Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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I totally agree with you @stepanieann, Anyone who takes mind-altering drugs need to consider so many things, even age, weight, other meds, and any and all other conditions. BTW this is a very short list. I found my dispensary by googling compassion centers in my state. That's what they are are called here. The people who work there are all well trained. But before you look make sure that your doctor ok's them. On-line stores and pop-up businesses will sell you their oldest child if it makes money. I would exhaust your home centers before going on line. Please be very careful.

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Hi Merry, volunteer mentor

I agree with what you said except some doctors are very traditional and if CBD is mentioned, being a component of marijuana, they will tell their patients no way, and they should not consider it until the FDA approves it. Meanwhile there are potentially very serious side effects to some of the psychiatric drugs currently prescribed and no or very few studies on the long term effects of taking these psychiatric medications. . If this comes up with your MD and they are outright opposed , my advice would be to get a second opinion. Some doctors are more informed than others on this subject.


Regarding weaning off psychiatric medications and using CBD as a substitute. Please remember that everyone's body chemistry is different and also physical and mental situation. My son who has autism has so far been successful getting off guanfacine and clonazepam and is doing better with less anxiety with the CBD. l am concerned that as I lower the psychiatric medications , will increasing the CBD be enough to counter his anxiety which can lead to behaviors and more irritability?? . My advice - consult with your MD (Keeping in mind that many MD;s are not at all familiar with CBD and therefore may be very negative in recommending it). I saw a nurse practitioner who was familiar with making recommendations on this. To find a reputable CBD company, I went to a reputable marijuana dispensary and consulted with them. To find a reputable dispensary I searched on internet and also word of mouth. Generally speaking most MD;s won't know which CBD brand and dosing to recommend unless they are experienced with it. California recently approved recreational use and we are seeing a multitude of companies making all types of products, can be very confusing. It is important to find a brand that has a good lab and consistency but marijuana is a plant and so I suppose it might be harder to assure consistency in comparison to a pharmaceutical that is artificially made. I feel like it is the wild west but eventually CBD will be researched further and become mainstream INMHO. Meanwhile, I am having success with my son regarding reduced irriitibility and anxiety which has resulted in less problematic behaviors and I believe he is happier as well.

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Hello, @stephanieann , how happy it makes this mama heart to hear such a good report regarding your precious son and his dealing with anxiety and depression. Mamacita here, Volunteer mentor for Mayo Clinic Connect. I can usually be found either in the Chronic Pain groups, Fibromyalgia discussions, or Autism sites. I was diagnosed later in life as on the Spectrum, having been misdiagnosed all my life. I do Have ADHD as well as Depression and Anxiety issues that I deal with regularly. I consider myself to be an optimist, having learned a few things in my search to find answers. Anxiety is a real issue for those on the Spectrum. I was in denial for so many years. I did not want to admit to myself that I suffered from anxiety. But it can be helped. I learned that my hearing is off the charts. So, now I have these noise reducing ear plugs that are perfect. As a child of the sixties, I must admit that I was reluctant to jump on board the CBD Bandwagon. It is still illegal in my state, unless one has a medical card from one's physician. Patients and medical practitioners alike are increasingly aware of the benefits of CBD oil. It does not give one a "high." it relieves symptoms that are disabling. I am so glad he is more relaxed and happy. You are giving him every opportunity to learn and to just be a kid. Many parents could take a lesson from you in advocating for your son. I hope we get a chance to connect later on, so that we can hear more about his improvements. Mamacita


Regarding weight gain, My son experienced wt gain with Risperidal, and perhaps some of the other psych meds. Hard to determine since he was taking so much poly pharmacy

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@stephanieann , my doctors had me on so much medicine it got to the point I had to carry it with me in a small lunch box sized cooler. With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, Anxiety and Depression, Autism, and OCD, it took me over a year to lose 65 pounds. Most of the medications I was on had the side effect of putting weight on. So, it was a constant battle, learning how to eat to live, not live to eat. With prayer and meditation, and living a more minimalist existance, the constant craving for carbs disappeared. My Fibromyalgia flares have reduced their appearances. Their intensity has not changed, however. I am hopeful that as I continue to eat healthier, I will lose at least thirty more pounds, which should help with sore joints and painful limbs. I have gone from having to use a cane or a walker to walking unaided, and wearing clothing three sizes smaller. I no longer have to shop at the Plus Size stores. I manage my anxiety by giving myself time and space. I only take certain medicines if I am having a flare, not every single day. I enjoy music, art, and volunteer work. Keeping in touch with friends here at Mayo Clinic has been a great blessing and a help in my recovery. Keep hope alive! Mamacita


@nodepression - I take 150 mgs of wellbutrin. I also take zoloft, but ti's not enough alone. My life is improving too so I'm keeping options open if it stays this way. No matter what we should all expect and occasional rotten day here and there, and although it may feel it, It's not the end of the world. Think back on how many we've been through already!

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Dear Merry, Volunteer Mentor, I have been on Cymbalta for years, for depression as well as fibromyalgia. I will share with you that I was having breakthrough depression, night terrors, and dreams that were too horrendous to mention. My good doctor put me on Wellbutrin and a low dose of Xanex, for anxiety. I am doing very well, thriving even. Chronic, debilitating pain changes a person. I have lost friends over this. But now I have a new purpose here on Mayo Clinic Connect. A community where we can share our stories and be encouraged. To feel that there is hope, and that one is not alone. I was given amphetamines by my doctor when I was only 11 or 12 years old. The doctor put me on a strict diet that was very low calorie. I feel in my heart that those pills did a number on my brain circuitry. I was too young to be given such strong medication. All medications have side effects. Guess I will never know for sure the effect those pills had on me. But that is the past. I look forward to what the future will bring. Health and healing for us all is my prayer! Mamacita


@stephanieann , my doctors had me on so much medicine it got to the point I had to carry it with me in a small lunch box sized cooler. With Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, Anxiety and Depression, Autism, and OCD, it took me over a year to lose 65 pounds. Most of the medications I was on had the side effect of putting weight on. So, it was a constant battle, learning how to eat to live, not live to eat. With prayer and meditation, and living a more minimalist existance, the constant craving for carbs disappeared. My Fibromyalgia flares have reduced their appearances. Their intensity has not changed, however. I am hopeful that as I continue to eat healthier, I will lose at least thirty more pounds, which should help with sore joints and painful limbs. I have gone from having to use a cane or a walker to walking unaided, and wearing clothing three sizes smaller. I no longer have to shop at the Plus Size stores. I manage my anxiety by giving myself time and space. I only take certain medicines if I am having a flare, not every single day. I enjoy music, art, and volunteer work. Keeping in touch with friends here at Mayo Clinic has been a great blessing and a help in my recovery. Keep hope alive! Mamacita

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@mamacita Hey Mamacita, what you’ve done is so awesome! Congrats! I’m taking the first step in the weight loss journey. I passed out weeks ago and went into a fib on the way to the hospital. They found a clot in my lung. I am now on a blood thinner and have to watch my sodium closely. I hope to be as successful as you. I crave carbs and this is HARD! Hopefully time will help. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, fibro, depression, and BIG TIME anxiety. Maybe the food I eat will allow me to quell the anxiety. Anyway-good going!


@mamacita Hey Mamacita, what you’ve done is so awesome! Congrats! I’m taking the first step in the weight loss journey. I passed out weeks ago and went into a fib on the way to the hospital. They found a clot in my lung. I am now on a blood thinner and have to watch my sodium closely. I hope to be as successful as you. I crave carbs and this is HARD! Hopefully time will help. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, fibro, depression, and BIG TIME anxiety. Maybe the food I eat will allow me to quell the anxiety. Anyway-good going!

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@karen00, how great to "hear" from you! Yes. it is HARD to not eat the way everyone else on the planet seems to do. Fast food stores are on every corner. Everything comes coated in flour, drenched in fat, and even coated again. In some perverse way I find myself drawn to these foods because they taste so GOOD!!! We're sad, we celebrate with food. We are happy, we celebrate with food. We come to the weekend after a tough week, and we celebrate with FOOD. This has to change, if one is addicted to carbs as I was. I follow a "lazy keto" diet, full of tasty veggies
, low carb versions of common foods, and good protein. I am not as strict as my bff, but my A1C is normal and I take half the medicine I used to. I have learned to love the food I eat, and I am totally satisfied with it. Do I eat the cake at the wedding? Yes, of course I do. That is part of life. But I don't need it every day! Thank you for your encouraging words. I want you to be encouraged as well. You can defeat this blood clot! Stay close to your doctor's plan for you. Pay attention to your body, and take good care of you. Let me know how you are getting along from time to time, won't you? I would really enjoy that.



@mamacita Hey Mamacita, what you’ve done is so awesome! Congrats! I’m taking the first step in the weight loss journey. I passed out weeks ago and went into a fib on the way to the hospital. They found a clot in my lung. I am now on a blood thinner and have to watch my sodium closely. I hope to be as successful as you. I crave carbs and this is HARD! Hopefully time will help. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, fibro, depression, and BIG TIME anxiety. Maybe the food I eat will allow me to quell the anxiety. Anyway-good going!

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Karen, I suffer with extreme severe anxiety from morning til bedtime which happened from withdrawal from Lyrica. I have found that Lazarus CBD oil, and hemobomb gummy’s have helped enormously. Maybe you could try these to see if they help you also


Hi Mammacita Great news that it has helped you with your health issues. and thank you s much for your kind words My son although verbal does not seem to understand that he perseverates on internal thoughts which seem to make him very frustrated and irritable. I am grateful that so far he has had less behavioral issues, with the CBD ie irritability and anxiety but the perseverative thoughts I think make him miserable at times. Additionally people just ignore him and don't engage him when he keeps asking the same questions or repeating the same phrases like " I am sad because the internet is lying about making Avatar 2. " These things that may seem trivial to us are very important to him and interfere with his ability to focus or concentrate on other things. . He may talk about the same thing obsessively throughout the day. How did the CBD help with OCD like behaviors and how did you figure out the dosing ?


I am using Hempworx cbd oil and have had less pain, it has really helped me with anxiety and depression also. I Quit a one time and then I got really sick and two different doctors asked why I quit. I told them I wasn’t sure about the legal issues in my state and they said get back on it. I am now doing great and will never go off of cbd oil. It is a game changer for me. I have been very careful not to mention company names but I am seeing others do it so I thought I may as well tell my company.


To change how we eat is well worth the effort and in time it becomes our normal.

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