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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,492 total results
With your medical background it would be appreciated if you can give us your view about...
active and 6 months inactive as a ... cycle) and kept it at bay for 9 months ... So I had a least 14 months of clear ... a capsacian and menthol blend that burns ... touch your eyes or privates it will burn
@cami I'm 12 months post-op of bilateral TKR. I remember the intense burning pain, when asked...
@cami I'm 12 months post-op of ... I remember the intense burning pain,
@lisalucier - Hi Lisa, The results of the 2nd biopsy at the "certified" lab showed that...
The good news is the burning in my feet ... convinced nerves can grow back in a month
I’m not sure if it acid reflux or GERD.but I was doing good very good since...
Have a bad taste I my mouth and haven ... My stomach and throat is burning from
I had Fundoplication surgery 10yrs ago.but ive started hvin acid reflux again.with a chronic cough, lump...
I can’t sleep for the burning in my ... I’ve been this way fir the last 4months