation, it isn't an NSAID. It's good to check with your physician though. I'll do some research on this now. Thanks.

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@cdcc Thanks for letting me know. I wasn’t exactly positive about its anti inflammatory properties. I would really like to use the CBD for my anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It probably can’t help all things but maybe some. Also, I could really use some pain relief. Many is the night I’ve never fallen asleep and just cried until morning. I look forward to the outcome of your research!


@karenOO For inflammation use ginger ,tumeric in tea form also ice is a good anti inflammatory to use


@karenOO For inflammation use ginger ,tumeric in tea form also ice is a good anti inflammatory to use

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@lioness Thanks for the tip! I have heard about ginger and turmeric.


Good to hear your son is doing well on CBD. I have generalized anxiety and trying to wean off large amount of Xanax. I also have painful arthritis . I’ve been researching CBD put there are so many that it’s difficult to know where to purchase from. I look forward to others responses.
Thank you

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The thing to look for with cbd is ingredients. Many companies are using fillers like almond oil etc. you need to look for full spectrum hemp oil extract. Hemp oil and cbd should be the only ingredients if you want a pure oil. Many cbd oils are coming from Europe not high standards as US. You need to research how the company Extracts the oil. Co 2 extracting does not use harmful chemicals in the extraction process. Look for third party testing also. Just because it comes from Colorado it may not be the best. There are many growers in Kentucky that are good quality.

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