Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Thank you for this post. I am now trying this combination. Hoping this provides some relief.

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Is yours mainly post nasal mucus? I don't have any nostril symptoms, just mucus high up in the throat / post nasal drip. Azelastine is what I use, curious if I should switch over to NasalCrom?


Is yours mainly post nasal mucus? I don't have any nostril symptoms, just mucus high up in the throat / post nasal drip. Azelastine is what I use, curious if I should switch over to NasalCrom?

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Heavy thick mucus throughout my day. So bad at night that it wakes me as I cannot swallow. Constantly clearing my throat and/ or coughing to clear it out. It’s extremely thick, sticky. Drink more than enough fluids with no positive effect. I just started the combination and will see what effect it has over the next three weeks.


@peternyc , thanks for the tips. I’ll try Claritin today. I normally avoid it due to my severe dry eye. But, I have something that seems l8ke a terrible cold, so I’ll take the Claritin today anyway. I’ll try to find the spray.

Is your smell/taste better too?

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I'm just listening to a new NPR feature on "Throughline" called "The Scent of History." It's fascinating historically with a therapeutic technique for Covid sufferers -- which you may already know. As a newbie here, I'm not permitted to include the link, but you can easily find the show via any search engine.


Got COVID 2 years ago, lost taste and smell. Since then I've had significant mucus, worse in am, worse with eating, stress, etc as many have noted. Have history of anaphylaxis to peanuts, cold induced anaphylaxis one time as well. Both related to mast cell hypersensitivity. Did reading on my own, then read all the posts here and both brought me to Cromolyn, a mast cell stabilizer. Started NasalCrom, nasal spray, and since then symptoms are so much more manageable. I'm a physician and had a very hard time talking to patients because I always had to clear my throat and now I can make it through the day. My symptoms are not totally gone but 90% better. NasalCrom is truly a miracle. I think this phlegm production that so many talk about here after COVID has to due with persistent mast cell release of histamine. NasalCrom + Claritin and I finally have relief after 2 years. It was so hard on me mentally and now I feel some relief as there is something that can help. I hope everyone who reads this will try this and find improvement. I never post on blogs or the internet in general but this is just too important not to share.

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I plan to try this. A few questions though. Did you use the Claritin 24/hr formula? If so, once in the morning or when? And the worse after eating part, did you also have nausea after eating? I do, but never have I had heartburn although I did have a barium swallow test that showed moderate to severe reflux. A GI Provider gave me an rx for Esomeprazole (had already tried Omeprazole and Pantoprazole with no improvement ) but I’m thinking Famotodine would be more suitable as it is a histamine blocker. Any thoughts? Finally, the Cromolyn spray-when do you use it, as a preventer or after the gunk accumulates? Like I am clear in the morning after taking a Benadryl 25 at bedtime. But once I eat anything the gunk accumulates and nausea sets in. I look forward to more info from you. Thanks


I'm just listening to a new NPR feature on "Throughline" called "The Scent of History." It's fascinating historically with a therapeutic technique for Covid sufferers -- which you may already know. As a newbie here, I'm not permitted to include the link, but you can easily find the show via any search engine.

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@shashig, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.

Please allow me to post it for you:
- The Scent of History

Did you also lose your sense of smell?


@shashig, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.

Please allow me to post it for you:
- The Scent of History

Did you also lose your sense of smell?

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Tnanks so much, Colleen. No, I did not but two very dear friends did -- and she is a gourmet home cook, which adds an extra level of hurt!


Wondering if anyone can let me know if you are all experiencing same thing
I had covid in 2021 some time and since then i have had a constant need to clear my throat and sometimes it produces mucus which relieves it for a little before i start off again
I didnt think anything of it at first putting it down to hayfever etc
But now i am getting more worried as more people have noticed me doing it and started making me panic it might be somethjng more serious
I havent tried anything yet because i wasnt concerned at first but since everyone has mentioned it i am now slowly noticing more symptoms like struggling to swallow fluidly because it feels like something stuck in my throat
I have worried myself sick with googling symptoms which range from allergies to cancer
Its causing me alot of stress and i have been putting off going to the drs
If it was serious surely i would have more symptoms than clearing of throat after 3 years?
Can someone pls help give me a little reassurance that its just long covid symptoms
I feel better already after finding this forum and reading the stories
Thank you x


Wondering if anyone can let me know if you are all experiencing same thing
I had covid in 2021 some time and since then i have had a constant need to clear my throat and sometimes it produces mucus which relieves it for a little before i start off again
I didnt think anything of it at first putting it down to hayfever etc
But now i am getting more worried as more people have noticed me doing it and started making me panic it might be somethjng more serious
I havent tried anything yet because i wasnt concerned at first but since everyone has mentioned it i am now slowly noticing more symptoms like struggling to swallow fluidly because it feels like something stuck in my throat
I have worried myself sick with googling symptoms which range from allergies to cancer
Its causing me alot of stress and i have been putting off going to the drs
If it was serious surely i would have more symptoms than clearing of throat after 3 years?
Can someone pls help give me a little reassurance that its just long covid symptoms
I feel better already after finding this forum and reading the stories
Thank you x

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If you read through this thread you will find all of us are suffering from the same thing. I always feel as though I have a cold wet cotton ball at the base of my throat area, when I breathe in deep I feel it and get panicked. From coughing and clearing my throat for over two months I have no doubt I have strained all the tissue in that area and how can it heal if I am always clearing my throat? I spoke to my doctor and he said he is hearing this from other patients. He did read this thread and also went to the NIH and found the complaints as are written here. I eat a anti inflammatory diet, Blue Zone foods, I exercise, I made quercetin, I have tried elderberry zinc, drinking large amounts of water, and take turmeric............BUPKIS! My doctor said that since this virus is so new they are only beginning to realize the long term effects. Btw, my husband also has the "glonk" in his throat minus the goofy feeling I get when I take in a deep breath. His final words.."You may have to simply wait this out and hope for the best". If you had anything more serious you would have known long ago. Stay the course and keep the faith as it is all we have. According to my doctor, the reason we are over producing phlegm, is because our immune system stills thinks it needs to do battle.


Did you have pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma with it? If so, the difficulty breathing can last up to 3 months. Are you on an asthma rescue inhaler or nebulizer? It does help. I had Covid in 2022 (the worst!) & then again last year 2023 (Milder) and I was diagnosed with long Covid the first of 2023. I still have thick mucosy saliva in the back of my throat from the first time I had it. No doctor can give me anything to relieve it. I have tried it all and seen everyone from primary, dentist, ENT, Infectious Disease & Dermatologist. The Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it came back normal mouth bacteria. She told me to use Listerine, brushing, flossing, etc., I still have it. I will say that eating a very salty food or anything with sugar makes it worse. I was going to consider the above mentioned Mucostop, but, it has too many ingredients for this sensitive body. Salt water rinses, lemon ginger tea help, but, its temporary. If I find an answer for the thick mucus in back of throat/mouth I will let you know. Praying for you right now. Rest and do a little something. Rest....You may find that any type of exertion brings on the difficult breathing. If it continues, I woud see a Pulmonologist ASAP. I'm so sorry you are battling this. It's not easy. Please keep me posted. I understand and I care.

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Thank you so much, I truly appreciate you taking time to write.
It seems like doctors don’t know how to eliminate symptoms from LC.
I am exhausted from my symptoms. Thank you.


I got a terrible dose of COVID in December of 2020 which was almost fatal. It attacked my heart, kidneys, and thyroid and am still in recovery for those problems. In addition I lost my sense of smell and taste along with having above normal nasal drip and a constant buildup of phlegm in my throat and lungs. For the better part 3 years I’ve been trying numerous treatments hoping for a cure but nothing seemed to help until my good friend from Costa Rica recommended Z Pak. That was in the beginning of January and after a 5 Day Period of taking the pills all the phlegm has gone away 100%. What a relief after 3 years of suffering. I still have the nasal drip but I use Ipratropium Bromide. 06 Nasal Spray which keeps the drip in check for about 8 hrs at a time. I’m hoping many of you with the same symptoms will try these products and good health to all.

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