Post Covid weird symptoms

Posted by gail333 @gail333, Oct 23, 2023

Since I had Covid (3x) I have been experiencing a kind of electric shock type of feeling that starts at my toes and zaps me up my body to my fingertips. Almost like a fork in a socket but not as intense. I experience this anywhere up to 6x a day. Is this normal? What is this? Is it just weird remnants of covid?
I’ve had 3 Covid shots btw. But I have a weak immune system.
Thanks in advance for any advice or input.

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Hi Gail
I was a volunteer for a time with an organization called National Citizens Inquiry - or NCI. We interviewed several scientists, doctors, neurologists, caridiologists and of course, 'vaccine' injured people. It is quite a signficant issue and I believe at this point, there is clear evidence that the vaccines caused harm and indeed weakened immune systems. I personally did not take a vaccine as I had suspicions about it since they were pushing it so hard and I know in medicine that one size does not fit all.
If you are in the U.S. (I am in Canada myself), you could contact the Wellness Company and speak to some physicians that are helping individuals coping with injuries from the injections. Good luck - and trust me - you are not alone.


My story is similar. I was improving but then got Covid again and it all came roaring back. My main symptoms are body aches and chills and fatigue and major sleep disruption, but also palpitations, vibrations, abdominal pain and cramping, etc etc.

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Ahh yes! The chills! How could I leave that out. Every day, usually by 1 pm they begin. Everyone perspiring and I sit wearing a coat!


Ahh yes! The chills! How could I leave that out. Every day, usually by 1 pm they begin. Everyone perspiring and I sit wearing a coat!

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I've heard hardly anyone refer to chills. For me, in addition to having chills running up and down my body, I feel sometimes like my bones are made of ice. so weird!


I've heard hardly anyone refer to chills. For me, in addition to having chills running up and down my body, I feel sometimes like my bones are made of ice. so weird!

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I feel the same way!
Do you by any chance also get horrible body pains all over your body during the night? This contributes to my already terrible insomnia.


That is so awful.I sometimes feel like these Doctors just make up diagnoses that work for them and don't really listen.I guess they don't understand because some of these symptoms brought on by Covid are hard to diagnose.I hear what you are saying about being afraid your going to drop.I feel like that evernight I go to bed with all my weird symptoms.I am in amazement every morning I wake up.

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Oh they do not listen for sure! Everytime you start listing your symptoms, their attention wanes after the third one.....and they start talking, not letting me finish because it's so hard to believe.
I now give them a written list I made of all my symptoms - it's 32 currently and filling a hole page. That does usually impress them for a few seconds and shows them how this is different to other diseases. If they believe them - not sure. The specialists can then pick the symptoms they are able to treat.


Thankyou so much for replying!I am in Maryland so I was wondering about John's Hopkins.I am pretty desperate because no specialist that I have seen in over 2 years has been able to help me.I have extreme pain all over with muscle twitches,along with GI and many more symptoms.Maybe someone there can help me.

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Do you have a physician who will refer you? There is a link for a form to be completed by a physician on this page. Do not worry about the fact it refers to patients being in the ER or having upper respiratory issues. This is what my neurologist completed and gave me to submit. COVID attacked my autonomic nervous system.
Good luck!


Do you have a physician who will refer you? There is a link for a form to be completed by a physician on this page. Do not worry about the fact it refers to patients being in the ER or having upper respiratory issues. This is what my neurologist completed and gave me to submit. COVID attacked my autonomic nervous system.
Good luck!

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Thankyou so much!When I meet with my neurologist again I will ask him to fill it out.My whole autonomic system was attacked as well.I do believe I am going to die from this If I don't get help because the specialists I have met with have no idea how to help.I think covid must have done so much damage to my vagus nerve it is barely functioning.I was,just reading an article on how covid depletes seritonin and they have been doing research on htp5.Apparently it has been helping get the brain and the vagus nerve up and working again.Thankyou Again!


Oh they do not listen for sure! Everytime you start listing your symptoms, their attention wanes after the third one.....and they start talking, not letting me finish because it's so hard to believe.
I now give them a written list I made of all my symptoms - it's 32 currently and filling a hole page. That does usually impress them for a few seconds and shows them how this is different to other diseases. If they believe them - not sure. The specialists can then pick the symptoms they are able to treat.

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Yes!It It is so frustrating.I might have to start giving them a list.When I tell them I have lost strength in my diaphram/sternum trunk area they completely ignore me.I guess they don't understand it.I can barely walk,but I guess the fact that I can still get up at all would not be possible to them.I walked 8 miles a day before my bodyy got attacked and I was an athlete growing up.I just need to find a Doctor that has seen something like this and can help.It is way out of most specialists league.This is my first time in my life becoming very ill and I believe alot of Good Experienced Specialists retired during the pandemic.It stinks.


I feel the same way!
Do you by any chance also get horrible body pains all over your body during the night? This contributes to my already terrible insomnia.

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Body aches are definitely one of my main symptoms, but not necessarily at night. Also awful sleep disruption. I see that you asked previously about LC symptoms worsening after another bout of Covid. That has definitely happened to me. And my LC doc at Mayo confirmed that they are seeing this.


My body confirms this! As you must know well.
A very itchy rash I had last year for seven months that left me as suddenly as it came,
and now reappearing once again .
This is a crazy virus that hopefully, one day, will be better understood by the docs. Until then…

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