Managing Lifelong Mental Health as a Senior

Posted by georgette12 @georgette12, Jan 13, 2017

I have just started using this site so this is my first message.

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@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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@johnjames I'm sorry to hear about this new problem..New diagnosis hit me hard as well, so I understand. How very disheartening to have to learn of another serious problem from Agent Orange. I can understand the concern over the tissue problem. Try to keep your worry "at-bay" the best you can (not easy I know). Keep in touch and let us know how your next series of tests goes, I'll be praying for you. God will be with you through this, as I'm sure you know already. Teresa

PS You know Osteoporosis can be a man's disease as well. My dad was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. At this point, i only have Osteopenia


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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@ihatediabetes Sounds like a great program, I especially like the "customized" part. A healthy life style does have to be something that you can work with, not something that works for someone else. Excellent! Teresa


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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I am so sorry you have diabetes. Is it the type 2 like I have? I try so hard to check all the labels when I purchase things but I guess that's what you have to do like counting sugar etc. I keep mine pretty much like it should be but would like my numbers to be a little lower. One thing I do have is this crusty stuff on my tongue. Its white and I have been to my doctor and he said "oh its Thrush" well I took the medication and it didn't do anything. My doctor sent me to a ENT he did a thorough exam (swabbed my tongue) put tubes down my nose to my throat and could come up with nothing other than a medication that would cost $1,000. My insurance would not cover it so I did not get it. Has any out there ever had this. They have said it could be my diabetes but I do worry about it and have felt quite depressed some days not knowing what it is. It must be caused by something. I even went to my dentist he said "get a tongue brush" I did but but doesn't solve the problem.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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I know theresa you have read my emails and the one I just posted. But my tongue problem still persists and I am getting worried about it no doctor, ENT or my dentist find nothing wrong. I did read that diabetes could be the cause. Just wondering if anyone out there has ever had this "stuff" on their tongue. Its soft and is mainly on the back each side of my tongue. There must be someone out there that has had this problem before. Bye the way I did hear it could be caused by diabetes which I have diabetes 2.Thanks for any suggestions anyone and you have. I'm at the end of the road to finding a cure.
Thanks so much


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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@brit Hi Patti: I'm not a medical professional, so you will have to rely on them for help. Perhaps a diabetes specialist (Endocrinologist) would be able to tell you If it is related to diabetes. Have you gotten a second opinion from an ENT doctor or a second opinion from a dentist? Also, could it be an allergy problem? Does it get worse some times? If so, you might journal your diet and see if there is a particular food that causes more of a problem. Also, could toothpaste or a mouth wash or some other dental product be the problem? I don't recall how long you have had this problem but if you changed any of your dental products you might look at that as well. I'm sorry that you have had not any answers yet, it is so frustrating not to be able to find answers. I wish you well as you continue your search. Teresa


Get to an ENT and have a biopsy done a light one in the areas of concern. Change to Biotene toothpaste.
Make absolutely sure you have the best ENT Onocologist (sp) near you. I live in Central VA and had to drive
to UVA and have a doctor locate a good ENT just to do a biopsy, not all ENT's are created equal.


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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@johnhans: Thanks for your support, kind words and good advice, Some times its not a blessing when you know to much or given to much information that may not even even you. God Bless your dear wife- she knew the truth and I follow in her lifeline of the Lord's truth and being with Christ in the life with Him in the heavens He has build for us. One of the Doctor that work with Parkinson's/and agent orange told me last year that my Parkinson's disease is progressing faster than normal and he estimated I had 2-3 year left of life and that was really over a year ago. That what I meant about maybe knowing to much that may or may nor be true. I put my faith in God and He alone will decide my exit plan. One of the mail reasons is ( agent orange is well know for causing bone cancer) and that's were it could lead. Life is a battle -don't you think, going through life with crisis and war and then illnesses and pain- plus depression itself is a war to over come and win for the sake of peace and goodness. HOOAH jjames


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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Teresa- I know you already know my back ground and what's happening- thank you for your very kind words and being there- you are a blessing- and good friend. I will let you all know what the bone tests will reveal. JJames


@ihatediabetes That sounds like quite a workout. You are highly motivated to make it through! How long does the program last? Teresa

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Thanks so much for your reply. I have not gotten a second opinion from at ENT or my dentist. It all cost money and we are not rich. Just thought mybe some out there had experienced the same thing.Thank again for all your help and if you hear anything please let me know


I experienced just what you described about a year ago. I had the white coating on both sides of my checks and in the back of my throat. My gums had a fire red look to them that burned when I ate. They sent me to an oral surgeon who did a biopsy that was sent to the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. The biopsy came back as Lichen planus. I understand your frustration since I am a diabetic also. I hope this will give you another avenue to check into. Good Luck!

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