Depression, fibromyalgia and spinal degeneration

Posted by virtuous69 @virtuous69, Jul 20, 2017

Hello. I have Fibro and moderate to severe spinal degeneration, age 69 and husband 78. I've had to let our once per month housecleaner and once per month gardener go due to loss of income. We live in Silicon Valley way beyond our income and due to my illness, can't keep house up.Its trashed. Husband works 3 days per week. End of month is scary financially and husband gets very depressed, sarcastic and a real worry wort. His depression sinks me down like I'm drowning. His company took all medical and vacation/sick time away from grandfathered in employees. I can't take walks due to degenerative back, we have our Christian faith, but I honestly need to get away from my husband sometimes. My best friend and other confidents have died or moved away. Both of us need to have some fun. Our beautiful church and home group of 15 years has disbanded....they were like family. No money, no health...struggling to keep a cheerful and grateful attitude. Our PC doc gives me a mild anti -depression med. Husband is losing his hearing and that causes all kinds of arguments.But doc doesn't give him anything to keep him calm.. There is no free counseling or housekeeping help available to us. I take Advil and Norco for my pain. It's like just waiting for the grave. ---Virtuous69

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@any moderator. Getting error msgs like "We're sorry, but we experienced an issue creating this comment please try again." Would really help if I could talk to someone especially about the money issues when we need help and want to go do something to help ourselves we need opportunities and money to do so. Somebody
Write back to me so I don't feel so alone out here in this desert.


Hello @virtuous69 Nice to e-meet you here even under your difficult conditions. I am Scott and while my wife battled brain cancer for 14+ years I was her primary caregiver. Lost my job for the last five of it and was just caregiving.

It is good to know you are both at least of age to be covered under Medicare! My wife and I were too young for it and that added a whole different level of stress. Caregiving and chronic conditions are taxing for anyone, especially when it involves our loved ones. I am not a medical care professional at all, so I only speak from my personal experiences.

My wife and I had to give up all of our help during her illness as well. It was always a house of cards, where the smallest change or expense would add stress and cause the house to shudder, shake, fall apart a bit, but thankfully we were able to keep going. Maintenance went on full-time delay 🙂 Not only for our house, but also for me. Do you know if your area has any nonprofits that offer hearing aid assistance? That might help. I know from my own hearing loss it can be quite exasperating and frustrating for both sides of a conversation and cause even more feelings of isolation.

I had to totem everything we did based on my wife's needs. For a variety of reasons most of our friends and family departed from our lives and our community is one of mostly second homes so the local support was nonexistent. We worked hard on maintaining just a few, cherished friendships, mostly long distance, as best we could. We ended up with one each, but they were lifesavers to each of us at different times.

Quality, private time is a hard thing to come by when you have a loved one dependent on you, that is for sure. I never figured that one out, except I took to getting up at 2 am so I had a couple of solitary hours to myself before my wife's next medicines, etc. Clearly not a viable option for all, but it worked for me and now I find I am actually a morning person (for the first time in my life) and I like it.

I wish there was a magic button or potion, perhaps a genie in a lamp to help in these situations. Moving can sometimes be an option, but in our case the market for homes in our area was not able to afford us that as an option.

Have you contacted your local Office on Aging? Are you or your husband a veteran? The VA has some good resources too.

Peace & Strength

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Hi @virtuous Scott here. Sorry to hear your challenges continue.

I, too, have been having a bit of a tough go of it lately. One of those times when nothing seems to turn out as I had hoped and then I get to missing my wife in a huge way, which leads me down the dang rabbit hole even further, but at least it is sunny today!

Remember -- dust bunnies never hurt anyone! No matter how large they get! They may multiply like, well, rabbits, but so what? The only garbage I worried about was anything with food in it -- the other junk just lived on its own and without my care or concern. Yes, it was a mess, but as caregivers we all know there is never enough time nor energy to "do it all". Remember, too, none of us are super heros, so we can only do as much as we can and that differs from person to person.

I had to laugh the other day when I came across an advertisement from an investment company "telling" caregivers we 'had to maintain balance.' Obviously written by someone perhaps well meaning, but I am 99.9% (like Ivory Soap) sure they aren't a caregiver. I gave up ever even thinking about balance in favor of simply maintaining! This is why I really try and preface any suggestions I have as "this is what worked for me" and not "do this". Each patient, disease, situation, caregiver, etc. is unique and therefore advice must be administered as an option and not a requirement. Our medical professionals do all the requiring our patients' need. They require we give medications, clean up, get check-ups, etc. for our patients. Pretty much after that we, as chief cooks and bottle washers, are on our own.

My tip on the floors, as my back is bad too and I have a bad knee is that I took to 'skating' the floors, which is something my wife used with our children to get them to have fun helping. I would take two damp (not wet so they are not too slippery) rags, put one under each foot, and 'skate' on the floor to clean them. Way easier on the back and knees and it fell into the 'good enough' category while I was actively caregiving.

You got this -- you are already doing it -- many of us here are totally proud of you!

I wish you continued strength, courage, and peace!


Hello @virtuous,

I’m sorry that you’re in so much pain; please believe me when I say that you are not alone. It may look incredibly bleak right now, but by joining this wonderful Connect community you don't have to journey through this alone.

I sincerely encourage you to keep doing the things necessary to maintain your daily balance; keeping a routine for sleeping, eating, exercising, etc. sounds trivial, but it can be a huge jump-start towards not feeling so stuck or trapped. When we think of the "whole big picture" or how our future will unfold, we tend to get overwhelmed – instead, start by taking care of the little things, and more often than not, the rest will follow.

@virtuous, do have any local community resources you could approach? Could you consider joining another church or parish group?


Dear Indianascott:. Thank you for your reply. I meant to write back to you for some time now but could never find the time. Re- read your posts and I'm absolutely amazed at what you had to go through. I think your wife must have been a remarkable woman. I'm sorry you lost her , I'm hoping you both are persons of Faith so that you have a future in Eternity. I think the thing that makes me sad is as you were talking about all the medical bills yet still piling up and having to be paid off when here we are in our supposedly golden age. It did help me put things in perspective a little bit but today I'm having a pity party because I have a lot to do and after sitting in my car and in the local food bank for 3 hours yesterday, it did a number on my back .I went grocery shopping last night with my husband late and I could barely walk: my hips were really giving me a problem so that I had to come home and sit on ice. Viodin + advil not doing much for me these last days and we are in the middle of yet another Calif heat layer that really fouls up my fibromyalgia and hip bursitis. Today I have a lot to do and at 12:15 pm am laying on heating pad and hoping the Vicodin will kick in soon. Computer chair and long car sits do a number on my posture. Yet another potential day wasted. My husband was in the army during Korea, and at end of boot camp was honorably discharged due to back issues and marital problems at home. His wife at the time was busy running around with another man and sent him a Dear John Letter. So we found that he's not eligible for any veterans benefits. Many agencies that I have called for help are paid for services at discounted rates for seniors. At this point we have no Dinero, and like yourself you mentioned your house and the maintenance Etc had to go by the wayside while you were a caregiver .My mobile home has become trashed and full of clutter so that a housekeeper could not make her way through and there were several opportunities that fell apart to help me. I think the fire marshal would have a field day if he came inside my house so I have learned not to be ashamed that I do the best I can and when I have those few pain-free hours I find I call that a blessing and I work as hard and fast as I can to do what I can but each day actually the mess and the Clutter the dust it said it just gets worse. So trying to work on the corner or some project a little of the time is the best I can do but for some reason it's one step forward and three steps back. your description sounds like you know exactly what that's like. In my prayer life I think I heard God tell me just "go from strength-to-strength; I am with you I'm never going to leave you and just do the best you can when you don't feel well or when you do feel well go from strength to strength with My grace". Why this house has to be be cluttered I think because it's hard for me to bend and it's painful, hard for me to put my clothes away , pots and pans away Etc and I usually can only stand for 15 minutes at a time before the pain Creeps in. My attitude is usually pretty good and I'm not usually feeling sorry for myself except on occasion and today is one of those days. I enjoy reading your reply to other people's posts and about reading ,writing . Have 3 books encouraging u plots I want to publish. unfortunately I can't do any hobbies there's a lot that I would like to do because there is so much to do in the house and in the huge Garden space surrounding all mobile home. And we've been told we must move. this place is far too big for us and yet I don't know where to go or what to do Senior postage -stamp size apts tell us we make too much money.. So I'll Keep On Truckin and looking for your posts and replies to others if any of you other people in the discussion group for depression just feel like you've just had it you can't go on another day I would love to read your posts. You also mentioned that the market situation in your area did not make it possible for you to move. I'm stuck in the exact situation .our housing outstrips our income but for the life of me I do not know how or where to go and my husband does not want to move so I'm hoping for a brainstorm of ideas and that God will just guide me to know what I'm supposed to do. Pity gets me no where God bless you, Indiana Scott

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@virtuous69 Hi, was just reading your post. Would you consider moving to Tucson, Az.? It is a lot cheaper than where you are. I had read that your hubby does not want to move. What is holding him back? Please don't say the children... because if they aren't helping you out, they should not be a consideration. The sun shines 354 days out of the year, or something like that. That is good for depression. There is lots of social help available there also. Lots of retirees also. Just a thought.


@indiana Scott. Hi Scott, I wonder if its because I didn't use The @ symbal. I spent two hours with stylus on smart phone at 3AM-- I'll tell you more about it later. Now, trying to unsubscribe from the MAC/MAI Discussion group. Hundreds of posts clogging my email inbox. Kind posters have sent me directions and I'm having a whale of a time getting to where I'm supposed to click on to unsubscribe. PLEASE WISH ME LUCK. THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY HOURS IN THE DAY, AND I SPEND THEM ALL TRYING TO FIX THINGS, COMPUTER, MOUSE, SMART PHONE, AND DON'T GET ANY HOUSEWORK OF ANY KIND DONE. THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN AROUND THE HOUSE, ETC. TALK TO YOU SOON. DORI

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@virtuous Hi Dori. I have seen your occasional posts about wanting to disconnect from the MAC group. You may want to reconsider. Seeing our posts might make you grateful for what you have verses what we have. At least you can breathe and don't have bacterias that are constantly trying to kill you. Believe me, I am not making light of what you are dealing with. I have two immediate members of my family that have/had bi-polar disorder and a nephew with schizophrenia. I KNOW how dibilitating depression is. I have MAC and have ZERO energy like someone would with fibromyalgia or really bad lupus. I have read your posts about your housework getting away from you. I totally get that. My downstairs stays pretty tidy, but my bedroom and other rooms upstairs are the pits. I only have four hours out of a day to be a human being. I cannot get going until after 12 noon. I have two hours of breathing treatments in the a.m. and then two more hours in the p.m. I hit a brick wall by 3:30 in the afternoon and usually nap until 5 or 6. Get through dinner, walk my dog, do my two hours of treatments, shower, and get into bed.
For some fortunate reason, I am never depressed. My clutter gets on my nerves, but I keep chanting my motto: 'A little bit here, and a little bit there' gets the job done eventually. I have gotten rid of a bunch of stuff that was bogging me down, and reorganizing things to make my life easier. I can tell you this much; a cluttered environment will give you a cluttered mind. Just get rid of it!


@virtuous Hi Dori, I agree with what Kanaaz said with regards to the 'big picture'. It is easy to get overwhelmed when things have gotten away from you. I break my tasks down into small ones. I find that if I compartmentalize each thing or area, I do better. For example, when deciding what to tackle in your home: you could say to yourself, 'Just for today, all I have to do is Scrub the toilet. That's it. Next say, "all I have to do is , scrub the bathroom sink. Then, the next day give yourself a small task. Then, everyday give yourself a small task. Delegate to your husband too. You said his back hurts, let him fold laundry on the sofa. A little bit here and a little bit there gets the job done. One feels better when they are busy. That is my take anyway. Hugs, Terri


Hello @virtuous69 Nice to e-meet you here even under your difficult conditions. I am Scott and while my wife battled brain cancer for 14+ years I was her primary caregiver. Lost my job for the last five of it and was just caregiving.

It is good to know you are both at least of age to be covered under Medicare! My wife and I were too young for it and that added a whole different level of stress. Caregiving and chronic conditions are taxing for anyone, especially when it involves our loved ones. I am not a medical care professional at all, so I only speak from my personal experiences.

My wife and I had to give up all of our help during her illness as well. It was always a house of cards, where the smallest change or expense would add stress and cause the house to shudder, shake, fall apart a bit, but thankfully we were able to keep going. Maintenance went on full-time delay 🙂 Not only for our house, but also for me. Do you know if your area has any nonprofits that offer hearing aid assistance? That might help. I know from my own hearing loss it can be quite exasperating and frustrating for both sides of a conversation and cause even more feelings of isolation.

I had to totem everything we did based on my wife's needs. For a variety of reasons most of our friends and family departed from our lives and our community is one of mostly second homes so the local support was nonexistent. We worked hard on maintaining just a few, cherished friendships, mostly long distance, as best we could. We ended up with one each, but they were lifesavers to each of us at different times.

Quality, private time is a hard thing to come by when you have a loved one dependent on you, that is for sure. I never figured that one out, except I took to getting up at 2 am so I had a couple of solitary hours to myself before my wife's next medicines, etc. Clearly not a viable option for all, but it worked for me and now I find I am actually a morning person (for the first time in my life) and I like it.

I wish there was a magic button or potion, perhaps a genie in a lamp to help in these situations. Moving can sometimes be an option, but in our case the market for homes in our area was not able to afford us that as an option.

Have you contacted your local Office on Aging? Are you or your husband a veteran? The VA has some good resources too.

Peace & Strength

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Oh Scott : I just wrote you a long reply on a berry was getting to the end when all of a sudden my post went into the Twilight Zone. This is the second time this has happened to me. I cried when I read your last sentence that said other posters were proud of me. Right now I'm at my rope's end and as I wrote before it's a money issue it is Labor Day weekend it's also a heatwave here in California of 108 213 and we stayed indoors all day sitting in our lockers with the air conditioning on which is going to blow our monthly space rent way past what we can afford to pay. I mentioned that we had our car troubles and was able to get them out of the shop after we paid off our cars. We were so proud thinking we'd have a little extra money and then Bingo both cars acted up and we spent much money all trying to get the cars out of the shop so our kids are off camping having a blast even though it's hot they're always out camping doing something fun and my husband and I just sit here because all we do is pay bills. I had to laugh at your face Chief cook and bottle washer that's exactly what I am at the first thing I think of when my back starts hurting stops hurting as I got to get up and do dishes and then I have to feed my husband. I do try to plan to get something done each day but I've got new developments I've discovered that after 2 years of no dental care and no dental insurance not only do I have a massive cavity on the bottom that I have to leave alone and we have no insurance that I have a huge abscess that I can feel on the outside of my face even between two teeth and a failed root canal. So my husband took out dental insurance but it will not cover any Majors like root canals extractions or anything for one full year so I'm taking a highly powerful antibiotic that I have to separate from my other meds and sitting around Labor Day weekend all day all three days and I mobile home is just been depressing as all get-out it was even too hot to try to go to a local park 113° I just want some fun in my life and I know I must be a burden on my husband. He loves me dearly but I'm waiting for the heating pad and the pain meds to kick in before I can get out of bed. I love your idea about skating the kitchen floor I think my stepmother and I did that once on hardwood floors for waxing but I have filthy bathroom floors that get dirty so fast from tracking in Tire dust we live in a Vortex of trains planes and semis going up the hill all belching out diesel fluid or dust if you will. I can't take it anymore I'm even beginning to think a little bit about ending at all even though I don't think about being of the real things like taking extra pills or cutting myself or anything that you have to report to social workers it's just I don't want to do it anymore I just want the Lord to send me a little bit of joy in my life just a little. And I can imagine how you're feeling about your wife. A good friend of ours passed away at 870 all they lived in I believe Tennessee and her husband is so lonely at all of us miss her terribly she was the light of our life a good Mentor to me when they lived in California and there's just a big vacant hole. So my heart aches for you. But right now I can't stand the three it is no such thing as dust bunnies where we live because it's a whole house is carpeted except for kitchen we used to have this bunnies when we lived back East where everything was hard wood floors. Right now it's just dirty crumbs all over the floors Grime ground into the bathroom floors and once in awhile I just get disgusted and make an attempt to do something the other reason I'm depressed is it's been between 108 and 113 here and we're sweating buckets and it's too hot to go outside and everything needs to be watered and trimmed and bushes are dying. in times past we would go to the park and just sit and watch the geese but it's too hard to hot rather to go out to these parks. It's cooler today my son is coming back from his camping trip and all they do is party and barbecue and it makes us feel so old and decrepit. I'm 69 and I just feel like life is passing me by with so many hurts. I have a thankful attitude and most of the time I can get myself out of this funk and get going. I think the depression is compounded by this very strong antibiotic and my poor husband I'm probably depressing the stars out of him and we don't know what to do for recreation because there's hardly any money to go out and get a cup of coffee because we just signed up for a new dental program and that will not take care of my necessary redo of a root canal or a tooth extraction for one solid year so there there's my pity pity party sorry to rant on and on but so grateful to be able to tell somebody at hearted I'm bored out of my wits and I want a little bit more fun than watching dr. Oz during the day cuz I'm really not a TV Watcher in the daytime but then I'm going to go out and cook up some lunch slash breakfast and like you said she's cooking bottle-washer that's all I do is cook do laundry and clean the occasional toilet and go outside and water after the temperature has dropped. Feeling sorry for myself here virtuous 69 knowing that God loves me but I sure could use just a little tad of joy in my life.


Hello @virtuous69 Nice to e-meet you here even under your difficult conditions. I am Scott and while my wife battled brain cancer for 14+ years I was her primary caregiver. Lost my job for the last five of it and was just caregiving.

It is good to know you are both at least of age to be covered under Medicare! My wife and I were too young for it and that added a whole different level of stress. Caregiving and chronic conditions are taxing for anyone, especially when it involves our loved ones. I am not a medical care professional at all, so I only speak from my personal experiences.

My wife and I had to give up all of our help during her illness as well. It was always a house of cards, where the smallest change or expense would add stress and cause the house to shudder, shake, fall apart a bit, but thankfully we were able to keep going. Maintenance went on full-time delay 🙂 Not only for our house, but also for me. Do you know if your area has any nonprofits that offer hearing aid assistance? That might help. I know from my own hearing loss it can be quite exasperating and frustrating for both sides of a conversation and cause even more feelings of isolation.

I had to totem everything we did based on my wife's needs. For a variety of reasons most of our friends and family departed from our lives and our community is one of mostly second homes so the local support was nonexistent. We worked hard on maintaining just a few, cherished friendships, mostly long distance, as best we could. We ended up with one each, but they were lifesavers to each of us at different times.

Quality, private time is a hard thing to come by when you have a loved one dependent on you, that is for sure. I never figured that one out, except I took to getting up at 2 am so I had a couple of solitary hours to myself before my wife's next medicines, etc. Clearly not a viable option for all, but it worked for me and now I find I am actually a morning person (for the first time in my life) and I like it.

I wish there was a magic button or potion, perhaps a genie in a lamp to help in these situations. Moving can sometimes be an option, but in our case the market for homes in our area was not able to afford us that as an option.

Have you contacted your local Office on Aging? Are you or your husband a veteran? The VA has some good resources too.

Peace & Strength

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Scott, I sent this post with out correcting mistakes because I had almost finished his post and then my smart phone lost it. So I had to retype it all over again and send before my smart phone went and sent it into the Twilight Zone again. Now on my computer I know that unfinished emails Etc get put into my draft folder but when it comes to my smartphone I have no idea where unfinished posts go they seem to go into the Twilight Zone. so please try to read between the lines and ignore the crazy mistakes okay thanks.. so part of my depression is that this abscess between two teeth is gone clear up near my sinus cavities and once the medication is over with I still don't have the money to go get a redo root canal or tooth extraction as they want the money up front. so thank you for letting me rant and if any of you out there are in the same situation or have an encouraging word I 'd sure love to hear from you. I don't know what up what I would do without Scott's posts. have a safe Labor Day weekend and lifting up all of you in prayer who've been hit by the Texas hurricanes and floods moving up into different states.may God bless you, encourage you ,and help you meet all of your needs. love virtuous 69 Dori


@virtuous Hi Dori, I agree with what Kanaaz said with regards to the 'big picture'. It is easy to get overwhelmed when things have gotten away from you. I break my tasks down into small ones. I find that if I compartmentalize each thing or area, I do better. For example, when deciding what to tackle in your home: you could say to yourself, 'Just for today, all I have to do is Scrub the toilet. That's it. Next say, "all I have to do is , scrub the bathroom sink. Then, the next day give yourself a small task. Then, everyday give yourself a small task. Delegate to your husband too. You said his back hurts, let him fold laundry on the sofa. A little bit here and a little bit there gets the job done. One feels better when they are busy. That is my take anyway. Hugs, Terri

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Windwalker. I agree with all of you. But forget about delegating anything to my husband. He loves me, prays for me and won't lift a finger. Period. I'll do it later, and 3 weeks go by.Original Archie Bunker. But I'm no Edith. He does what little he wants WHeN he wants.He has become sloppy and contributes to our mess. That,s why I joined the depression Discussion Group. I need to vent! Now I have a painful dental abscess ,on powerful antibiodic, and need immediate root canal or teeth extraction. Husband just took out dental insurance which Will not cover these majors for one year. After back and rotator cuff pain subsides I usually fix a meal run Laundry, and water outside. Heat wave CA has been thru Labor Day weekend has been unbearable. I do better when my husband is at work for 3 days. He brings great depression into our house. He relies on me his social calendar. Nothing on the radar without pocket change...have paid up .most of our monthly bills. Will get up now and fix us a meal. Stand ding on God,s promises and asking Him for motivation to get going. Nice to hear from you. Dori.


@virtuous Hi Dori, I agree with what Kanaaz said with regards to the 'big picture'. It is easy to get overwhelmed when things have gotten away from you. I break my tasks down into small ones. I find that if I compartmentalize each thing or area, I do better. For example, when deciding what to tackle in your home: you could say to yourself, 'Just for today, all I have to do is Scrub the toilet. That's it. Next say, "all I have to do is , scrub the bathroom sink. Then, the next day give yourself a small task. Then, everyday give yourself a small task. Delegate to your husband too. You said his back hurts, let him fold laundry on the sofa. A little bit here and a little bit there gets the job done. One feels better when they are busy. That is my take anyway. Hugs, Terri

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@virtuous - How long have you been married? I am at an Emerald "Double Nickels" 55 & counting... Is your husband a "Slow Learner?" What does he not understand about the "Do" in "I Do?" Inform him that @catgic Sez the utterance of the "Until Death 'Do' Us Part...I Do" on your Wedding Day means he signed up for "HONEY DO DUTY FOR LIFE." Just saying... B|

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