Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


Feel for you. Am in Texas and we can only get the pills and oil that don't have the THC in them. I have both and am not sure if they work for me, or not. In your place, I really would campaign for getting prescription. There has to be physician that is open to at least trying you with cbd/thc. I wish you the best. Please keep us informed. I'm sure there are others who have better experience with this than I.

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Thanks for reply. I am in province of British Columbia in Canada and am still seeing a doc that will prescribe cbd with thc balance. I look for pain management. Hydro morphine and tramadol not effective and I continue to experience spine pain. Anyone know if keytruda and cbd/thc are compatible?


Thanks for reply. I am in province of British Columbia in Canada and am still seeing a doc that will prescribe cbd with thc balance. I look for pain management. Hydro morphine and tramadol not effective and I continue to experience spine pain. Anyone know if keytruda and cbd/thc are compatible?

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Hi @tock, You'll find members talking about Keytruda and CBD/THC in these discussions, that include recent evidence regarding the potential drug interactions:
> Immunotherapy and chemo; Keytruda side effects
> Pembrolizumab (Keytruda), Cannabis and Cannabinoids
> Cannabis oil and Immunotherapy

You may also be interested in this discussion:
> Using CBD/THC Oil to fight metastatic lung cancer


Thanks for reply. I am in province of British Columbia in Canada and am still seeing a doc that will prescribe cbd with thc balance. I look for pain management. Hydro morphine and tramadol not effective and I continue to experience spine pain. Anyone know if keytruda and cbd/thc are compatible?

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@ tock- Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry that you are in so much pain. Have you spoken to your doctors about your pain medications not helping any more? Please be careful about mixing medications. Please let me know if the doctor changes your medications.


I am Kate and I have stage 4 nsclc. Diagnosed six years ago but, never ned. I hope to learn from others here and maybe find hope as a stage 4 pt with new growing nodules. Getting pretty down lately, I'm not a candidate for any of the immunotherapy drugs.


I am Kate and I have stage 4 nsclc. Diagnosed six years ago but, never ned. I hope to learn from others here and maybe find hope as a stage 4 pt with new growing nodules. Getting pretty down lately, I'm not a candidate for any of the immunotherapy drugs.

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Am relatively new to this group. Don't have any info about stage 4 nscic. What I can do is keep you in my prayers. I hope you will find help and encouragement here from more informed/knowledgeable people than I ,and know the is a great site for support.


I am Kate and I have stage 4 nsclc. Diagnosed six years ago but, never ned. I hope to learn from others here and maybe find hope as a stage 4 pt with new growing nodules. Getting pretty down lately, I'm not a candidate for any of the immunotherapy drugs.

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Good morning @imkate and welcome to Mayo Connect. I am a Mentor for Connect with plenty of history with NSCLC. I m 22 + yer survivor with 4 lung cancers. By saying that you have never been without lung cancer does that mean that you always have nodules in your lungs? I have multifocal adenocarcinoma of the lungs, which I believe you have just described. There re several of us on here with this cancer so you re not alone. What treatments have you had so far?
I'd also like you to meet @linda10; @bluelagoon; @meka; @ladylake; @teresaline


Good morning @imkate and welcome to Mayo Connect. I am a Mentor for Connect with plenty of history with NSCLC. I m 22 + yer survivor with 4 lung cancers. By saying that you have never been without lung cancer does that mean that you always have nodules in your lungs? I have multifocal adenocarcinoma of the lungs, which I believe you have just described. There re several of us on here with this cancer so you re not alone. What treatments have you had so far?
I'd also like you to meet @linda10; @bluelagoon; @meka; @ladylake; @teresaline

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@merpreb Thank you for the reply. How can I learn about this when oncologist has never given it a name or prognosis or tx plan? Where can I find your bio, having difficulty navigating the site. 🔩


@merpreb Thank you for the reply. How can I learn about this when oncologist has never given it a name or prognosis or tx plan? Where can I find your bio, having difficulty navigating the site. 🔩

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@imkate- I can imagine that it's pretty frustrating not knowing what you "have". This is one of the things I don't understand is when doctors who don't make sure that you're familiar with what is going on. Have you asked your Oncologist to identify your cancer? When you go to the doctors it's very important to have list of questions with you and to have someone with you. You might not know what some of the questions to ask but you certainly have some, and the doctor needs to answer everyone of them.
Here is a guide to work your way round Connect.

Here is my blog. It highlights my journey.
When is your next appointment with your oncologist? How is your breathing? I wish that I could reassure you that this cancer isn't as "bad" as other cancers. all cancers are bad. However if you do have multifocal adeno. it is very slow growing cancer.
Please feel free to ask me any questions or any of the other people that I have mentioned. I hope that you get back to me.

Hi @llwortman @burrkay @alicantina1 @merilee @alvinw @shortshot80 @mryzuch @amws @pearlgee @cheris @annette1 @cheris @windwalker @lesbatts @major @bestcare and @sistergoldenhair

I'd like to invite you to the new group dedicated to discussions about lung cancer. It's a space where we can ask questions, share tips and learn from each other. Whether you in treatment or caring for someone with lung cancer, or you're a lung cancer survivor, please join us.

Pull up a chair and tell us a bit about yourself.

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Glad for this group. Saw my PCP today post surgery--adenocarcinoma in right lower lung. Physical healing is coming along well according to her and according to how I"m feeling more the 50% of the time. Anyway, I have a copy of the path report from the surgery-the cancer is gone. However, path report shows the surgeon also found and removed a 3mm cancinoid turmorlet. Both lesions did not include other tissue, or lymph nodes. According to my doctor, these turmorlietbs can either occurring the lung itself, or originate in the intestinal area. Anyway, I will be under the observation and working my my oncologist. Has anyone else had one fo these tumorlets? Does anyone know more about them? There seems general, but not specific information about such things. At least the thing is also out of my lung. Thank you anyone for information about this finding.


@alamogal635- Morning- Boy you never know what is going to show with scans! My next door neighbor had two carcinoid tumors removed several months ago. She has recovered very nicely although she is still tired. Personally I have never heard of it together with adenocarcinoma.
Here are a couple of sites that you can check out.

Did your Onco discuss any further treatments? Has he explained any of this to you?

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