Lung nodules & scared!

Posted by pattymac @pattymac, Mar 19, 2017

March 1, 2017 at 7:44 pm
I had a Ct in December 2016,showed 3 nodules 6mm,5mm&4mm in right upper lobe! Last week I had a Ct bc of a different issue and ER Dr told me I had 1 nodule in my right upper lobe that was 8mm and subpleural and a tiny subleural nodule in my left lower lone and small scattered lymph nodes throughout the paratracheal region? What does this mean?Pulmononlogist called finally after a few weeks and finally radiology compared both Cts and was told I need Pet Scan which is next Tuesday. I feel frozen and numb! He said it was triangular in shape and something about right hiler? Gosh I can't even think. Advice please

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Hello, I am sorry you are going through this right now. I am sending prayers your way. Please keep in mind that PET SCANS contain Glucose to help detect the cancerous cells BUT THAT IS SUGAR which feeds the cancer and makes it grow aggressively. PLEASE CONSIDER LIMITING THESE PET SCANS IF AT ALL! My sisters lung cancer spread VERY VERY AGGRESSIVELY in one week through her entire body, lymph nodes, liver, spine, intestines, abdomen, neck. SUGAR FEEDS CANCER!

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Hello, I am sorry you are going through this right now. I am sending prayers your way. Please keep in mind that PET SCANS contain Glucose to help detect the cancerous cells BUT THAT IS SUGAR which feeds the cancer and makes it grow aggressively. PLEASE CONSIDER LIMITING THESE PET SCANS IF AT ALL! My sisters lung cancer spread VERY VERY AGGRESSIVELY in one week through her entire body, lymph nodes, liver, spine, intestines, abdomen, neck. SUGAR FEEDS CANCER!

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@marzz, understood and totally accepted .. sending you a hug! Katherine


Hello, I am sorry you are going through this right now. I am sending prayers your way. Please keep in mind that PET SCANS contain Glucose to help detect the cancerous cells BUT THAT IS SUGAR which feeds the cancer and makes it grow aggressively. PLEASE CONSIDER LIMITING THESE PET SCANS IF AT ALL! My sisters lung cancer spread VERY VERY AGGRESSIVELY in one week through her entire body, lymph nodes, liver, spine, intestines, abdomen, neck. SUGAR FEEDS CANCER!

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I personally love to bask in the sweet juice of an organic orange and inhale the aroma - now that's some goooood sugar! ; ) the sweetness, enzymes, and good lung vitamins from an organic raw red pepper are so sweet sweet too. ; )


Hello @pattymac: I'm so sorry to hear of the stress you are experiencing as a result of your test results. Sometimes we become our own worst enemy because we worry about things that haven't happened yet, don't we? I agree with much of what has been said so far. First, take a deep breath and don't jump to conclusions about your health or your future until you have spoken with the specialist which I believe will be Tuesday. Try to take care of yourself. Do those things that make you feel good, perhaps take a walk, meet a friend for lunch or see a movie. Don't assume any prognosis that hasn't yet been verified by a doctor and please don't believe that there is no cure for lung cancer. I have a friend at my church who had lung cancer treatment well over 5 years ago and is doing very well. It is good to follow a healthy diet, but try not to get pulled into a diet plan that will "cure what ails you" because it probably won't. Just eat healthy and keep your thoughts positive.I believe that positive thoughts can have a curative effect. I've had three occurrences of a rare type of cancer (carcinoid cancer, also known as neuroendocrine tumors) and I'm enjoying life and health and keeping positive regarding the future. Will you try to do the same? Best wishes and keep in touch with us. We are all pulling for you. Teresa

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@jms7, I need to know your first name! I just love your posts! Hugs to you! Katherine


I went to my appointment today which turned out ok. He was very nice and so happy I had brought pet Scan disk with me. He needed it he said that the other Pulmonologist and he had talked but needed to see Scan. When I asked if he thought it was cancer, he said as of now it's undefined? He thought we needed to do scope which he got me in next Wednesday. He didn't have any earlier. But he also told me we'll know what we're dealing with when he's done bc he has a pathologist that works with him right there @ hospital. I also lost 6 pounds ( which I need to), but I worry that it's the cancer although I am sticking with my calories via MyFitnessPal and stressed? Prayers

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@pattymac, Patty, I am sorry I have not been more available but I have been dealing with a family situation for the past 6 days and just now catching up. Since you have a doctor appt .. I was thinking .. below is a form I have in my File Cabinet for MY lung disease .. but it could be adapted for just about any medical issue if you wanted to .. take a look at it and see if it might help you think of things you might want to ask? Hope it helps a bit .. I will be thinking of you! Hugs! Katherine


This is the question form I use when I see my MAC/Bronchiectasis doctor. This is merely the form I put together for myself .. cut/pasted from numerous sources .. use it .. redesign it for your own needs or whatever. You could easily copy/paste/ADD SPACES FOR NOTES/redesign it for your own use. Hope it helps someone! Hugs! Katherine
Questions to Ask Your Doctor-LUNGS-MAI- Bronchiectasis
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
DOCTOR: _________________________________SPECIALTY______________________ DATE_______________
1. Where is the MAI/Bronchiectasis located currently? Are there new areas or new changes? At what stage would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10? How does it compare to my last appointment for each.
2. Are the drugs I am taking currently effective for the two mycobacterium/Bronchiectasis?
a. Are the dosing level for each medication effective or do they need to be adjusted? b. What period of time before one of the medications can be adjusted or eliminated?
3. Based on the current progress how long would you project that I would me to be on the medications?
4. What monitoring will I continue to need? When will I need my next: a. Follow up appointments with you? b. X-rays/ CT scans
c. Monthly Lab work
d. Hearing testing
e. Vision testing
f. Monthly salt induced Sputum Cultures (Hypertonic Saline Induced Sputum Culture)
5. How long would you anticipate the side effects of night sweats/sleep disturbance/fatigue/oral thrush/dry mouth/geographic tongue to continue? a. Do you have any suggestions for coping with the less serious side effects?
6. Do you agree with the current Medication Schedule I am following?
7. Do you suggest any other lung clearance devices? How often/when?
8. Can I still take my stated over the counter medicines/vitamins/supplements?
1. a. Spelling of new drug I will be taking b. dosing level of each new medication c. what period of time before the next medication d. how long do you expect me to be on the medications e. any new monitoring will I need f. any side effects will I likely to have g. which side effect should be reported immediately h. when/how do I take each of these medications/ what schedule should I follow
Make sure your Pulmonologist is doing a 'susceptibility panel' IN ADVANCE of going on that particular antibiotic to tell EXACTLY what your MAC will respond to and WHICH one of the few drugs that will work on that particular mycobacterium. This panel is done from a positive sputum culture or lavage of lung. Susceptibility testing is often ordered at the same time as a culture.
Susceptibility Testing for Mycobacteria
TESTING-baseline and periodic 1. Ethambutol – color vision and visual acuity: GET BASELINE PRIOR TO STARTING .. THEN QUARTERLY
2. Azithromycin – hearing and balance: GET BASELINE PRIOR TO STARTING .. THEN QUARTERLY
3. Rifampin - CBD (blood counts), liver and kidney function tests: GET BASELINE PRIOR TO STARTING .. THEN MONTHLY
BASELINE: HEARING AND VISION (Vision: Additional testing for eyes are use of the “eye chart” with letters read at 20 feet, and a red-green color book to distinguish changes in the ability to visualize colors.)
NOTE: Ethambutol – color vision and visual acuity – monthly ( Additional testing for eyes are use of the “eye chart” with letters read at 20 feet, and a red-green color book to distinguish changes in the ability to visualize colors.)
**** Lab tests:
CBC- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
ALT- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) LIVER
alk phosphatase- Alkaline Phosphatase - LIVER
serum creatinine-. Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance-SERUM CREATININE - KIDNEY
TESTING-AFTER ANTIBIOTIC TREATMENT ENDS I can ONLY speak for myself about what testing is correct after going off antibiotic treatment. Personally I had quarterly check ups with my doctor including sputum cultures initially .. then as he put the 'puzzle' together based on the results of the sputum culture/Xray/Pulmunary Testing ..deciding when to go to semi annual .. then to annual .. sometimes then back to semi annual. It is ALL up to your GOOD Infectious Disease doctor who is KNOWLEDGEABLE about MAC. But it is my understanding there SHOULD be follow up check ups to CONFIRM that the MAC in your lungs is STILL negative/NOT colonizing. Without CONTINUING checkups (I expect for my life time) we have NO idea if the MAC is colonizing .. OR IF we are still negative! Those nasty critters DON'T disappear .. just lie there in waiting .. that is why it is so important to take good care of ourselves .. eat healthy .. exercise .. stay positive .. be serene! Hope this is helpful. Katherine
TESTING RECOMMENDED FOR VITAMIN LEVELS 1. Ask for your VD-3 level to be checked .. they can get too low. Speak to your Doctor first .. but I took: NATURE MADE brand 5,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 (NOT VD) *From our member @tdrell Terri, my Primary Dr at NJH doubled the VD I take to 4000 units a day... my lab test showed I was at 50 and she said she likes to see it at 100.
2. Ask for your B-12 level to be checked .. they can get too low
3. Personally I always purchase the brand Nature Made vitamins for it's quality .. ' Nature Made is the first brand to earn the USP Verified Mark on one of its products, an independent certification for quality and purity.'
• Keep copies of all your lab work
• Keep your x-ray/CT scan films yourself, or consider having them done where they can be put on a CD

These questions were written from a patient’s perspective and are not intended as medical advice.
1. What do I have? How do you spell it. Where is it located?
2. Was drug sensitivity performed from a culture? (If not, can it be done while the sample is still viable?)
3. What drugs will I be taking?
a. What is the dosing level for each medication?
4. How long do you expect me to be on the medications?
5. What monitoring will I need? (See examples below)
6. How often will I have:
a. Follow up appointments with you?
b. X-rays/ CT scans
c. Lab work
d. Hearing testing (try to have hearing and vision tests done before starting your medications so they will have a baseline by which to judge any changes)
e. Vision testing
f. Sputum cultures
7. What side effects will I be likely to have?
a. Which should be reported immediately?
b. When/how do I take my medication?
c. Do you have any suggestions for coping with the less serious side effects? (see Treatment Tips from Other Patients for some helpful hints)
8. Will IV drugs be necessary?
9. Will I also need inhalers?
10. Should I use any device? (How often?)
11. Can I still take over the counter medicines/vitamins/supplements? (Be sure to tell your doctor about ALL nutritional supplements, herbs, or over the counter products that you take. These can interact with your medicines, or decrease their effectiveness.)
12. Would I be a candidate for surgery? Why/why not?
13. What if I lose my appetite?
14. What if I feel depressed?
15. Can I exercise? What kind of exercise?
16. What precautions should I take? Activities to avoid?
Some examples of the type of monitoring that may be needed – consult your physician:
Will I need bi-monthly lab work?
Some side effects are especially common with certain antibiotics and need their own specific tests.
Other things to consider:
• Keep copies of all your lab work
• Keep your x-ray/CT scan films yourself, or consider having them done where they can be put on a CD
Make sure your Pulmonologist is doing a 'susceptibility panel' IN ADVANCE of going on that particular antibiotic to tell EXACTLY what your MAC will respond to and WHICH one of the few drugs that will work on that particular mycobacterium. This panel is done from a positive sputum culture or lavage of lung. Susceptibility testing is often ordered at the same time as a culture.


I was so enjoying my own food posts I just clicked a heart on my own post tee hee hee!


Thank you and I'm staying on these discussion boards every night for support and so I don't fall apart again. I've managed to compose myself today.Im using deep breathing, talked to my priest, my mentor whom ironically thinks I'm his and looked into my beautiful new Grandaughters eyes and decided I was lyosing my faith and needed to get it back. God didn't bring me this far with going back to school,letting me spend so much time helping with grandchildren while son was in Iraq 3x,working for myself to fall now after a nasty divorce and losing most of my family(parents &4 brothers) not to be

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@pattymac, Patty, one of our community was in a similar situation .. lived on the East coast .. put a on her Facebook page .. received enough donations to come to Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Mn from family and friends! Just an idea/thought.

Also don't know if this would be helpful or not on the financial?: *From Colleen: Here is information about Mayo Clinic's Billing and Insurance which includes information about Charitable Care and Financial Assistance at Mayo Clinic

Just some thoughts .. don't know if it would help or not .. Hugs! Katherine


I able to pay it forward before I'm called home. I'm not saying I won't have a possible bump in the road ahead but I have to let go of what I can't control too.

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@pattymac, Patty, I love the saying "Put my energy into what I can control .. let go of what I CANNOT control .. the outcome!"
Hugs! Katherine


I able to pay it forward before I'm called home. I'm not saying I won't have a possible bump in the road ahead but I have to let go of what I can't control too.

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I went to my appointment today which turned out ok. He was very nice and so happy I had brought pet Scan disk with me. He needed it he said that the other Pulmonologist and he had talked but needed to see Scan. When I asked if he thought it was cancer, he said as of now it's undefined? He thought we needed to do scope which he got me in next Wednesday. He didn't have any earlier. But he also told me we'll know what we're dealing with when he's done bc he has a pathologist that works with him right there @ hospital. I also lost 6 pounds ( which I need to), but I worry that it's the cancer although I am sticking with my calories via MyFitnessPal and stressed? Prayers

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@pattymac I'm so pleased to hear that you were comfortable with the new doctor and that your appointment is next week. That will answer your questions and help relieve your worries. We are all still here listening and waiting with you. Keep in touch! Teresa

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