Post Covid weird symptoms

Posted by gail333 @gail333, Oct 23, 2023

Since I had Covid (3x) I have been experiencing a kind of electric shock type of feeling that starts at my toes and zaps me up my body to my fingertips. Almost like a fork in a socket but not as intense. I experience this anywhere up to 6x a day. Is this normal? What is this? Is it just weird remnants of covid?
I’ve had 3 Covid shots btw. But I have a weak immune system.
Thanks in advance for any advice or input.

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In response to @smdawson540

We have many of the same symptoms. I liked Gabapentin, but it affected my vision. I got concerned and stopped it with doctors instruction after 2 weeks. How do you like Cymbalta?

I take daily Metamucil and Miralax for constipation. Now have acid reflux.

Yesterday, I had a therapy session. It helped me with the anxiety, which is horrible at times. I feel like I’m being tortured by all these ailments.


You are not alone. I have had crawling skin since August of 21 after a week in the hospital with COVID.


You are not alone. I have had crawling skin since August of 21 after a week in the hospital with COVID.

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Hope you get some relief soon. I’m doing better in some of my ailments.


I have had long Covid for over 3 years. It took forever to have it diagnosed. I had reconstructive foot surgery in November of 2021. I have had the pins and needles all over my body. My foot got worse to the point I was crawling through my house after the point the actual reconstruction had healed. I had nerve conduction studies that showed nothing. Yet, my right leg goes completely numb and I fall and my left foot and leg swell and turn red and blue. I was not diagnosed correctly until I had skin biopsies at the Long Covid Clinic I am now with. They show I have neuropathy. I also have chronic regional pain syndrome in my foot and leg, lower back and neck. This is the extreme version of neuropathy. I am now taking gabapentin(neurotin) to help with this. My pain management doctor says I will always have pain. I have light headedness and dizziness. I have been diagnosed with POTS. I wear an abdominal binder so I can sit and stand up without passing out. I have started therapy. Will see how that turns out. Please be sure to do some research about your symptoms on such sites as the Mayo Clinic, NIH or Johns Hopkins. You need to be a self advocate as much as possible. I had so many tests done over the years that showed nothing. I felt like I was crazy. Long covid is attacking my autonomic nervous system so every part of me is impacted. I also have gastroparesis which is miserable.

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Which hospital and where is it please that gave you the long covid diagnosis?


It is Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland. I had to be referred to their Long COVID clinic by a physician. My neurologist completed the referral. Good luck!


I have SIBO which is when you have more bad bacteria than good. I had to take really strong antibiotics twice to deal with this. My larger issue is that I have gastroparesis. I had a 4 hour food emptying test which I was later told was not reliable. Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. This impacts my GI causing gastroparesis. My food does not empty correctly, it builds up in my system. My appetite gets smaller and smaller as it goes and then I empty which feels like I am going into labor. I have cramping and pain with this. I take Dexilant daily for my awful GERD/Acid Reflux and have hyoscyamine for the awful cramping. It helps a little. This is cyclic, so once I have the horrible emptying phase it starts all over again. I have neuropathy also. Anything that impacts your nerves impacts how you feel such as pain, body temperature, etc. I am freezing most of the time. But then I can be sweating with in seconds. Your nervous system regulates your body. Are you being seen by a Long COVID clinic? They can't cure you, but they can help you with plans to mitigate some of the symptoms. I can deal with the body temperature changes but I hate the GI issues and there is not much they can do for gastroparesis. I take Gabapentin and Cymbalta to help with the nerve issues as they also cause horrible pain all over my body. I recommend trying to get into a Long COVID clinic as soon as possible. For me it is helpful to know if issues can be fixed or not so I can then mentally deal with it and learn how to survive it instead of thinking I am going to be cured. Good luck. This is miserable and I am so sorry you are experiencing this!

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I have all of this as well.Basically my whole body stopped working.I don't even have the ability to throw up anymore.Covid attacks the vagus nerve too which controls so much.The problem is I never tested positive for long covid.I never tested for covid at the beginning because I thought my symptoms were brought on by an iron infusion,but I believe I got covid at the same time.I just never got better.The symptoms I have are nothing the specialists I have seen have dealt with before.Do you know of any long covid clinics that will take you just by symptoms?The clinics in my area will only accept you if you test positive for long covid.


I have all of this as well.Basically my whole body stopped working.I don't even have the ability to throw up anymore.Covid attacks the vagus nerve too which controls so much.The problem is I never tested positive for long covid.I never tested for covid at the beginning because I thought my symptoms were brought on by an iron infusion,but I believe I got covid at the same time.I just never got better.The symptoms I have are nothing the specialists I have seen have dealt with before.Do you know of any long covid clinics that will take you just by symptoms?The clinics in my area will only accept you if you test positive for long covid.

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A test for long covid doesn’t exist.


I have all of this as well.Basically my whole body stopped working.I don't even have the ability to throw up anymore.Covid attacks the vagus nerve too which controls so much.The problem is I never tested positive for long covid.I never tested for covid at the beginning because I thought my symptoms were brought on by an iron infusion,but I believe I got covid at the same time.I just never got better.The symptoms I have are nothing the specialists I have seen have dealt with before.Do you know of any long covid clinics that will take you just by symptoms?The clinics in my area will only accept you if you test positive for long covid.

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Hello J, similar experience here. Got Covid before there were antibody tests so could not “prove” I’d had Covid, and the local Long Covid clinic would not admit me without a positive antibody test. After years of mysterious symptoms (memory issues, amnesia, fatigue, nerve pain, lack of appetite, 50 pound weight loss, change in smell) my doctors were stumped. Brain MRIs came back normal. I thought I was dying and begged my doctor to see if he could get me admitted to the LC clinic. He was able to get me admitted. About 3 months into the LC clinic, I had a seizure and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Covid messes with the hypothalamus and the vagus nerve as you mentioned, and can cause seizures. I recently had a sleep study done which confirmed focal seizures and epilepsy. There seems to be a disconnect between primary care physicians and doctors that work in hospitals. My physician and my neurologist seem unaware of the Covid-seizure connection, but the sleep study MD confirmed hospitals have been seeing Covid-related seizures, going back to late 2019, before the first “official” case in early 2020. Early studies suggest 1 in 100 people who get Covid may develop seizures within 6 months of infection. Seizures can cause nausea and may explain some of your symptoms.


Hi Gail, I had nerve pain early 2020 in my left leg. It felt like a jolt of electricity zinging up and down my leg. Then it started on left side of my face - zing zing. Other Covid symptoms came and went, primarily fatigue. A few months later the zinging just stopped.


A test for long covid doesn’t exist.

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I know.I took two.They have a lab Corp and Quest Diagnostics one that is supposed to show if you had it,but they are not reliable.I think my proof should be being perfectly healthy to going to disabled and not one Doctor can find a thing in 2 1/2 years.The destruction that Covid does to the body must hide from conventional tests.So many people I have talked to with long covid told me the tests won't show a thing.

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