Morning Anxiety

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Aug 10, 2017

How many of you that suffer from Panic, Anxiety and Depression find that their symptoms are worse in the morning and gradually get better towards evening?

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As with all good things, it takes "practice and patience." Thanks for reminding us of that, @parus😊


@gingerw The being “gentle” with myself is a challenge for me. I do not rest well at night most of the time. The little wheels start spinning the the big ones until steam comes out my ears from all of the friction. I am doing better at times. Takes practice and patience.

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@,Paris have you tried Melitonin ? I take at m ght 1/2 he before bedtime sleep usually all night take several for your system to get use to it


@parus It's a catch-22. Here is my experience, perhaps some people here can relate. Some days I failed to get good rest during the night [mind would not shut down, some body part in discomfort, etc.] so the morning starts off poorly. Anxiety due to what I had convinced myself would the game plan for the day, is now down the drain. Resting and trying to care for myself stresses me out, thinking about what I "should" be doing, rather than giving myself permission to simply call in "out for the day". By the afternoon, feeling better but even more guilty for wasting a day, in my mind. It has taken a lot to get to a point to tell myself to be gentle, give myself room to just simply relax instead of always accomplishing something. Just my take...

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@ginger, @lioness, @parus why do we feel guilty about this? I do. I've spent many a day like this even with a good night's sleep.


@ginger, @lioness, @parus why do we feel guilty about this? I do. I've spent many a day like this even with a good night's sleep.

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@merpreb and all I have a theory We are so relaxed after we sleep our bodies are ready to stay in this stage but as we start moving around then that's where are fight or flight hormones start to wake up by this time of day we start to feel guilty as Ginger said about not getting anything done then it's back to bed and start all over again


@parus It's a catch-22. Here is my experience, perhaps some people here can relate. Some days I failed to get good rest during the night [mind would not shut down, some body part in discomfort, etc.] so the morning starts off poorly. Anxiety due to what I had convinced myself would the game plan for the day, is now down the drain. Resting and trying to care for myself stresses me out, thinking about what I "should" be doing, rather than giving myself permission to simply call in "out for the day". By the afternoon, feeling better but even more guilty for wasting a day, in my mind. It has taken a lot to get to a point to tell myself to be gentle, give myself room to just simply relax instead of always accomplishing something. Just my take...

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@gingerw- You are taking the words out of my playbook! Oh man, how easy to beat ourself up with that kind of talk. Jim @thankful


@lioness I totally agree with the theory. I have resorted to vitamin b with energy and energy vitamins to even get up and move in the afternoon. I am up totally on third shift. With the cold weather, it is even harder to get out. I am gonna continue to exercise a little each day I did my first attempt to dance to the music.
I gained 35 lbs so I am a little pumpkin now. I get out of breathe very easily. It freaks me out. I have been in a better mood. The first week starting on 4 Cymbalta a week. So far so good.
Sometimes I think about when I was in my 20s and 30s. I was strong. My attention was always on my narcissistic husband getting in trouble and my wonderful children. I was full of life and strength. I still had this nasty depression and stuff.
Well, I just turned 60 but look like 50. I was always a pretty girl but did not think about it much. I always had great patience and love for people. I was never really manipulative either. Just naive about life. I never ever thought about evil people in the world like today. Just turn on the TV.
After my divorce, I changed. I did not care about me or anyone else but did not realize it. When I was younger, I stopped taking meds on a dime. I did even think about it. I just kept going. No problems. But I looked at people with worse problems than me on these sights. It made me realize that I need to be helping others. I need to stop trying to figure it out and get closer to God. I was angry with God. I felt betrayed by an evil man. But I did stick through everything with him by my side. It is the best thing I put in my head as a child by my evil narcissistic Dad. So I need to Let Go and Let God. I am still scared of meds and will stick to the older meds for now. Just my thoughts only. We all have so much strength on these sights together and WE DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. We have great Qualities in each one of us. Love ya all! Cat


@lioness I totally agree with the theory. I have resorted to vitamin b with energy and energy vitamins to even get up and move in the afternoon. I am up totally on third shift. With the cold weather, it is even harder to get out. I am gonna continue to exercise a little each day I did my first attempt to dance to the music.
I gained 35 lbs so I am a little pumpkin now. I get out of breathe very easily. It freaks me out. I have been in a better mood. The first week starting on 4 Cymbalta a week. So far so good.
Sometimes I think about when I was in my 20s and 30s. I was strong. My attention was always on my narcissistic husband getting in trouble and my wonderful children. I was full of life and strength. I still had this nasty depression and stuff.
Well, I just turned 60 but look like 50. I was always a pretty girl but did not think about it much. I always had great patience and love for people. I was never really manipulative either. Just naive about life. I never ever thought about evil people in the world like today. Just turn on the TV.
After my divorce, I changed. I did not care about me or anyone else but did not realize it. When I was younger, I stopped taking meds on a dime. I did even think about it. I just kept going. No problems. But I looked at people with worse problems than me on these sights. It made me realize that I need to be helping others. I need to stop trying to figure it out and get closer to God. I was angry with God. I felt betrayed by an evil man. But I did stick through everything with him by my side. It is the best thing I put in my head as a child by my evil narcissistic Dad. So I need to Let Go and Let God. I am still scared of meds and will stick to the older meds for now. Just my thoughts only. We all have so much strength on these sights together and WE DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. We have great Qualities in each one of us. Love ya all! Cat

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@catcatanzaro60 I'm glad to hear you are dancing to music that is cool. Music is good exercise whatever you do just move. As we get older our life changes our mind is still young and think we can still do things we did in our younger years but our body says no,no not young anymore. We do have to adjust to this. God is very important to your life and maybe getting back into reading the Bible will help you 3 books I like are Isaiah Psalms and Proverbs and the New testament whatever you want to read there is a message there . I think when we get older we realize the unknown is a wonder but shouldn't be scary . You do have a lot to offer I think you just need to figure it out then go for it and yes Let go and Let God . There is a saying God takes care of those who take care of themselves. No one else can do it . We are strong together as mamacita says.


@lioness Thank you so much Cat

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@catcatanzaro60 Your welcome If I have helped you I'm glad you are the only one that can help so let yourself go for it build that bridge


That faithful companion morning anxiety still enjoys having mornings with me. I am thankful I made the choice to no longer use anxiety medications as I think these meds were not allowing me to work through some difficult areas in my life.
I am not being critical of others using them. I am saying what I believe is right for me. There were those times it was easier to take a pill than work through a panic attack. Being a creative person I have found I am more into the creative process. I can enjoy things more now.
Yes, the anxiety is still with me. Helps to come to the connect community. Thanks everyone!!

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