How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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I think that's mighty gouda you, Scott!

However, this plan fails to address several other wedge issues brought up by the cheese catering industry.

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Not to mention that my foreign policy needs work.

Too many holes in my relationship with the Swiss.

And I got in big trouble in the Bible Belt when they misunderstood me.
All I said was that I didn't care for cheeses of Nazareth.


What Elvis Presley tune do chickens like the best?

"Can't Help Fowling in Love".

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I think you're reaching but appreciate your contribution, lol


Did you know that replacing your potato chips with grapefruit as a snack can use up to 90% of what
little joy you still have left in your life?


Did you know that replacing your potato chips with grapefruit as a snack can use up to 90% of what
little joy you still have left in your life?

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It's like the old joke:

If you give drinking, eating what you like, and having fun, you won't actually live any longer, it will just *seem* longer.


It's like the old joke:

If you give drinking, eating what you like, and having fun, you won't actually live any longer, it will just *seem* longer.

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That's good as well.


Not to mention that my foreign policy needs work.

Too many holes in my relationship with the Swiss.

And I got in big trouble in the Bible Belt when they misunderstood me.
All I said was that I didn't care for cheeses of Nazareth.

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" .... cheeses of Nazareth.."

That's way too funny, man !


It's like the old joke:

If you give drinking, eating what you like, and having fun, you won't actually live any longer, it will just *seem* longer.

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One of Einstein's early thought experiments to
explain the twin paradox, in fact, proved this ....


" .... cheeses of Nazareth.."

That's way too funny, man !

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Thanks. That is actually an old joke of my Dad's. He used to work for a cheese company, and he liked to say that they were going to start importing products from the Holy Land -- Cheeses of Nazareth.


Did you know that replacing your potato chips with grapefruit as a snack can use up to 90% of what
little joy you still have left in your life?

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Thanks for reminding me, Shirley .... I need to add dish soap to my grocery list ...


Thanks. That is actually an old joke of my Dad's. He used to work for a cheese company, and he liked to say that they were going to start importing products from the Holy Land -- Cheeses of Nazareth.

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Speaking of cheeses, Monty Python's cheese shop skit's always worth a coupla yuks, when you have a spare second or two ... IMHO ...

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