When you truly, honestly hate yourself
Anyone else who loathes themselves?
I have hated myself for as long ago as I have memory. Thought about hurt/kill myself when I was about 5 or 6. Felt like a bad person or something earlier than that. (Can’t quite put those earliest feelings into words…and some of them still)
I’ve tried to improve myself. Tried medication. Tried to…get better; be better….don’t know how. I’m so sick of being stuck with this person I’m in. I hate her so much. I hate how she looks. How she walks; talks; does things.
It makes me angry. I’m chronically, irately angry recently. I can’t stop it. Can’t fix it. I hate me. I feel no faith, hope,…anymore. I’m just done.
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I have compassion for you that you seem stuck in "Self." Very Simply try doing for others and you won't have the time to be so fixated on you. Your world is about you; how self-centered is that? You are responsible for the way you feel; do for others and wake-up!
Dear Fellow Human,
Your agony is writ large in these lines...I am not sure how many have read your post not felt stunned or paralyzed, by the hurt that drips from your every line. Your starting line can freeze many of us -- as it did to me.
But it also made me look for What Can Be Done.
So I've scanned through some five dozen pages on Google reading in detail a few that are credible. They also say some of the same things other sources have said. And one of them is that childhood trauma (emotional and or physical abuse) that they endured by "learning" to explain Why they are bad as others around them Think they are. Accepting others' opinion of yourself we begin to explain with 'clever' phrases like Because we are "shty" ... even though on a second thought (if we get to it) we know we are just Repeating what have been said about us.
Soon it grows. We even begin to "explain" that the Creator, the God, whatever your belief system is, is also Agreeing with your negative assessment of yourself.
And Yet, did you notice you already told us to Show Us, the Mayo readers: "I am not suicidal as I am to chicken and don't want to hurt my kids and ex wife, but I feel like I'm already hurting them." You may never know how many it brought tears into their eyes, feeling helpless what to offer to you... even as it was a Clear sign of YOUR being Human and Your Caring Decision for Others. Don't YOU see that you are showing us -- and Yourself Without Realizing -- that You Are Capable of Being a Good Person?
Indeed this is what the readings I did today tells me. The Self-Haters are unable to see what Goodness Exists in them because they Constantly bombard themselves with self-loathing labels and false explanations, leaving no space for helpful alternative opinions, their own or others.
So since you say you have tried therapies and meds without any positive results, how about becoming your Own Therapist?
Let's start with simple steps -- by Questioning Every Label you give yourself. After all every claim, every idea, is only as good, as true as it can be Proven. And if You can't prove it to be true, can you be at least open enough to Accept, "well I cannot prove I am [put each one of those labels] so I will accept For Now that I am 'Not Sure' if I'm blah blah blahs.
I'd be looking forward to your next (baby) steps.
Here's one source I found credible:
Hey, I’ve dealt with this same issue myself, I recommend looking up the letting go technique by David R. Hawkins, as well as reading the book. You got this!
I too have lived this for as long as I can remember. I dream of the day the pain is gone and so am I
that sounds shaming
I have the book you mentioned letting go by dr Hawkins. I am sorry for the pain in this post. Once I was you. My feelings were linked to childhood trauma power and control issues not being able to say no. I had no self esteem. Now I do
Many of the statements here are ones that go through my head. I've told my story to so many people and I've run out of people to tell. I can't keep telling parts of the story to my friends and because they will go away- no mater how close we are. My therapist is recommending a lot of therapies - like Biofeedback. I'm 72 years old and I've tried a lot of methods I'm not wanting to go through it all again. The pain of 2 out of 3 of my children aren't talking to me won't go away even though after 4 years I can get through most days without crying. Thanks for listening