This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@jeanne5009 Hi there! Yes I'm from London Ontario. I just received the new liver and had my transplant here University Hospital Transplant Clinic.. needless to say I am ecstatic!

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@gaylea1, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing with your recovery? I know that the post transplant period it is a busy time, and sometimes can become complicated with setbacks. I hope that you are making progress and will be able to enjoy some holiday time with your loved ones.


@rosemarya I am amazed at how awesome you are that you remember everyone so well and truly connect with them. What a kind person you are!

I have not started packing yet. I plan to do that the weekend of December 15 as we would leave home on December 18. We did buy loose fitting sweat pants and shirts, comfortable slip on shoes, pillow. So it is just a matter of putting them in a bag. I am planning to pack my make up kit, personal hygiene items, chapstick, socks. My husband gifted me a new laptop and a wireless headset that I need to pack too. I don't mean to sound braggy but little things make me happy. Someone at my workplace told me to enjoy the 8 weeks off of work and I said I will! I am hoping that everything goes well. Let us see.

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@taarthi, I Hope that you are packed and ready for your big event. I want you to know that I will be thinking of you this week. Hugs.


@gaylea1, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing with your recovery? I know that the post transplant period it is a busy time, and sometimes can become complicated with setbacks. I hope that you are making progress and will be able to enjoy some holiday time with your loved ones.

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@gaylea1 I agree with Rosemary in hoping that you are making progress. Please update us when you feel up to it.


@taarthi, I Hope that you are packed and ready for your big event. I want you to know that I will be thinking of you this week. Hugs.

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@taarthi you must be getting really excited to see the end of your pain finally in sight. I can almost feel that myself, vicariously.


@gaylea1, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing with your recovery? I know that the post transplant period it is a busy time, and sometimes can become complicated with setbacks. I hope that you are making progress and will be able to enjoy some holiday time with your loved ones.

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Merry Christmas! 2019 should be looking real good to you


@jeanne5009 I have to get on the bandwagon of cookie making too but my son and daughter will not be here until the 26th so I have some time, except for people I want to gift with goodies.
I was like you with drinking. I did drink a glass of wine each evening with dinner and I still miss that but I gave it up of course. I learned a lesson from that too. My son and husband often gifted me with wines more expensive than I would purchase so those were put aside for a special occasion or for when I felt like indulging myself. I ended up having to give them away since most were white or mild reds and my husband, son, and daughter, like cabs.

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I have so much to do I don't miss it is at a all. No big a deal


Well I just got back from Mayo ..I had a liver transplant 20 years ago and now my kidneys are failing from the drugs .. So I was put on the list but my sister went to get tested this week and we found out she is a perfect match !!!! So before we left we picked a day and I will be having surgery on the 21 year anniversary of my liver transplant March 8 2019 !! So in 10 weeks we will be back down to Mayo for the big day .... I was kinda wondering For the people out there who had a kidney transplant how long was you stay in the hospital and then how long did you have to stay in the area ? Linda want to get some kind of idea cause I’m looking at renting an apartment or you can do it Daily ??? Also anything else I need to prepare ahead of time .. obviously work and insurance... please let me know and Happy Holidays to all !!
Thanks Rose


I had kidney transplant 8 mos ago at Mayo Rochester. I was told to plan on a four week stay. It turned out to a few days less. I was in the hospital for 5 days, but could have been 4 days if I hadn’t had a problem with diarrhea. The Gift of Life transplant house is a place that’s very reasonable for you and a caretaker. My family and I rented a home from Airbnb which was perfect for us. My daughter was the donor. She was in the hospital 3 nights, but she could have gone home a day earlier also, but chose to stay because of shoulder/chest pain from the air inflation. She took 4 weeks off, but could have gone back sooner. It depends on how physical your job is. My insurance paid for gas, lodging and parking. I was very grateful for that!


Well I just got back from Mayo ..I had a liver transplant 20 years ago and now my kidneys are failing from the drugs .. So I was put on the list but my sister went to get tested this week and we found out she is a perfect match !!!! So before we left we picked a day and I will be having surgery on the 21 year anniversary of my liver transplant March 8 2019 !! So in 10 weeks we will be back down to Mayo for the big day .... I was kinda wondering For the people out there who had a kidney transplant how long was you stay in the hospital and then how long did you have to stay in the area ? Linda want to get some kind of idea cause I’m looking at renting an apartment or you can do it Daily ??? Also anything else I need to prepare ahead of time .. obviously work and insurance... please let me know and Happy Holidays to all !!
Thanks Rose

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@threerrr3 Congrats on the long-lived liver transplant. Yes, the anti-rejection meds play havoc on the kidneys. My suggestion is to ask the transplant coordinator for their thoughts on your upcoming stay and recovery. Congratulations on having a living donor in your sister!


@threerrr3 Congrats on the long-lived liver transplant. Yes, the anti-rejection meds play havoc on the kidneys. My suggestion is to ask the transplant coordinator for their thoughts on your upcoming stay and recovery. Congratulations on having a living donor in your sister!

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Thank you !!

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