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286 total results
Hi @blulady, you’re wondering if it’s possible for another virus to activate a dormant one in...
potentially reactivate and become chronic ... the risk of dormant viruses such as EBV ...
My EBV is also over 600 and my numbers for Mycoplasma pneumoniae are just as high...
My EBV is also over 600 and my numbers ... ve narrowed things down to is CIRS (Chronic ... frustrating for sure with ongoing illnesses, chronic
I have did enough research hahah online and spoken To my doctor and his PA ....
The information is so scarce about EBV ... Tons on chronic fatigue which I thought
Hi Annie, EBV is another of these viruses which can have long term consequences. Covid has...
Hi Annie, EBV is another of these viruses ... with scientists trying to link CFS to EBV ... : ... text=The%20Epstein-Barr%20virus%20%28EBV ... while and have probably followed the Chronic
Hi, I haven't done a lot of reading about long Covid until recently and ran across...
had been previously diagnosed with EBV ... I was diagnosed with EBV, CMV and chronic ... because many Drs didn't believe in chronic ... I had almost forgotten about the EBV