I was Diagnosed with Chronic Microvascular Ischemic Disease

Posted by JanaShay13 @janashay13, Oct 2, 2022

I just had a brain mri in August of 2022 and i was diagnose with Chronic Microvascular Ischemic but i had it 10yrs ago but it has increase since then. I'm drooping things I have memory loss and forgetting with right side weakness and dumbness. My Neuro said I had small stroke (TIA) I just turn 50 in August. I'm very scared right now and very confused.

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I have been experimenting with ginkgo biloba for circulation. Not sure how it will work?


I have been experimenting with ginkgo biloba for circulation. Not sure how it will work?

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Be careful. Per the Mayo website:

Ginkgo might interfere with the management of diabetes. If you take ginkgo and have diabetes, closely monitor your blood sugar levels.



I read the Mayoclinic site to your advice. I will only take the aspirin for circulation. Just looking for something else to help. Every morning when I get up I am light headed and feel weak. I can not seam to get away from it.


Never heard of coffee having a problem? I have symptom of it in which I am trying to adapt to is this light headed feeling when get up in the morning. Also having vision problems that I wonder if MVD is causing?


Never heard of coffee having a problem? I have symptom of it in which I am trying to adapt to is this light headed feeling when get up in the morning. Also having vision problems that I wonder if MVD is causing?

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My doctor's seem to agree that one cup of coffee per day is OK. I don't drink caffeinated sodas. I suppose that if MVD impacts blood flow to areas of the brain associated with occular nerves it could affect vision, but I haven't seen it as a major complication/complaint. Having said that I am scheduling an eye doctor appointment, but suspect any changes are just age related.


My doctor's seem to agree that one cup of coffee per day is OK. I don't drink caffeinated sodas. I suppose that if MVD impacts blood flow to areas of the brain associated with occular nerves it could affect vision, but I haven't seen it as a major complication/complaint. Having said that I am scheduling an eye doctor appointment, but suspect any changes are just age related.

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Morning is the worst, feel light headed and weak. Been to numerous Dr's the past year, none of them knew what the cause was. Is it MVD? What can we do to increase the circulation other then exercise?
I am 71 and want this not to progress worse.


My doctor's seem to agree that one cup of coffee per day is OK. I don't drink caffeinated sodas. I suppose that if MVD impacts blood flow to areas of the brain associated with occular nerves it could affect vision, but I haven't seen it as a major complication/complaint. Having said that I am scheduling an eye doctor appointment, but suspect any changes are just age related.

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More questions I have you is one alcoholic drink out of the question?
Been getting bad tinnitus, hissing sound. Would this possibly from microvascular disease?


More questions I have you is one alcoholic drink out of the question?
Been getting bad tinnitus, hissing sound. Would this possibly from microvascular disease?

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I also have bad tinnitus and believe that it is caused by the CMVD, as well as asymmetric hearing loss . I usually have a drink per day and none of my doctors have indicated any reservations about it. I haven't any alcohol in almost a week and still have bad tinnitus, so unlikely that there is any relationship there.


I know that this must be very scary for you. I also had the same diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no treatment yet and it is progressive. All you can do is make lifestyle changes to keep it at bay as long as possible by staying physically active and stop smoking if you do smoke. I also do many types of challenging mental puzzles and exercises to try to keep my mind sharp. I also recommend that you take care of your mental health to reduce depression or anxiety which can go hand in hand with such a diagnosis (whether this means cognitive behavior therapy and/or meds.

It might be helpful to see a cardiologist if you haven't already. The same mechanism that is blocking your cerebral vessels is the root cause for cardiovascular disease. A relatively inexpensive (usually less than $100) to check the level of calcified plaque (CAC) in your heart arteries can be done without a doctor's prescription necessary. You may be able to head off other problems since at least this is treatable.

Finally, please don't hesitate to seek immediate medical care when you have any additional stroke symptoms since time can be your worst enemy. Even a minor TIA (which I have also had) can be a precursor to a more severe stroke. Also, don't be surprised if a brain MRI shows lacunar strokes which are caused by small vessels deep in the brain being blocked as well. Many times these are "silent" strokes and are asymptomatic, but are still part of the overall problem that we both are experiencing.

Good luck! Hopefully we can both delay and major impacts and enjoy life to whatever extent possible! Please feel free to reach out of you have any questions and I'll be glad to share my experiences and the knowledge that I have acquired since I have a head start on you.

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I must admit that I'm actually quite scared, but I'll manage hopefully OK with mindfulness etc. But what are the early symptoms? My doctor isn't great and I'm waiting for the neurologist to contact me. I only got the call from doctor two days ago. I have lipoprotein a which puts me at increased risk of atherosclerosis anyway because it deposits a type of cholesterol in the arteries which statins don't affect. I feel a bit peeved because I've recently started to take exercise and lift weights and stopped smoking 5 years ago......


Sorry I mean what are the early symptoms of stroke

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