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4,645 total results
Afraid I have cancer
The flank pain wakes me up at night ... My chest feels heavy at times with constant ... endoscopy, thyroids, inflamation markers, chest
Unexplained rash
coming on here in hopes that someone might ... then has now spread to my face, neck, chest
Symptoms of mild Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: How do I manage them?
felt as though something wasn’t quite right ... One night while in bed and trying to ... I feel a restriction in my chest and ... I also have this constant tightness
Chronic pain and upper abdomen? Please see added messages!!!
I have had severe lower chest pain and ... appendectomy, a open surgery to the right
Second opinion & question about stents
I occasionally get a flutter in my chest ... the test she said that she would be right
@dhornsby1 Welcome to Connect. Fusion at C5/C6 does not affect neck movement a lot. Head turning...
I can't touch my chin to my chest ... That might be a question to ask a surgeon
In a heart that is working nominally, properly, a low heart rate is generally...not absolutely, but...
rate is under 50 much of the time, it might ... three times, scootch your bum left and right ... keep your chin tucked toward your chest ... aren't on any medication that might ... it gets worse, call a cardiologist right
In 2020 I did one year Enz, then next year Radium 223 PSA gradually up Caused...
No hereditary shown
CT Scan for chest ... Zytiga over Darolutamide, and why not right
Yes mine does also. My doctor thinks my chest pain might be related from the coughing...
My doctor thinks my chest pain might
@wangling in the meantime maybe try one of the breathing apps. The ones where you follow...
They might force you to remember to ... When we are suffering from a chest infection