Post Covid weird symptoms

Posted by gail333 @gail333, Oct 23, 2023

Since I had Covid (3x) I have been experiencing a kind of electric shock type of feeling that starts at my toes and zaps me up my body to my fingertips. Almost like a fork in a socket but not as intense. I experience this anywhere up to 6x a day. Is this normal? What is this? Is it just weird remnants of covid?
I’ve had 3 Covid shots btw. But I have a weak immune system.
Thanks in advance for any advice or input.

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Can you tell me about your stomach issues? I’ve been long hauling for 18 months. I’m have severe stomach pain lately. Would like to hear what your experience has been.
I also have a disregulated body temperature. I swear from being hot, then chill to the bone and I’m sitting in the same spot. Weird.

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I have SIBO which is when you have more bad bacteria than good. I had to take really strong antibiotics twice to deal with this. My larger issue is that I have gastroparesis. I had a 4 hour food emptying test which I was later told was not reliable. Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. This impacts my GI causing gastroparesis. My food does not empty correctly, it builds up in my system. My appetite gets smaller and smaller as it goes and then I empty which feels like I am going into labor. I have cramping and pain with this. I take Dexilant daily for my awful GERD/Acid Reflux and have hyoscyamine for the awful cramping. It helps a little. This is cyclic, so once I have the horrible emptying phase it starts all over again. I have neuropathy also. Anything that impacts your nerves impacts how you feel such as pain, body temperature, etc. I am freezing most of the time. But then I can be sweating with in seconds. Your nervous system regulates your body. Are you being seen by a Long COVID clinic? They can't cure you, but they can help you with plans to mitigate some of the symptoms. I can deal with the body temperature changes but I hate the GI issues and there is not much they can do for gastroparesis. I take Gabapentin and Cymbalta to help with the nerve issues as they also cause horrible pain all over my body. I recommend trying to get into a Long COVID clinic as soon as possible. For me it is helpful to know if issues can be fixed or not so I can then mentally deal with it and learn how to survive it instead of thinking I am going to be cured. Good luck. This is miserable and I am so sorry you are experiencing this!


Your not alone, I’ve posted in the past regarding a electrical, buzzing feeling that started May of 2022 with full body then has reduced to mostly in my legs in the evening hours, sometimes debilitating to walk. I always know it’s there because throughout the day I have the buzzing, tremor feelings that last several minutes. I’ve had 2 vaccines and Covid one time. This started a month after covid. I’ve worn 21 day heart monitor, stress test, an MRI of the brain requested by a neurologist, extensive blood work to rule out many diseases and everything comes back normal. It’s still a mystery in my world!

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You are not alone. I had covid 3 months ago. I get tremors mostly in my legs but it goes up my body. I also feel weak and my appetite is gone. They did all kinds of blood tests and found nothing.


You are not alone. I have had Long Covid for 18 months. My feet have pins and needles, my skin 'crawls', I get jabbing pain between my toes, and what can be described as 'pop rocks' up and down my legs. I've also been noticing that my body feels like it is humming in a vibrating kind of way, if that makes sense. Also lightheaded with a headache that just won't quit! I am short of breath on exertion and have developed dysfunctional breathing. I can't seem to regulate my temperature anymore and frequently have a fever. I'm losing count but I had 3, maybe 4 Covid shots and one Covid infection. I've learned that I have a compromised immune system (unknown to me prior to Covid) as I have tested positive for Epstein Barr, Lyme, and am Hypothyroid.

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I have the body humming and vibrating since I had covid 3 months go.


You are not alone. I had covid 3 months ago. I get tremors mostly in my legs but it goes up my body. I also feel weak and my appetite is gone. They did all kinds of blood tests and found nothing.

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Agree, you’re not alone. I’ve had long Covid for over 3 years now. I get tremors in my legs and arms. They were finally getting better the last 6 ish months. I got Covid again 8/26 and they’re getting worse again. I am also getting (again) an electrical/buzzing feeling periodically in my hands. Pain all over, numbness in my legs, terrible fatigue and weakness. Worse now than it had been. Cognitive issues are worse too. Last case of Covid seems to have brought things back worse. I am so sorry you’re dealing with this. Need to get back to long Covid clinic I went to previously (Northwestern) or try Mayo.


Hello, yes I have had covid three times. I also experienced the feeling of electric shock. But I had the most of them in my neck, head, arms, hand, and fingers. Mostly in the upper body. I started to take these to help with vestibular migraines and them seem to go away. I developed vestibular migraines after getting covid in 2020. I had vertigo, dizzy, lightheaded, etc. I take vitamins everyday or every other day to help with this. And then I noticed that the electric shocks slowly went away.

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I’ve had Covid 3 times too. First time in July, 2020. Do you think the vitamins actually helped the electric shocks/buzzing go away? Any specific vitamins? I still have tremors in my legs and arms and the buzzing feeling in my hands, along with a lot of pain throughout my body as well as so many things that seem nerve related, but an EMG didn’t show a nerve problem (except carpal tunnel - ha!) It doesn’t make sense.
Sending you all well wishes!


LC is long Covid. I don’t like all the acronyms, but it seems to be a way of life now.

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LC is long COVID too. Took me about 0.2 milliseconds to figure it out. Thanks for posting your feelings 😘


I have the same issues in addition to the GI issues I mentioned in a different post. Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. Nerve Conduction studies did not show the issue, but a skin biopsy showed I have small fiber neuropathy. The long COVID clinic ordered the biopsy and diagnosed me. I have CRPS in my foot which is worst case scenario of neuropathy. I am on Cymbalta and Gabapentin to help with the pain caused by this. I still have issues with pain and my hands always feel stiff, swollen and sore. I drop things. However, the medicine does mitigate some of the pain. I have been told I will always have pain and the best I can hope for is a reduction of 50% of the pain.


I have the same issues in addition to the GI issues I mentioned in a different post. Long COVID is attacking my autonomic nervous system. Nerve Conduction studies did not show the issue, but a skin biopsy showed I have small fiber neuropathy. The long COVID clinic ordered the biopsy and diagnosed me. I have CRPS in my foot which is worst case scenario of neuropathy. I am on Cymbalta and Gabapentin to help with the pain caused by this. I still have issues with pain and my hands always feel stiff, swollen and sore. I drop things. However, the medicine does mitigate some of the pain. I have been told I will always have pain and the best I can hope for is a reduction of 50% of the pain.

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I too have Small Fiber Neuropathy in both of my feet up into calves. …worst is my feet though and it is thought to be brought on by LHC. On Gabapentin for pain. I take a Whole Foods Garlic supplement as it is a natural blood thinner. The thought is that the COVID spike proteins are accumulated in my feet causing the neuropathy. The blood thinning slowly helps break them up. It does help, but painfully slowly. Been taking it twice a day for 2 months now. I also take NAC which may be helping it as well, though I’ve been taking it about a month longer. I didn’t notice a difference in my feet until I added the garlic. I have to take it with food or it upset my stomach. I also massage my feet for at least a half hour a day while I watch tv and that seems to be helping.


I’m not sure what to say. I have some numbness in my feet, but it’s not very severe. I do get intermittent burning in one spot. My hands tingle during the night. A lot of other stuff too. Trying to figure it all out with neurologist and ENT, So sorry you all have so much pain. It must be very stressful.


Agree, you’re not alone. I’ve had long Covid for over 3 years now. I get tremors in my legs and arms. They were finally getting better the last 6 ish months. I got Covid again 8/26 and they’re getting worse again. I am also getting (again) an electrical/buzzing feeling periodically in my hands. Pain all over, numbness in my legs, terrible fatigue and weakness. Worse now than it had been. Cognitive issues are worse too. Last case of Covid seems to have brought things back worse. I am so sorry you’re dealing with this. Need to get back to long Covid clinic I went to previously (Northwestern) or try Mayo.

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I have the tremor in my right hand / arm only. Started noticing it a month or so after my 1st case of COVID (8 times but I'm thinking that I have it chronically and it flares up at times). Each time I get it, I'm set back to square one. The brain fog gets much worse, and energy goes back to zero. I'm on all kind of supplements; not sure how much they help but the farther I get away from each relapse, I do feel a bit better. I have a low white cell count so my immune system is compromised. It is hard for me to stay well even though I've changed my diet to Keto.

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