Why Genetic Testing for Mental Health Meds is Important

Posted by ainsleigh @ainsleigh, Feb 11, 2019

Recently we learned that my 19 year old Grandson (who has been diagnosed with depression, panic attacks and anxiety) has not been
on the right medication. In fact the one he has been on was in the red (wrong) zone as opposed to green or yellow. Needless-to-say he is tapering off it in preparation to be put on one in the green zone! We did learn this through the Genetic Testing. If you are able to access this testing I would really recommend it!
Best wishes

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@merpreb- You are welcome Merry. It was from another member of our Connect group that I was fortunate to learn about the genetic testing so I am very grateful as it did enable us to get my Grandson tested. If you google Mayo Clinic genetic testing it tells the various ways it is being used. To me it seems like a wonderful tool for those struggling with mental health issues.
Best wishes

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Are there a lot of genetic testing places? Does it accept insurance usually?
I’m interested in finding more information about it.


Hello! I was swabbed for the genetic testing and have not received the results yet..I hear it can take a little while but think I’ll reach out to my doctor about the results. I do admit: I’m afraid of opening a can of worms, or I would have contacted him sooner.
I have (now) SLE & Hashimoto’s and take Prozac but recently had a crying spell that wouldn’t stop so he did the swab. I will let you know!


Are there a lot of genetic testing places? Does it accept insurance usually?
I’m interested in finding more information about it.

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I am on Medicare with United Healthcare and the doctor said that it was covered.


I am on Medicare with United Healthcare and the doctor said that it was covered.

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Ok thanks. I’m on Medicare
And Medicaid through a contract with my insurance provider. I will call them to make sure.


Search Genesight testing. You will find links for patients, and doctors. Based on your Gene's, you'll submit a swab, they can tell which meds your body will metabolize well and which you won't. If you can't metabolize a certain drug you won't benefit from taking it
Your doctor must register with Genesight. It's free and it takes about 15 minutes. If your doctor doesn't want to do this, (they can be stubborn or just to busy), they will furnish a list of doctors based on your zipcode. That doctor will explain your results and give you a copy of your report that you can have entered into your medical record. This test is most useful for selecting psychotropic and analgesic medications. Most insurance and Medicare will cover it. I found it to be a very valuable service.

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I had Genesight testing done for both mental health meds and pain meds. The report has been invaluable!


My provider had me do it and told me it was inconclusive. Didn't make me feel real confident. I may ask that they repeat it.

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