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4,645 total results
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Hi all. My name is Hank Love. A month ago, my wife went to Paducah to...
That Friday I had a really bad chest ... That night I had another anxiety attack ... A few days went by I still had chest ... But we were laying down one night and ... all of a sudden my chest got tight
hi I am a 21 year old female and have had chest pains for about 10...
a 21 year old female and have had chest ... months maybe more, it feels like my chest ... majority of the time but has moved right ... in the middle of my chest but mainly
@bulgebattler Myofascial release is physical therapy. Doctors have misunderstood living fascia for many years because when...
position finding the next path of tight ... you should start feeling benefits right ... The tightness on the left side of my ... chest that has plagued me for years ... relaxed, and both sides of my chest
Hello Jayne, I was diagnosed with a tortuous colon, earlier this year, after many tests (to...
So I might have been on the low FODMAP ... That would keep me up at night, affecting ... at least one meal of the day, as a cheat ... My grandma was kinda right... ... Mechanical digesion, right?
@katgts @ashleyh I have allergies and asthma and do allergy shots for many things including my...
causing the same pressure and ache in my chest ... , and then it would turn into a chest ... thoracic outlet syndrome which causes tight ... other passing through the neck and chest ... A gastroenterologist might be able to
doyoga - I had bi lateral mastectomies and I chose no reconstruction and have no regrets....
necklines and how to dress as a truly flat chested ... darker colors but I wonder how that might
I am new to all this so If in posting in the wrong place please correct...
years old female and started having chest ... have also been hospitalized for a night
I’ve had pulmonary breathing test but not sniff test. Says I have a small nodule on...
spasms or fluttering in diaphragm and chest ... with some sharp pains all day then tightness
Hello @happy_ira First, welcome and please let me congratulate you on your amazing progress in tapering...
When I start having chest pain I know ... The supplements might possibly be adding
I just wrote a long response to someone else and my hands/arms are going numb, so...
contact football in college... it was right ... and when my Subaru Legacy's two right-side ... severe pain and couldn't lift my right ... I went to the ER where they took a chest
Hello @tngirl1 Have you talked with your PCP about the continued symptoms of tightness in your...
PCP about the continued symptoms of tightness ... in your chest and the burning feeling ... You might consider asking for a referral ... are any stomach related issues that might
@tngirl1 If you can't sleep, get up, and write down what is bothering you and consuming...
lots of phlegm and it would become a chest ... You might want to pick something like
@tngirl1 welcome to connect a great group of people . stress can cause a lot of...
you are having a heart attack to the tightness ... you may fill in chest .
Hi there and welcome, My dad was diagnosed with a mediastinal mass 6.5cm X 5.8cm on...
His fear was to open my dad's chest ... surgery, but know we went down the right
Hi @grtw, I’m so glad you reached out with details – welcome to Connect. I’d like...
information from Mayo Clinic about chronic chest ... ... microvascular disorder, I though you might
Lady, Thank you. I assume you are doing pretty well. Now, I am questioning why radiation...
in my left lung, nodes in my chest and ... in my right shoulder and 3 spots on
@brit This breathing also works! Empty your mind of thoughts with each breath. It also helps...
imagine a bright, colorful, glowing light ... With each relaxing breath, let the light ... this week because I got one of my chest ... Using the image of the light helped
I have experienced similar test results and am 63 years old. I tried taking statin drugs...
That was more than eight years ago. ... a defibrillator was placed in his chest ... is dense and heavy and others have light
@bumble I think myofascial release will help. I do this therapy and have issues with tightness...
this therapy and have issues with tightness ... in my neck, jaw and chest . ... side because my jaw pressure was too tight
@cornflower I just started and have been vegetarian ,I cheat with chicken at times though ,...
started and have been vegetarian ,I cheat ... toasting ,its tolerable this way ,he,s right
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