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4,690 total results
@Ims4ever I too have a paralyzed diaphragm. It is a rare condition which most primary care...
specializes in minimally invasive chest ... keep looking until you get to the right
@pacer3702 That's a good question about MFR. The physical therapist who wrote the article seems to...
Stress adds tightness to our bodies, ... In my case, I have tightness in the ... front of my neck and chest from thoracic ... Because that is too tight, it pulls ... You might ask your PT if more frequent
I have afib about once a year- since 2015. When it happens it is dramatic and...
over 180, I get very short of breath, chest ... my cardiologist said I was probably right
Also, in Physical Therapy, they taught me to do 10 knee bends every day (properly, slowly,...
properly, slowly, with tummy pulled in, chest ... sticking out, quadracepts flexed, kegels tight
@musikbliss Hi Crystal! I am so happy to hear from you! Have you had a physical...
I have a pattern of tightness that is ... then it makes the left side of my chest ... because there can be many layers of tight