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509 total results
Hi there, I do not have this problem, but I’m a PT and we have actually...
this region as it may not be just the pudendal
I will check into the psoas muscle. The sacrotuberous muscle also cross over the pudendal nerve...
sacrotuberous muscle also cross over the pudendal ... abnormal and now is pressing on the pudendal
My sincere apologies. I have read your posts and you have been through a lot of...
Is pudendal neuralgia your final diagnosis ... from Boston, and that I could have a pudendal ... t know if you have seen anyone for pudendal
@vklittle61 please see my posts in pudendal nerve entrapment thread of this website. I had the...
@vklittle61 please see my posts in pudendal
@jimbourg8 Have you asked your neurologist if it could be pudental nerve irritation/malagia/neuralgia? In addition, a...
asked your neurologist if it could be pudental ... therapist could assess whether the pudental