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86 total results
Discussions (11)
Enhertu treatment and quality of life
Enhertu treatment and quality of life
Anyone on Enhertu with Her2 NSLC?
Anyone on Enhertu with Her2 NSLC? ... Could you share your experience with Enhertu
Enhertu for Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Enhertu for Stage 4 Breast Cancer ... Herceptin and Perjeta and start me on Enhertu ... Does anyone have experience with Enhertu
Ovarian cancer: Anyone here on Enhertu?
Ovarian cancer: Anyone here on Enhertu ... Anyone here on Enhertu?
Looking to hear of other’s experiences of ENHERTU chemo
to hear of other’s experiences of ENHERTU ... She is now on Enhurtu chemotherapy and
Enhertu failure in HER2+ lung cancer: What next?
Enhertu failure in HER2+ lung cancer ... anyone on here that is HER2 +, was on Enhertu
Anyone else on Enhertu? What's your experience? How long?
Anyone else on Enhertu? ... Started on Enhertu a week ago and am
Negative Discordance (HER2)
Has anyone tried Enhertu or Trastuzumab
edometrial cancer returns
part in in a clinical study involve ENHERTU
Esophageal adenocarcinoma with brain metastasis
earlier this month and an infusion of Enhertu