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210 total results
John, hope you have better luck with sleeping on your side than I did. 6/15/18 TKR...
on your side than I did. 6/15/18 TKR ... followed by staph infection. ... Knee pain prevents me from sleeping
Support Group: Sleep Health
Posted: Dec 25, 2018
@dickiedo, Greetings and good evening. It sure does sound like you are experiencing some pretty unwanted...
some pretty unwanted issues with your TKR ... Unbelievable pain and limited mobility ... Chronic myofascial pain syndrome.... ... Pain city is my nickname for it. ... To review the discussion on Connect follow
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Aug 31, 2019
Eleven weeks out from TKR. And yes, I was wondering about the ablation as one person...
Eleven weeks out from TKR. ... person stated they had had it done following ... burning pain after their TKR.
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Aug 22, 2019
Just had an appt with os at 12 weeks post op. He says he wants to...
I have a lot of pain. ... My scar tissue causes so much pain. ... epidural for 2 days while I use a cpm, followed ... months, 4 years, and even 8 years after tkr
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Aug 8, 2019
Are you happy with the results of your arthrolysis procedure? I too am severely impacted by...
tissue in both knees three years post TKR ... scar tissue would probably return following ... range of motion and causes constant pain
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: Jul 26, 2019