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2,070 total results
I have pots and would also have trouble with sleeping. Right after sleeping for about 2...
pots and would also have trouble with sleeping ... Right after sleeping for about 2 hrs ... I read somewhere that the sleep cycle ... have something to do with that, a sleep ... cycle apnea.
Posted: Apr 28 12:16pm
If you don't mind sharing, baa, what is your apnea diagnosis, and what was the prescription?...
;t mind sharing, baa, what is your apnea ... seizures, you should probably not sleep
Support Group: Sleep Health
Posted: Aug 25 4:45pm
New to the group! I was diagnosed with HCM 2 years ago. I had an episode...
an episode that woke me up during sleep ... I had a sleep study( mild apnea). ... I do not sleep more than 2 hrs at a
Posted: Jul 12 9:04am
Hi Sharon, I shared many aspects of your issues. I had an auto immune disease before...
huge fatigue with lots of daytime sleepiness ... concentrator and must use bipap for sleep ... I have central apnea during sleep, and ... wonder if the COVID has caused central apnea
Support Group: Lung Health
Posted: Feb 24 7:12am