Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Oh yes...I have coughed up a ton of phlem. Do you have to cough it up? I have at least two severe coughing spells a night and numerous through the day that will not let up until I get rid of the phlem. I cough so hard I lose my meal sometimes. The coughing is horrible. I took covid on Dec 20 2023, I was severely ill for two weeks and have coughed ever since. I have a steroid inhaler, an emergency inhailer and am now on Zithromax the antibiotic. It just will not let up.


Oh yes...I have coughed up a ton of phlem. Do you have to cough it up? I have at least two severe coughing spells a night and numerous through the day that will not let up until I get rid of the phlem. I cough so hard I lose my meal sometimes. The coughing is horrible. I took covid on Dec 20 2023, I was severely ill for two weeks and have coughed ever since. I have a steroid inhaler, an emergency inhailer and am now on Zithromax the antibiotic. It just will not let up.

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Antibiotics will not do anything. I am surprised some doctors are prescribing them.


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate you taking time to write.
It seems like doctors don’t know how to eliminate symptoms from LC.
I am exhausted from my symptoms. Thank you.

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Hello, I really believe doctors know very little about LC. My vertigo, short of breath, anxiety, brain fog have only gotten worse. It is the most horrific virus. It seems to have many roots, many personalities. I am at a loss!
Many blessings.


Antibiotics will not do anything. I am surprised some doctors are prescribing them.

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Two weeks of antibiotics, due to diverticulitis infection, cleared my phlegm. Been five months now. See my previous posts.


Two weeks of antibiotics, due to diverticulitis infection, cleared my phlegm. Been five months now. See my previous posts.

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Then your must not have been due to covid as antibiotics due not clear virus, only bacteria. Glad you have no phlegm now! Also, most Doctors are very cautious about prescribing antibiotics due to long term damage, loss of efficacy, and super bugs.


Then your must not have been due to covid as antibiotics due not clear virus, only bacteria. Glad you have no phlegm now! Also, most Doctors are very cautious about prescribing antibiotics due to long term damage, loss of efficacy, and super bugs.

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I did have covid, that's when the phlegm started. Had the phlegm for over 6 months until I got diverticulitis and HAD to be put on antibiotics. Go figure, but yes, so grateful it went away.


same here. though its worse when i wake up. i am constantly trying to cough it up and out. i havent noticed if its after i eat or drink though. but definately since covid aug 2022. its extremely annoying. my schedule is busy so im onky now trying to get into an ent.


Hello, I really believe doctors know very little about LC. My vertigo, short of breath, anxiety, brain fog have only gotten worse. It is the most horrific virus. It seems to have many roots, many personalities. I am at a loss!
Many blessings.

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Couldn't agree more!!


same here. though its worse when i wake up. i am constantly trying to cough it up and out. i havent noticed if its after i eat or drink though. but definately since covid aug 2022. its extremely annoying. my schedule is busy so im onky now trying to get into an ent.

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I also get a strange sensation in my airways when I sleep at night, like one person stated, a wet cotton ball flopping around in there.


I never guessed that the phlegm sticking in the back of my throat was a result of COVID. It is an annoyance, and I thank all of you for giving me ideas on how to deal with it.

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