Morning Anxiety

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Aug 10, 2017

How many of you that suffer from Panic, Anxiety and Depression find that their symptoms are worse in the morning and gradually get better towards evening?

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@hopeful33250 I think this is what I needed to hear this morning. I keep telling myself if I keep at it maybe I can get through to a more restful place. When she mentioned EMDR I freaked. Another therapist and starting over again. I have read about it and in my mind it is hokey-pokey. I think about trying EMDR again and I am gone. It is okay though. Tells me my past has a grip on me that I need some help with. I do eat healthy, exercise- the healthy things. I may spend too much time alone. That old boogie-man behind everything. TMI perhaps. 🥴

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Not good spending time alone. Gives you too much time to think and that's not good. Visited a 94 year old friend yesterday and she is so much fun and very uplifting. I hard to go out but I come to realize its one of the better things you can do for yourself God Bless Patti


Your right! That 's me not too good in the morning but then toward late afternoon start to feel better. What is that? God Bless Patti


To me, this post offers thoughts that seem reasonable and healthy. The alone time might be part of the problem. I spent a lot of alone time as a kid, safer to be with myself, tv, toys, books, etc. It can be hard to break from the safety-mode which doesn't work so well as an adult. Hmmm, might be worth doing some journaling about that (for you and for me). 😉

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You are right. When I have people around me or go visit a friend I feel so much better. Alone is not a good thing God Bless Patti


Well y’all I did go to therapy yesterday and much chagrined as it did help. Some progress made and EMDR is an still an option. Wonder if that therapist had any idea at the time she mentioned thus how much venom this stirred up on the inside? I was hearing how I had failed again. Fear of the unknown.
Morning anxiety is still my morning disruption but not all of that anger mixed in. @hopeful33250 thanks for the gentle nudge. @merpreb for sharing parts of your journey. Also others who have been encouraging. Yes, yeah team.

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@parus So good to hear. In those darker moments that are sure to raise their heads, before you chase them away with your persistence and fight to be healthier, remember that old saying that we have to have the dark in order to see the light. Like Patti said, being alone is rough. I have forced myself to join that Prayer Shawl Ministry. It would be no problem to crochet projects alone, but I need the interaction, and it is only 2 hrs a week. Likewise the weight loss group is only 2 hrs a week. It makes me get out of myself, where I dearly love to dwell.


Well y’all I did go to therapy yesterday and much chagrined as it did help. Some progress made and EMDR is an still an option. Wonder if that therapist had any idea at the time she mentioned thus how much venom this stirred up on the inside? I was hearing how I had failed again. Fear of the unknown.
Morning anxiety is still my morning disruption but not all of that anger mixed in. @hopeful33250 thanks for the gentle nudge. @merpreb for sharing parts of your journey. Also others who have been encouraging. Yes, yeah team.

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@parus, what is EMDR?


@parus So good to hear. In those darker moments that are sure to raise their heads, before you chase them away with your persistence and fight to be healthier, remember that old saying that we have to have the dark in order to see the light. Like Patti said, being alone is rough. I have forced myself to join that Prayer Shawl Ministry. It would be no problem to crochet projects alone, but I need the interaction, and it is only 2 hrs a week. Likewise the weight loss group is only 2 hrs a week. It makes me get out of myself, where I dearly love to dwell.

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@gingerw I do tend to dwell within myself. Nice break from myself today when my son brought his son to come for a play day with grandma. He is 4 and our imaginations soar together. We decorated sugar cookies for Valentines. He left a great big smiling Valentine on my heart.


parus- aaaaawwwwwwwww- how special that must have been!


@parus So good to hear. In those darker moments that are sure to raise their heads, before you chase them away with your persistence and fight to be healthier, remember that old saying that we have to have the dark in order to see the light. Like Patti said, being alone is rough. I have forced myself to join that Prayer Shawl Ministry. It would be no problem to crochet projects alone, but I need the interaction, and it is only 2 hrs a week. Likewise the weight loss group is only 2 hrs a week. It makes me get out of myself, where I dearly love to dwell.

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There are so many ways to "try" to be happy. I have such a hard time with this. Always worried about something usually to do with health and being around other people helps you get these things out of your mind and enjoy a few laughs. People are my passion always been a people person. Thanks for caring Patti


There are so many ways to "try" to be happy. I have such a hard time with this. Always worried about something usually to do with health and being around other people helps you get these things out of your mind and enjoy a few laughs. People are my passion always been a people person. Thanks for caring Patti

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@brit- Perhaps we should strive to be content rather than happy or elated or anything on the high scale of things? Being happy is not always a "normal" mood. Usually happiness happens due to circumstances that elicit a specific emotional response, like being happy that you won an award or that you son is getting married or that you don't have a new cancer. Being content is sort of like in the middle of being happy and sad or depressed. After I got my PTSD somewhat under control I became content. I thought that everyone else was happy. I have a happy husband, but I have never been always happy. So I settled on understanding myself better and coming to accept it. If I find that I need to change something in myself than I change it. It might or might not make me happy.Thursday I found out that I have no new lung cancers so I was elated, of course. But today I am just content and that is ok with me.
This is interesting and makes good points.


@brit- Perhaps we should strive to be content rather than happy or elated or anything on the high scale of things? Being happy is not always a "normal" mood. Usually happiness happens due to circumstances that elicit a specific emotional response, like being happy that you won an award or that you son is getting married or that you don't have a new cancer. Being content is sort of like in the middle of being happy and sad or depressed. After I got my PTSD somewhat under control I became content. I thought that everyone else was happy. I have a happy husband, but I have never been always happy. So I settled on understanding myself better and coming to accept it. If I find that I need to change something in myself than I change it. It might or might not make me happy.Thursday I found out that I have no new lung cancers so I was elated, of course. But today I am just content and that is ok with me.
This is interesting and makes good points.

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@merpreb I'm happy for you that you have no new lung cancer This is happiness when we hear we have no new health problems. But I don't think happiness last all day long it comes and goes in spurts . So we take it as it is . Being grateful is more beneficial. I think that the grateful group is something we should do everyday .

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