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171 total results
Comments (157)
Hi @ilovedoodie, The SleepyHead data above was mine that I downloaded from my SD card. My...
My Dreamstation CPAP was set to Min ... My AHI numbers were lower than they ... had been since I started using a CPAP ... is not an auto CPAP but haven't ... anything about it right now it the AHI numbers
Hi Friends. I've been using CPAP for over 16 years. I've read a number of articles...
I've been using CPAP for over 16 ... I've read a number of articles in ... apparent association of seizures with the CPAP
@wgatap21 from what I've read it does look promising if you fit the eligibility criteria. This...
About the noise - my first CPAP, the ... to using the DreamStation Go Auto CPAP ... travel machine as my full time CPAP ... Surprised me that I get better AHI numbers
Hi Jake @jakedduck1 -- There is a scale of sorts. Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) measures sleep apnea...
The AHI is the sum of the number of ... apneas (pauses in breathing) plus the number ... Now with a CPAP machine mine is running
Thought I was the only one that could go to sleep without medication and two hours...
apneas per hour, and he said that any number ... He prescribed CPAP and found out very ... But, the CPAP did not improve my sleeping
Hi Jim @thankful - I think that's a good suggestion for finding a local medical supply...
local medical supply store that has a CPAP ... The CPAP Comfort Cover is only for some ... I've had some really good AHI numbers
@johnhans my sleep medicine doctor wants my AHI number to be under 4 also. I've been...
sleep medicine doctor wants my AHI number ... I've been using my CPAP for going
Hello @larkspur725, With all of my previous masks I had the CPAP nose - big sore...
all of my previous masks I had the CPAP ... said she wipes hers every day with a CPAP ... faithfully wiped mine with a non alcohol CPAP ... about 3 weeks and I noticed my AHI number ... I had purchased a CPAP full face mask
Hi Jane @macjane, what type of mask are you using now? I had tried the Dreamware...
Fisher-Paykel full face mask that did a number ... ve found that I can clean it with a CPAP ... morning and then put it in my SoClean CPAP
@johnhans -- Thanks for the tip about side sleepers should have the face partially off of...
slept good last night but the AHI number ... I may look at getting a CPAP pillow
Day 2 of using the CPAP went well. AHI number was down from 17.4 to 9...
Day 2 of using the CPAP went well. ... AHI number was down from 17.4 to 9 and
Leahklein, has anyone reached out since this post? I’m curious. I feel you. Doctors are tired,...
I do sleep with a CPAP. ... concentrate, why can’t I lie down without my CPAP ... I do agree that we are a number to most
Jim, I can't personally compare the Airtouch to the standard full face mask as prior to...
son-in-law has severe apnea and his cPAP ... problems with air leaks and has tried a number
@dave2455 Hi Dave, it sounds like you have really been through the ringer. I presume with...
presume with the current therapies, CPAP ... My numbers were better than they were
I haven't replied lately because I'm seeing a lot of inconsistencies in the CPAP data/results. First,...
seeing a lot of inconsistencies in the CPAP ... pain
I do see a small, variable number ... of hyponeas and a higher number of
I have had x-rays and MRIs that confirm that I have severe stenosis in 2 areas....
I have been using a CPAP machine for ... My sleep apnea number is 6.
Welcome @annienelson, I can definitely relate to your CPAP problems as they are the same ones...
annienelson, I can definitely relate to your CPAP ... #39;t too bad and affecting my AHI numbers
Good morning, @joeeduffy, I promise you’re not alone here! This forum has been a lifeline to...
There are a number of discussions in ... typing in Sleep apnea or BiPap or Cpap ... /
My psychiatrist added Mirtazapine to my Wellbutrin when it started to help less with depression. I...
my quality of sleep, along with a CPAP ... uncontrolled sleep apnea can result in a number
Welcome @gansettgirl, Congratulations on losing all of that weight. I'm sure it plays a part in...
it plays a part in improving your CPAP ... AHI numbers. ... really but it is under control with the CPAP ... What AHI target number did your doctor
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