Anyone else dealing with Demodex Mites? What helps?

Posted by medical1question @medical1question, Aug 10, 2022

Four years ago, with no history of any skin issues, I developed overnight red, pustules and papules on my eyebrows. Over the four years, I’ve gone to three dermatology groups known to be selected by other healthcare professionals, and have seen a total of seven practitioners. They have said it’s rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, or actinic keratosis. I’ve been prescribed expensive new topicals, two different antibiotic courses, etc. Each visit I hear, “Well, you can try this.”

I’m an RN, and I know my body. I keep telling each dermatologist that I believe it could be an infestation or overpopulation of demodex; demodex reproduce at night on your skin (they live in hair follicles) and most evenings my eyebrows begin to itch about the time it’s getting dark. With needle-tipped tweezers, I can pull white cyndrically-shaped mucous-type material attached to a hair follicle. None of the practitioners have followed guidance from an article on the NIH website for ensuring there is a skin scraping or other method to obtain a demodex count. None has acknowledged the damaging effects on self image that abound in the literature for rosacea, with which demodex is associated. This post is in no way to disparage dermatologists in general, but I clearly don’t fit the mold of the repetitive frequently seen five minute visits to which they may be accustomed. Has anyone experienced an overpopulation of demodex? How was it diagnosed and treated? Thank you.

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Thank you for all your information. You are very thorough and well informed. I didn't know about entering the subject on review to search specifics . Will look for that. I always read the Amazon reviews . Very time consuming but valuable. I am encouraged today that I am finally headed in the right direction on this worrying problem. No thanks to the dermatologists I've seen. Neither ever mentioned the word "mites" to me. How could they not realize that's whats been going on. I found Tea Tree Therapy oil yesterday at Sprouts just have to call the 800 number with a question. Thanks again for your helpful comments.

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If you'd like to read the study about alcohol and tea tree oil I referred to in a previous comment, it's from the British Journal of Ophthalmology in 2005 called "In vitro and in vivo killing of ocular Demode by tea tree oil." I found it in the NCBI NLM NIH US gov't website. (I tried to put the URL in but when I tried to post this it said that URL's are not permitted. )

According to the study, it looks like tea tree oil (TTO) at 50% on our eye lashes every single day is what works. I'm not sure where to find it at 50%, but as I wrote earlier, I put 100% on my scalp and had no irritation, nor on my eyebrows where I also put 100% TTO. The tiny nano brush I got from We Love Eyes should be doing something because just using our fingers won't get into the lashes as well. This morning I used the shampoo and conditioner that has TTO in it, and found it interesting that the directions say that after shampooing and massaging it into the scalp to leave it on 2-3 minutes before rinsing, and then to wash again, leaving it in again the 2-3 minutes. The conditioner had similar 2-3 minute instructions. I wonder if it's because the TTO will kill the DX after a few minutes, but they didn't know it's actually 3.7 minutes... so I left it on longer. But it's not 100%, which is what really kills it. I'm impatient and will be doing the 100% TTO on my scalp again.

I used 100% TTO inside my nose yesterday with multiple Q-tips and my nose isn't running as much as it usually does. I didn't know that DX are also in the nose and thought just on the outside. When I did it, my nose ran/flowed quite a bit and my eyes got watery and blurry, which I think were DX coming up. But I don't know. Today my nose isn't running a lot, so maybe I did something beneficial. With all the warnings to not use 100%, I'm not finding any irritation so far. But I've not put it on my eyelashes.


Every time I search this entire site for info on demodex mite help, I get grover's disease. They are not the same. So will you please create a demodex mite group under Skin Health?

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I just found out the tea tree oil I bought is only 15% tea tree. I called the company to inquire and told the c/s rep they need to change the description on the bottle... it's very misleading or unclear. Yes, I also saw that article from NIH by Googling , looking at what popped up. Excellent article, most informative one I've read so far. I guess these horrible mites can migrate anywhere . So disgustingt. I'm going to start changing my pillow case every day too. I need a shampoo that has more tea tree oil than what I'm using and get the 100% tea tree oil. Do you dilute your TTO and if so what carrier oil do you use.? Am trying to think of natural oils that are too smellie.


Every time I search this entire site for info on demodex mite help, I get grover's disease. They are not the same. So will you please create a demodex mite group under Skin Health?

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All of this sharing is so helpful! Thank you all! I find that most of the TTO products do not provide the percentage of TTO. I bought the 100% to add a few drops to my shampoo and conditioner. I want to be very cautious as everything I have read has cautioned to be sure TTO is mixed in what they call a “carrier oil” to prevent significant irritation. I use the Paul Mitchell products and have recently discovered that I can use on my eyelids and eyelashes without irritation. I have been really careful not to get any in my eyes. And now on the nose and ears…. I have finally found some literature documenting that the Demodex can be on face, scalp, in nose and in ears, neck, chest and shoulders. Some Demodex are found on other parts of the body. I do put TTO in my nose and ears and it seems to work pretty well. And I do use the Paul Mitchell shampoo as total body wash. What also amazes me is how little physicians know about Demodex. By far, my opthalmologist is the most knowledgeable. My dermatologist was dubious at first but I think now believes me and prescribed ivermectin and metronidazole. My PCP had never heard of Demodex. So, we do need to educate providers.


Hi , thanks for replying. I just saw yesterday that the 50% is what one should use . I want to try and find exactly that , don't want to have to measuer or mix. I spend so much time already on this problem. I know by now from reading the mites can't be totally eliminated. Depressing. Yes, my eyes are very itchy. They are active at night , so now I understand what's going on in bed at night, rubbing my itchy eyes. I haven't tried salicylic acid . I know that's common in acne treatment products; didn't know you could use that around your eyes. Something is happening with my skin since I began the sodium sulfactamide sulfer wash two weeks ago, maybe it's the "die off". Today, will look for tea tree oil locally before I order from Amazon. I've had blepharitis for years and never knew the connection to these mites. My opthalmologist never suggested anything other than warm compresses and keeping eyelids clean. . I really glad I found this Mayo Clinic discussion group. It's been so helpful. I check the daily digest daily .

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Garlic powder & olive oil mixed together & rubbed on skin will kill most mites. Do it at night as mites will be most active then. Rinse off in shower with Apple cider vinegar. Good luck.


It sounds like you are doing everything possible. I am hoping I am on “the other side” of this problem…. But think they are more under control than eliminated. I am using John Mitchell tea tree oil products…. Shampoo, conditioner, and a leave in conditioner/moisturizer. I needed two rounds of XDEMVY and have been off of it for two weeks using only Avenova to clean my eyelashes twice a day. I am interested in your 2% salicylic acid …. Is that an eye drop solution? As for makeup, I wore no makeup for 6 months and have just started but not daily. I have read in the literature that alcohol does not kill Demodex. I have also started moisturizer on my face but after the tea tree oil has dried. I also purchased 100% tea tree oil and I intend to strengthen my shampoo, body wash and moisturizer though I know that you have to be careful w skin sensitivity. I also used metronidazole and ivermectin on my face, neck, chest and back for about a month while also using all the tea tree oil. Good luck w all your strategies. When I was at the peak of infestation I washed sheets, towels, pillowcases and all clothing after one day of use. I am now washing my sheets every 4-5 days. And I am back to my usual clothing was routine.

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I just reread this post. Did you ever have any adverse reactions to any of the several products you used? Did you use them over the same period or keep them somewhat separate ? I was thinking I was finally having some improvement but yesterday my face looked so awful - many red bumps, blotches , tiny white spots under the skin - looks a lot like milia but don't think that's what it is. Plus my eyes were itching like crazy. So I'm wondering if I'm overdoing these daily "treatments" or having some reaction to a product OR if this is what I've seen some refer to as "die off". Is that really a visible happening - die off? This daily regimen is becoming time consuming; I'd be more encouraged to keep at it if I saw some improvments.


Every time I search this entire site for info on demodex mite help, I get grover's disease. They are not the same. So will you please create a demodex mite group under Skin Health?

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Hi… Sorry to hear about your current symptoms. I have days when I feel I am totally on top of these creatures and then the next day, I will feel them on my scalp, in and around my eyes and face!! As for your questions about adverse events… I had no adverse reactions ( and I do tend to have sensitive skin) to any of the products. I started w two rounds of oral Ivermectin while using TTO all over. Then I started topical ivermectin and metronidazole on my face and Xdemvy drops in my eyes amd Avenova for cleansing my eyelashes and kids. I also started total body washing w Paul Mitchell TTO shampoo and conditioner. I was clearly in full blitz mode as I would do anything to get rid of them. Once I seemed to be having no or close to no symptoms ( about 8 wks), I started removing one thing at a time…..I would go a week between eliminating each product. And over the last month or so I am only using Paul Mitchell shampoo and condition ( using shampoo as my total body soap). What products are you using? And do you think you can differentiate allergic itching from what I call the creepy crawly sensation ( which also itches). And I am increasingly mindful that my skin is getting drier, so I do have some itching from dry skin. I am just about at the one year mark dealing w all of this. I am not autoimmune. And my husband has not “caught” Demodex.


Every time I search this entire site for info on demodex mite help, I get grover's disease. They are not the same. So will you please create a demodex mite group under Skin Health?

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Cleanse your eyelids with baby shampoo each morning. I also have read the tea tree oil is effective in killing demodex mites.


I just reread this post. Did you ever have any adverse reactions to any of the several products you used? Did you use them over the same period or keep them somewhat separate ? I was thinking I was finally having some improvement but yesterday my face looked so awful - many red bumps, blotches , tiny white spots under the skin - looks a lot like milia but don't think that's what it is. Plus my eyes were itching like crazy. So I'm wondering if I'm overdoing these daily "treatments" or having some reaction to a product OR if this is what I've seen some refer to as "die off". Is that really a visible happening - die off? This daily regimen is becoming time consuming; I'd be more encouraged to keep at it if I saw some improvments.

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Most likely you are killing them off. At first you'll look worse and be itchy and then it subsides. Don't stop!


Hi… Sorry to hear about your current symptoms. I have days when I feel I am totally on top of these creatures and then the next day, I will feel them on my scalp, in and around my eyes and face!! As for your questions about adverse events… I had no adverse reactions ( and I do tend to have sensitive skin) to any of the products. I started w two rounds of oral Ivermectin while using TTO all over. Then I started topical ivermectin and metronidazole on my face and Xdemvy drops in my eyes amd Avenova for cleansing my eyelashes and kids. I also started total body washing w Paul Mitchell TTO shampoo and conditioner. I was clearly in full blitz mode as I would do anything to get rid of them. Once I seemed to be having no or close to no symptoms ( about 8 wks), I started removing one thing at a time…..I would go a week between eliminating each product. And over the last month or so I am only using Paul Mitchell shampoo and condition ( using shampoo as my total body soap). What products are you using? And do you think you can differentiate allergic itching from what I call the creepy crawly sensation ( which also itches). And I am increasingly mindful that my skin is getting drier, so I do have some itching from dry skin. I am just about at the one year mark dealing w all of this. I am not autoimmune. And my husband has not “caught” Demodex.

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It's always good to see what other people are doing, thanks for sharing! I was on chemo three years ago, which is probably why I'm having my problems (per my ophthalmologist).

I'm on Xdemvy for dry-eye and finish up next week and then have cataract surgery on 4/2. The difference in my eyes is amazing and I can actually open them in the morning without drops, but they're not perfect yet (maybe never will be). It could be the Xdemvy that's helping or in combination with everything else I'm doing, especially the Avenova cleansers and their brush. I think their nano-brush is really amazing (not the larger ones) and think it's been as important as anything. I also put an Optase eye mask in the microwave, and since I read that Demodex will come out when it's hot, I already have the Cliradex eye wipes opened for the moment I remove the mask since it has tea tree oil in it (which is why it stings). I also put 100% tea tree oil on my scalp before I wash my hair with the Avenova shampoo and conditioner. I'll look into the Paul Mitchell TTO shampoo - thanks! I've bought three types of eye wipes and Cliradex seems to be the only one with TTO as a main ingredient (4-Terpineol) - in fact it's listed right after water with only five more ingredients following, but the Avenova wipes have fourteen ingredients with TTO listed third from the end. So I'm sticking with Cliradex, even though it's four times more expensive.

I found that by doing a very, very close-up selfie of my eyes and then enlarging it, I can see if there's anything on my lashes and lid margin. It's not as clear as what's shown online, but I could see where there was some 'debris' remaining so I could use the brush again (I found it best to use it before the cleanser in front of a magnified mirror - upper and lower lashes and lid). Your cell phone should be able to look at your scalp, too. I read about it in a PubMed NIH report.

I've gotten into the routine now of changing my pillowcases every day and sheets every 3-4 days and will be happy to start removing the multiple steps I'm taking to keep these critters at bay!!

If you look at the Tarsus website for their Xdemvy drops it has a really helpful (and very creepy) 'video' of how the DX live in our eyelashes and hair follicles. It's something everyone should see so we'll be vigilant the rest of the lives!


Hi… Sorry to hear about your current symptoms. I have days when I feel I am totally on top of these creatures and then the next day, I will feel them on my scalp, in and around my eyes and face!! As for your questions about adverse events… I had no adverse reactions ( and I do tend to have sensitive skin) to any of the products. I started w two rounds of oral Ivermectin while using TTO all over. Then I started topical ivermectin and metronidazole on my face and Xdemvy drops in my eyes amd Avenova for cleansing my eyelashes and kids. I also started total body washing w Paul Mitchell TTO shampoo and conditioner. I was clearly in full blitz mode as I would do anything to get rid of them. Once I seemed to be having no or close to no symptoms ( about 8 wks), I started removing one thing at a time…..I would go a week between eliminating each product. And over the last month or so I am only using Paul Mitchell shampoo and condition ( using shampoo as my total body soap). What products are you using? And do you think you can differentiate allergic itching from what I call the creepy crawly sensation ( which also itches). And I am increasingly mindful that my skin is getting drier, so I do have some itching from dry skin. I am just about at the one year mark dealing w all of this. I am not autoimmune. And my husband has not “caught” Demodex.

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Yes, you really did full blitz; glad you had no reactions. I started by using a sodium sulfacetamide & sulfur cleanser on my face about a month ago. Recently added OcuSoft's demodex foam cleanser for eyelids . Bought tea tree oil a week or two ago and am experimenting with it. Have used Neutrogena Deep Clean scrub for years prior to exfoliate and have been doing that more often now. Happily, the last two days I see and am encouraged. It takes a while,I realize, and I am not a patient person. I've used Jason tea tree oil shampoo before all this with mites, but am using it every day or other day, instead varing it with other shampoos. Typically, I'm cautious about starting more than one new product at a time , based on bad past experience, then not knowing which product caused the problem. So I'm still trying to do that with this regimen. I like the idea of a tea tree body wash so will look for that . As long as I see it's working, I'll keep on keeping on. I've read so much about mites recently my head spins. One natural product that was almost as effective as 100% TTO is caraway oil, per one of the articles no NIH site. Interesting. I want to read about 100% alcohol. 99% is referred to as "industrial and for cleaning " on Amazon, so doesn't sound like something to apply to the face. I don't have the creepy crawly sensations but do some itching and notice my face is quite dry. Since oil is attractive to the mites I am very sparing with any moisturizer.

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