How long do side effects from statins last once you stop taking them?

Posted by con123 @con123, Jul 30, 2024

I have been taking 20mg of Lipitor for almost 2 years and have felt yucky since shortly after starting. My cardiologist allowed me to go off one week and I did not see a difference. He also cut back daily to three times a week. I ache all over - neck, back, hips, knees, elbows, and legs are weak. Recently had a normal CK test, but PCP said we might consider a trial off statins since I am below 200 now. Has anyone stopped taking statins and saw a significant decrease in muscle pain, and if so, how long did it take?

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Were you taking the COQ10 when you were taking the statin ? I stopped the statin because of all the problems....I bought some COQ10 from Cosco - I haven't started taking it but that is my New Years Resolution to start taking it and see if I can manage mine without the GP's input because they just want to push their drugs and I know there are so many side effects to these drugs...

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Hi Jennifer statin really make me feel crappy all the time coq 10 I've never heard of that before I'll have to look it up I hope it makes you feel wonderful .


I made the original post in July 2024, so I’m coming back with comments. I stopped statins in August with my doctors consent. It took at least several weeks to feel relief but all the pain and weakness eventually decreased about 90%. In December I agreed to try Zetia and in a week, I was getting back pain and leg weakness so I stopped. In about a week, I felt good again. Next is to try Repatha and hope for the best. Cholesterol definitely went back up off meds.


I was on the second lowest dosage of lipitor for two weeks and experienced severe muscle weakness and aching in the upper right part of my body. After stopping the statins the side effects lasted for about six to eight months. My strength came back and the aches went away. Every once in a while I get pain in that specific part of my body that lasts for a week to two weeks. The doctors say it's not because of the lipitor but I'm not sure they're right. Ive been on repatha for about six months with no noticable side effects. Repatha took my LDL from about 190 to 50 so that's good anyway.


I was on the second lowest dosage of lipitor for two weeks and experienced severe muscle weakness and aching in the upper right part of my body. After stopping the statins the side effects lasted for about six to eight months. My strength came back and the aches went away. Every once in a while I get pain in that specific part of my body that lasts for a week to two weeks. The doctors say it's not because of the lipitor but I'm not sure they're right. Ive been on repatha for about six months with no noticable side effects. Repatha took my LDL from about 190 to 50 so that's good anyway.

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Good news about the Repatha. Mine is in the fridge but I’m waiting to finish some antibiotics for a sinus infection before starting. Hoping for the best!

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