246 total results
I corrected the broken link. See this video of Dr. Ayalew Tefferi discussing potential drugs for...
@samlupowitz, if you would like to seek a second opinion from Mayo experts in myelofibrosis and...
Does Jardiance have serious interactions with Jakafi?
I have Myelofibrosis diagnosed 8 years ago, and have been diabetic for many years since chemo and radiation for breast cancer. I also have kidney...
After 3 months on hydroxyurea, I am going to ask to switch to Besremi
I was diagnosed with PV in March. When my hematocrit leveled off at around 44 after 10 weeks of phlebotomy, my hematologist put me on...
Medicines for reducing fibrosis in polycythemia vera patients
I am a PV patient, currently age 50, JAK2 verified, producing a tremendous amount of red blood cells (started treatments at a 72% Htc). Besides...
Anyone experienced Bone Marrow Transplant with TP53 mutation?
After 10 healthy years, living with Essential Thrombocythemia w/JAK2 mutation and taking Hydroxyurea, my blood disease has transitioned into Myelofibrosis. I'm now taking Jakafi for...