New Transplant Blog Posts

Posted by Kristin Eggebraaten @keggebraaten, Feb 21, 2017

Hello everyone,
We hope this finds everyone well today! We have started this discussion today to announce a new blog post. Every week, we will reply to this discussion to let you know when something new is published. Watch for new information often!

Have a productive and enjoyable week!
- Kristin

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.

Happy Friday to all!
Today's blog post is something we are asked about frequently at Mayo Clinic. If I have a relative who is in critical condition in the hospital in need of a liver transplant, can I be their living donor? Today's blog post addresses the appropriate situations for living donor liver transplant. As health care teams, we want to do what's best for our patients and the living donors who so graciously agree to give the gift of life. We hope this blog post offers some explanation about when living donation is appropriate and when a deceased donor is the best option. Have a wonderful weekend!


Hello to all,

We had two blog posts in July. The first is on how hepatitis C is no longer a barrier for transplantation and the research the Mayo Clinic and other hospitals are doing to help break down that barrier and increase the organ donor pool. The second is how donation chains save lives. It covers what the kidney paired donation process is and how it can develop into a ripple effect that benefits so many individuals. You can read both by clicking the link below!



Good morning! Today's blog post is about our Hispanic Transplant Program at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Our colleagues there have done a fantastic job putting together a program specifically for the Spanish speaking population in the Southwest. Read more about this program and share the details with anyone who might benefit from having their care tailored to their Spanish heritage.


Good morning!
Today's blog post is one of our favorites - a Meet the Expert post. We love to introduce you to our team members and allow you an inside peek into how much they all enjoy their jobs here at Mayo Clinic. This week we are happy to introduce you to TWO people who are part of our Independent Living Donor Advocate (ILDA) team! Our ILDA team consists of many staff members at each of our three transplant clinics who have a special job of assisting and advocating for our living organ donors. Learn more about their role and let us know if you've had the privileged of visiting with an ILDA in your donation process.
Have a wonderful weekend!


Hello everyone,
Today's blog post is a reminder of some of the great information we've published in the past regarding the road to organ transplant. Check out this round-up of blog posts that you may have missed!


Hello everyone, Today's blog post may interest many of you. It's fall again, which means that flu season is right around the corner. But as with everything in 2020, this flu season is likely not going to be the usual...we might have many questions related to flu in light of COVID. Should we still get vaccinated? Will there be a combined vaccine? While we still don't know much about the arrival of COVID vaccination and which people may get this vaccine, we tried to address the flu vaccine questions and provide you with updated information in our post.

Best of luck to you all for a happy and healthy fall season!


In today's blog post, you can hear from Dr. Patrick Dean. Dr. Dean is the Surgical Director of Kidney Transplant at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Dr. Dean was featured in a recent podcast about taking care of transplant patients and overcoming surgery challenges during the pandemic. For more information about the concerns and how doctors are overcoming their COVID challenges, click on the link and listen to the podcast!

In today's blog post, you can hear from Dr. Patrick Dean. Dr. Dean is the Surgical Director of Kidney Transplant at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Dr. Dean was featured in a recent podcast about taking care of transplant patients and overcoming surgery challenges during the pandemic. For more information about the concerns and how doctors are overcoming their COVID challenges, click on the link and listen to the podcast!

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I found this podcast very interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing!


Hello everyone, Today's blog post may interest many of you. It's fall again, which means that flu season is right around the corner. But as with everything in 2020, this flu season is likely not going to be the usual...we might have many questions related to flu in light of COVID. Should we still get vaccinated? Will there be a combined vaccine? While we still don't know much about the arrival of COVID vaccination and which people may get this vaccine, we tried to address the flu vaccine questions and provide you with updated information in our post.

Best of luck to you all for a happy and healthy fall season!

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I have a lung transplant story to tell. I am my husband's caregiver. How do I post? Thanks


I have a lung transplant story to tell. I am my husband's caregiver. How do I post? Thanks

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Welcome @trussgirl. I can't wait to read your lung transplant story. Please click the link and post your story here:
- Organ Donation and Transplant: What is Your story?

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