Vaginal atrophy

Posted by HomeAgainLA @llynch17056, Sep 21, 2023

TO THE LADIES ONLY: As I got older I started developing vaginal atrophy. Then I started developing open splits on my labia that were extremely painful. I went to urgent care one weekend and was prescribed vaginal estrogen medicine. It did the trick but I didn’t want to use estrogen. I went to a GYN that recommending organic coconut oil to use externally only. This was a few years ago and it has worked perfectly. I have never had another problem. At all. I wanted to pass along a natural inexpensive solution to vaginal atrophy.

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I’ve had burning sensation for three weeks. All came on after intercourse. I had a pelvic exam a few days ago and she thinks its just atrophy so prescribed estradiol cream
But last night I felt a bulge and now thinking it might be prolapse. Though my gyno didn’t see that. Please let me know what your dr says after your April 15 appt
Hope you can soon get the relief you need

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It's so fun isn't it. I started using flagystatin last night and actually feel some relief today. Who knows, I had ti try something. I listened to a podcast today on a breast cancer website today and the Dr on the podcast said its good to use a hyralaunic vag moisturizer with the vagifem. Gonna check that out


I’ve had burning sensation for three weeks. All came on after intercourse. I had a pelvic exam a few days ago and she thinks its just atrophy so prescribed estradiol cream
But last night I felt a bulge and now thinking it might be prolapse. Though my gyno didn’t see that. Please let me know what your dr says after your April 15 appt
Hope you can soon get the relief you need

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I am feeling that bulge that you describe too. I have an appointment with a gyno/urologist on May 9th. Hoping that something can be done!


I am feeling that bulge that you describe too. I have an appointment with a gyno/urologist on May 9th. Hoping that something can be done!

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I’m hoping to see a dr this week. I’m trying to understand why my dr didn’t see it during a pelvic exam three days prior to me feeling it. I noticed it while washing in the shower but and as soon as I layed down it disappeared. Do you have any other symptoms with it?


I am using the organic coconut oil also. It does help. I also was told that palates can help too so I looked it up on you tube. That helps me. I can’t use anything with estrogen because I had estrogen positive breast cancer. My doctor feels that a pessary would be painful and I don’t want any surgery. So far the things I am doing are helping


That has been my solution, too. I do yoga.


my ob told me last week at my annual pap that she saw dryness...atrophy etc...she said she could prescribe a cream.etc..but i told her i'm in no pain cause i am not trying to have sex..and since my partner got prostrate cancer, he no longer mentions sex...and..when he kept telling me about seeing blood in his semen...that REALLY made me not want to even think about how he saw it or having sex again...ever....but before it was miserably unromantic cause how fun is it to use cream, be willing to give it a try....then unsuccessfully try to shove floppy soft tiny meatball like and a floppy spaghetti like organ into me? romantic is that? I know men like the feeing..but they should recognize age changes us...and embrace the new changes... it has been years that my mate(s) has/have been able to even get an erection that can last more than a few seconds...not even long enough to even get inside of me even if I am not dry...truly i am so over sex..i have no libido...why do men still want to do it when they are completely incapable? to me it's an exercise in futility... i just think it's more important to concentrate on being healthiest and dealing with cancer issues..which I always have to deal with in my situation too..i can be perfectly content in a sexless life..after having great sex for decades and my age it really is over-rated i think


I’m hoping to see a dr this week. I’m trying to understand why my dr didn’t see it during a pelvic exam three days prior to me feeling it. I noticed it while washing in the shower but and as soon as I layed down it disappeared. Do you have any other symptoms with it?

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I think that I am having symptoms concerning my bladder along with the prolapse. I get a feeling often that my bladder is very full, but when I urinate, not that much comes out. The only other symptom is terrible vaginal dryness and when I insert the applicator for the estrogen cream, I can’t get it to go in as far as it used to……..Feels like there is something there stopping it.


I think that I am having symptoms concerning my bladder along with the prolapse. I get a feeling often that my bladder is very full, but when I urinate, not that much comes out. The only other symptom is terrible vaginal dryness and when I insert the applicator for the estrogen cream, I can’t get it to go in as far as it used to……..Feels like there is something there stopping it.

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Sorry to hear you are having difficulties.
Hope you get answers and relief soon. I am seeing my dr in the morning. I didn’t conceder using the estrogen cream at all but after all these uncomfortable symptoms in the last month im thinking about it. It’s all so scary


my ob told me last week at my annual pap that she saw dryness...atrophy etc...she said she could prescribe a cream.etc..but i told her i'm in no pain cause i am not trying to have sex..and since my partner got prostrate cancer, he no longer mentions sex...and..when he kept telling me about seeing blood in his semen...that REALLY made me not want to even think about how he saw it or having sex again...ever....but before it was miserably unromantic cause how fun is it to use cream, be willing to give it a try....then unsuccessfully try to shove floppy soft tiny meatball like and a floppy spaghetti like organ into me? romantic is that? I know men like the feeing..but they should recognize age changes us...and embrace the new changes... it has been years that my mate(s) has/have been able to even get an erection that can last more than a few seconds...not even long enough to even get inside of me even if I am not dry...truly i am so over sex..i have no libido...why do men still want to do it when they are completely incapable? to me it's an exercise in futility... i just think it's more important to concentrate on being healthiest and dealing with cancer issues..which I always have to deal with in my situation too..i can be perfectly content in a sexless life..after having great sex for decades and my age it really is over-rated i think

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You made me laugh. Definitely overrated. LOL


There is what I believe might be a new medical specialty called a Urogynocologist who specializes in treating women who have problems with both urgency and frequency. I now have a nickel sized item called an ecoin installed near my ankle that twice a week stimulates the tibial nerve which astoundingly extends to near the bladder. Both urgency and frequency are now well controlled. I believe before the ecoin or similar device is considered the doc will have the patient try Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) which is a similar stimulation done with a very fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle and tapped into the area near the tibial nerve at the ankle. If that works for the patient, the ecoin or similar device will likely also work.

Women now have options to wearing pads through their later years.


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