Do you have vivid dreams with your PD?

Posted by Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250, Nov 14, 2016

@chrisj2491 @caryp43 @denie57 @johnjames @trouble4343 @tntredhead @aperob @hdruss @retairforceman @macbeth. Hello all! I just read a post from one our Parkinson's spouses about extra activity at night and it got me to wondering how many others out there have very vivid dreams at night that might disrupt sleep and cause problems. If you have, please feel free to share your experiences. If you have found a good way to deal with it (meds, etc.) we would like to know about that as well.

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Most of the time I have trouble sleeping. Along with that my internal thermostat has gone "wacky" and I wake up "drenched" with sweat.


Most of the time I have trouble sleeping. Along with that my internal thermostat has gone "wacky" and I wake up "drenched" with sweat.

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Thanks for your input @chrisj2491, has your doctor made any suggestions regarding this or have you found any triggers for these internal temperature changes?


@caryp43 @denie57 @johnjames @trouble4343 @tntredhead @aperob @hdruss @retairforceman @macbeth Has anyone else noticed night sweats related to Parkinson's? What about other sleep problems related to PD?


I just assume I don't need the sleep - last night it was after 4:00am, before I fell asleep


I just assume I don't need the sleep - last night it was after 4:00am, before I fell asleep

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Trouble4343 - How well I relate to that problem and then my cardiologist gets very upset with me.  Tells me if I dont take care of myself, I can’t take care of my hubby.  They just don’t seem to understand that saying you should do it is much different from being able to do it.


I am sorry to hear that @trouble4343. How long has the problem been going on? Have you talked with your doctor about the sleep problems? A sleep study might be in order. It would at least diagnose a problem. There are some good meds (that are not sleeping pills and are not addictive) that might help you. Feel free to talk with your doctor, you might be able to find some relief.


I just assume I don't need the sleep - last night it was after 4:00am, before I fell asleep

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Hi @tntredhead, I was just wondering if you have connected with our Caregiver's Group here at Mayo Connect? There are some great folks in the group who could certainly relate to your situation. I'll tag the mentor for that group @IndianaScott. He will welcome you into the group.


I do take a "sorta" sleeping med prescribed by my Psych Doc (I also have Bipolar Disorder, among other things) I take it regularly, but it doesn't always work. I did talk to the Psych Doc about it day before yesterday. We are considering another one.


@trouble4343 I'm glad that you are in communication with your doc, be persistent until you get the help you need.


I just assume I don't need the sleep - last night it was after 4:00am, before I fell asleep

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Hi @hopeful33250 I don't think I have connected with the Caregiver's Group but I will look them up.  Thanks for the suggestion.The Redhead

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