Does anyone feel old and useless with age?

Posted by sally12345 @sally12345, Sep 13, 2023

Hi, I'm almost 64.. I'm feeling old and useless. My strength isn't good anymore. Like it used to be mainly side effects of meds. My health is poor with cvsd. Osteoporosis, poor circulation, hearing , eyesight, you name it's going. I always took care of myself. Now I've gotten older and everything's wrong, my grandkids don't a want me around and they are little still. No friends to talk with or do things with. Why is it we spend our lifetime taking care of family. Loving friends to end up , old and tired. Useless.

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Yes Sally, I feel the same way. I am an older parent of a 12 year old daughter. She is constantly telling me how old I am and worried about me not being here for her. I found going to physical therapy helped me a lot to get my strength back. I also started a martial arts class that helped me lower my pain medication and I was doing great until I recently got sick with the Lung issue, but they’re still trying to figure out. So try one of those things because it changed my life. If you want more friends join groups that need help. Since I joined a local group were I live I can’t tell you how those women are the ones helping me know when I am sick. I never thought I would want that but it kept me from going into a depression. I am here if you want to talk.


I was shocked to read about all the things that are going wrong with you at what I consider a relatively young age. I was still working full-time and didn't retire until age 67. I am now 90 years old. My husband died 3 years ago and I know the terrible grief will be with me for the remaining years I have left. But I am in good health. I live alone now and am perfectly capable of looking after myself. I am truly sorry that you are suffering all these ailments. Perhaps a holistic doctor could serve you better.


You are NOT useless. Now, that being said, I most certainly can relate. I was where you are. I am not quite sure what nor where I changed; however, thanks to this website and for all the wonderful people who are willing to share their experiences, I finally got my beautiful head out of my rear end and started to live in the moment. Then, one step at a time I continue to move forward. Is it easy, NO. Life is a challenge for all. Life is a precious gift each of us has been given. So I have decided to do my very best with whatever I can. Does my body let me know that I am no longer 65, nor 75 HELL YES. Do I physically hurt, sure I do. Do I emotionally hurt, do I have my moments of being angry with myself for things I could have, and should have done, ABSOLUTELY. But I am alive. And so are you my friend. Am I being tough with you, YES. PLEASE just start by doing one positive thing today for yourself and/or for someone else. What have you got to loose? This is said with caring...


I think it is a mindset where you have to adjust to your capabilities. I have 100 hobbies and projects and finish none. But they are all within my capabilities. I have felt saddened by the loss of my ability to do certain things and have at times got my ambitions mixed up with my abilities, but it is a matter of accepting who you are and what you can do. It is easy to just write it and a bit more difficult to do. I have made myself useful, visiting family, establishing contact with past associates, traveling overseas. Many people don't make it to your age and cannot do anything.


None of us asked to be born, and we don't have to justify our existence.
If you can enjoy using yourself, your life energies, good! Enjoy using yourself!
But don't worry about justifying yourself to others.
"Being useful" isn't a moral requirement.


Yea, we oldies just live in the shadows but that's okay. We had our time.


Yea, we oldies just live in the shadows but that's okay. We had our time.

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I am going to disagree with you mikalar. However I respect your right to have your opinion. Oldies, in my opinion, DO NOT just live in the shadows. We have so much more experience, and wisdom to give this new world. And, "our time" is not over. MAYBE, just MAYBE, age is a time and an opportunity for us to give back to "youth" our experience and wisdom. Just a thought...


I am going to disagree with you mikalar. However I respect your right to have your opinion. Oldies, in my opinion, DO NOT just live in the shadows. We have so much more experience, and wisdom to give this new world. And, "our time" is not over. MAYBE, just MAYBE, age is a time and an opportunity for us to give back to "youth" our experience and wisdom. Just a thought...

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I do agree with you but do the younger ones listen and care about what we have to offer. My daughter and granddaughter respect and listen to me but do they really want to hear what I have to offer? No.


I do agree with you but do the younger ones listen and care about what we have to offer. My daughter and granddaughter respect and listen to me but do they really want to hear what I have to offer? No.

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I agree with you. I can also remember being their age, and did I really want to hear their "war stories", heck NO. However, I can hear them in my head now ! Please don't give up. Our legacy to pass on is why we are still here.

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