I have Cerebral Small Vessel Disease - so far caused loss of balance

Posted by sue60 @sue60, Apr 11, 2016

I have vascular small vessel disease that so far just has caused a severe loss of balance. I walk with a cane, but it is getting harder. Likewise exercise is not easy. I still drive short distances. I feel perfectly normal lying down and it is so much easier to do that. The sad part is I don't really see anything that is going to end this as otherwise I am healthy. I know there are many worse things. Does anyone else have this and how are you coping?

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Neurogenic Bladder I've an issue with bladder Signals from brain misfiring ...

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Hi angelic scripts is that the reason we have bladder problems.


I am on a statin, high blood pressure pills , an aspirin a day, my heart is erratic, I fire very easily, and am losing interest in everything. Altho my cardiologist is ordering nuclear testing, she feels the disease is progressing and there is little probably can be done. I'm looking for any input from anyone. Dizzy spells and off balance has become a problem....anyone have any symptoms like this.

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Hi Amandajro, I'm also getting dizzy sometimes lose balance.im on satins and colpedogral for heart,BP tablets.


My husband has small vessel diease of the brain and i agree dictors cant really tell you what to expect some days are worse than others but all days are challenging

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hi Kerry mapstone,I have small vessel disease,i wondered what you meant when you said some days are worse than other what are symptoms your husband having as I don't know anything about this.im still waiting on appointment with neurologist and haven't heard anything since last October when neurologist called me.


Hi angelic scripts is that the reason we have bladder problems.

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It could be however I've lumbar stenosis along with Cervical Spondylostis discs gone with encroachment of nerves ..plus an Arachnoid Cyst...I'm under uro/gynaecology
Neurosurgeons are dubious about operating that is When bladder/bowel loose all sensation ..if issue with bladder see a specialist...


It could be however I've lumbar stenosis along with Cervical Spondylostis discs gone with encroachment of nerves ..plus an Arachnoid Cyst...I'm under uro/gynaecology
Neurosurgeons are dubious about operating that is When bladder/bowel loose all sensation ..if issue with bladder see a specialist...

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Oh I'm sorry to hear this,


Hi sue60 I'm getting tired very easily when walking or doing housework,lots of really bad headaches,I'm lucky I got supportive family.could sleep constant if I had chance,you just have to do your best to keep your mind off it,I do jigsaws online and games on phone.the friends I had B4 saying what I got are non existent 😞


Hi @sue60, welcome to Connect.
I'd like to connect you with @caregiver49, who is also dealing with small vessel disease and would like to talk with others. Her biggest issue at the moment is with unrelenting fatigue.

Sue, do you struggle with fatigue as well?

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Hi @caregiver49, I'm really struggling with fatigue.


hi Kerry mapstone,I have small vessel disease,i wondered what you meant when you said some days are worse than other what are symptoms your husband having as I don't know anything about this.im still waiting on appointment with neurologist and haven't heard anything since last October when neurologist called me.

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Sorry to ask Kerry mapstone,


Thanks keithl56. So good to hear from you.
I’ve had that same problem with memory but its not a big problem. Very common as you get older. I dont worry about it at this point. I do mental exercises to try and help keep my brain working. Theres an app i have on my phone called Elevate that i use.
I dont know if i have had TIA. That terminology hasn't been used. But I've had something according to what they see on the MRI. I haven't been aware of any symptoms. But i have been falling so maybe thats from TIA. I wonder what causes it to happen.
I walk my dog several times a day and i am very careful to watch where i am stepping to avoid my balance from causing me to fall, but i am still wobbly sometimes when doing something like stepping on or off the sidewalk and i stick to firm ground. I wish i didnt have to wait so long to see a neurologist to explain more to me.
Have a good day. Keep in touch. Thanks

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Yes debbic715 it's annoying having to wait for appointment with neurologist.stay strong.


Hi, I was diagnosed with cabs in jan.2020. I have ti.as we're my balance is co.p!sadly off , hard to excessive or walk straight, than it vanishes. I am having a lot of bouts of forgetfulness, leaving objects places , forgetting I put the kettle on.etc. The white matter is vanishing in my bilateral both front cortexes. I keep telling my drs. I want an MRi as it has been awhile to see if it's progressing far but no is the answer. It's frightening not knowing .

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