Morning Anxiety

Posted by anniegk @anniegk, Aug 10, 2017

How many of you that suffer from Panic, Anxiety and Depression find that their symptoms are worse in the morning and gradually get better towards evening?

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I do--Sometimes wish that the evening could start in the morning... Glad to know I'm not alone out there

This is the first time I have posted.. Hoping to hear from new friends with a similar disorder...

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Hi, @strongbutterfly - I like the name. It sounds like you escaped from your cocoon. What meds have you used that have helped with the anxiety? I've been taking Clonazepam (Klonopin) for 12+ years. I only take it at bedtime, but my prescription would allow me to take a second if needed. I'm sure that I would benefit from taking a second one, but usually I just don't think about it. I already sleep too much, and I'm trying to cut back, and I'm afraid a daytime pill would compound the problem.

I hope you find the right help and treatment soon. I know you'd feel way better.



I am amazed at how many people have morning anxiety. I have also noticed a abundance of people that have Depression that gets better through the day. I was prescribed Buspirone to take 2 times a day morning and night for Anxiety. It seems to help some. Iam also on Seroquel and Mirtazapine. Iam pretty groggy the first part of the day. By evening, i. Feel pretty good.

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I'm on SERAQUEL & just have been prescribed BUSPIRONE WHICH I HAVEN't taken yet. Does BUSPIRONE help. ????


I am amazed at how many people have morning anxiety. I have also noticed a abundance of people that have Depression that gets better through the day. I was prescribed Buspirone to take 2 times a day morning and night for Anxiety. It seems to help some. Iam also on Seroquel and Mirtazapine. Iam pretty groggy the first part of the day. By evening, i. Feel pretty good.

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Iam on 300 mg Seroquel, 45 mg Mirtazapine and 10 mgs of Buspirone 2 times a day morning and night. The Buspirone seems to be working for me...especially the morning dose. Be patient as it can take several weeks for it to kick in and work.


I was told by the doctor l had anxiety and depression so l had to tell them no l didn't and maybe l was in denial but l found out some was medical and others was my medicine l was taking. Then l told my psychiatrist you would be depressed if you can't get out and go places because you haven't driven in a year. You.can go to your friends houses. You can't talk a lot to your friends because they are working. And you can't even keep your grandchildren in the day because your kids were after you would pass out. So l watch Christian TV that starts my day. Then l watch game shows to stimulate my mind to keep my memory sharp. I take my dogs for a walk. You want to hear something funny today l tried to take 3bat a time. I really think they were taking me because one would pull and then you would have to keep the other 2 on the right side or you would fall. Then l do my chores and l listen to music and then l look at HGTV to see how l would like to decorate my house. My husband hates that and now l am tiling my floor so l am always keeping busy. And now my doctor released me to drive. So now l am going to help people with disabilities. So l tried to drive around my addition and if feels like l am getting a driver permit. So l hope l helped you and l will be praying for you


I do--Sometimes wish that the evening could start in the morning... Glad to know I'm not alone out there

This is the first time I have posted.. Hoping to hear from new friends with a similar disorder...

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Sorry you are feeling so bad. It does sound that you also have depression.


Was diagnosed with diurnal anxiety, depression because of having anxiety/depression as soon as I wake up. I will defer to the NIH research on this subject and explanation with examples. I have it but did not have it all of my life, I know what it feels like to wake up happy and feeling loved. Also, when my husband was so sick I woke up gasping for breath, hated to wake up, why could I not just sleep the day away. Who knows? I do now have a Bi-Pap for sleep apnea, and know that I have to get out of bed right away to change my feelings, mood, changing my positions...going vertical from horizontal changes my mind...would it be something for all of us to celebrate if we were made aware that our bodies were made this way, and we did not have to feel guilty about feeling this way when we would like to feel grateful we woke up to a good day ahead. Love to not feel responsible for my mind, feelings having nothing to do with my individual life. How can we get rid of it for good...?

Thanks for any comments.



I am amazed at how many people have morning anxiety. I have also noticed a abundance of people that have Depression that gets better through the day. I was prescribed Buspirone to take 2 times a day morning and night for Anxiety. It seems to help some. Iam also on Seroquel and Mirtazapine. Iam pretty groggy the first part of the day. By evening, i. Feel pretty good.

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@derryman - I certainly understand how you feel. I've been taking meds for a number of things, especially for depression and anxiety. They have a profound effect on our view of life. I go through times when it appears pointless and like I'm just existing.

I know that the few things I do to reach outside my home help me with that. I was a hospice volunteer for several years, visiting patients in their homes or hospitals or wherever they were. The Hospice administration decided to draw up guidelines for volunteers' dogs, and I have a service dog, who is always with me, whom they wanted me to put through a therapy dog training. I have a service dog to tend to me, not to provide therapy to other people. The patients all loved my dog, and I trained my dogs to interact with patients, if they wanted to. Of course, every time I saw a patient the first time, I told them about my dog, and get their permission to bring her in the room or house. A few had pets in the house, so that automatically meant that my dog waited in the car if there was a shady place to park. All of that wasn't enough for the administrators. Of course, ADA regulations require that my dog has to be permitted in any place open to the public, but that doesn't seem to matter. I didn't want to stop visiting, but I wasn't really given a choice. That was hard for me to deal with because it was part of my mental health therapy, and I lost one of the few reasons to continue living.

Sorry for going on. I find myself doing that. I still visit one of the patients because I'd been seeing her for a year, and my visits mean a lot to her. Sometimes, knowing that I have a therapy session coming up is what keeps me going. One other thing that helps me is playing the piano for a Sunday night service at church.

Have you had interests in the past that you enjoyed?

I'm sorry you're at such a low place. I know it's really a miserable place. I hope you are able to get some help.



I spent years in dresses and now do not even own one...I am always casual. The fact that this guy commented on your appearance says a lot about him and his attitude. Smart to walk a way @danybegood1 . I have found it difficult to get the medical people to take my pain seriously because of mental health history. Once many of them see depression they cease listening. Walked a way from all professionals for 6 months-I went back only to be diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic by a GP and again no one would listen. I had been w/o thyroid meds for a long time-once one has a mental health history it seems life is over. A misdiagnosis by a GP (also their GP) has cost me my family who believed her and I stopped taking that nasty anti psychotic and am still endeavoring to get my life back. Did get referred to a cardiologist so finally someone listened. Working hard at keeping anxiety down as I do have a grandson. I don't want him growing up believing he has a crazy grandma because of the ignorance of others. When allowed some quality time we have so much fun together. I so dislike being stereotyped by others. I feel so happy when I am allowed some quality time with him. I am always consistent.
So now trying to calm myself as I do not want to have a stroke or cause any one any problems. Very discouraged. Coming here to express my feelings does help. No one sees the depressed me as I am always smiling when with others. Sometimes I just go to a store and walk around to be around other people.
I do what I can to keep my spirits up. I learned the hard way to not allow others to advocate for me. At least now I can do some art work and drive myself to do errands and play in the dirt in the summer.
Living in an apartment has been difficult to adjust to-I now have houseplants in for the winter. My home is my studio-I always wanted a studio and now I have one. Walls are filled with paintings. A studio and home all in one.
Apologize for rambling. Trying to create my own happy little world. At least I have food and shelter and can keep my bills paid. Far better off than many.
No one here asked for their anxiety.


I spent years in dresses and now do not even own one...I am always casual. The fact that this guy commented on your appearance says a lot about him and his attitude. Smart to walk a way @danybegood1 . I have found it difficult to get the medical people to take my pain seriously because of mental health history. Once many of them see depression they cease listening. Walked a way from all professionals for 6 months-I went back only to be diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic by a GP and again no one would listen. I had been w/o thyroid meds for a long time-once one has a mental health history it seems life is over. A misdiagnosis by a GP (also their GP) has cost me my family who believed her and I stopped taking that nasty anti psychotic and am still endeavoring to get my life back. Did get referred to a cardiologist so finally someone listened. Working hard at keeping anxiety down as I do have a grandson. I don't want him growing up believing he has a crazy grandma because of the ignorance of others. When allowed some quality time we have so much fun together. I so dislike being stereotyped by others. I feel so happy when I am allowed some quality time with him. I am always consistent.
So now trying to calm myself as I do not want to have a stroke or cause any one any problems. Very discouraged. Coming here to express my feelings does help. No one sees the depressed me as I am always smiling when with others. Sometimes I just go to a store and walk around to be around other people.
I do what I can to keep my spirits up. I learned the hard way to not allow others to advocate for me. At least now I can do some art work and drive myself to do errands and play in the dirt in the summer.
Living in an apartment has been difficult to adjust to-I now have houseplants in for the winter. My home is my studio-I always wanted a studio and now I have one. Walls are filled with paintings. A studio and home all in one.
Apologize for rambling. Trying to create my own happy little world. At least I have food and shelter and can keep my bills paid. Far better off than many.
No one here asked for their anxiety.

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So beautifully expressed, @parus. I'm sure your words will strike a familiar chord with many in our Mental Health discussion group. There is something about being "labeled" that makes us more suspicious of how we are being treated and whether or not we are being taken seriously. That is one reason why I encourage everyone to be their own patient advocate - learn as much about their physical and emotional health and go into appointments well prepared to ask good questions and take charge of the appointment.

I so appreciate your input. Keep posting - we need to hear about your proactive approach to, "Trying to create my own happy little world."



Labels are nothing we should hang our hats or wardrobe on, or base our abilities to. Therapists, in my history with them (good), either clinical social workers or psychologist, started by evaluating my thinking skills. Being "happy" started after getting proper rest, nutrition, and exercise. Medications and treatment alone could not create my "happy place". If we, the patient, commit to massive efforts (inputs) for measures of accuracy (informed evaluations) happiness can be achieved. Mental health wellness is not a "dry cleaner" type business, it take hard work and possibly switching therapists and.medications several times to find the path to a solution.

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