Workplace Violence Hurts ... It Almost Ended My World

Posted by Roxie43 @roxie43, Apr 13, 2012

Do you know of someone who has been made to feel worthless by a boss, company,or a culture; that promotes and rewards cruelty to human beings?

Do you think it's o.k. to go to work, work hard and be intentionally hurt by workplace bullies who abuse their power?

Just like bullying in classrooms/schools is leading to bullycide's and a host of psychological issues for our youth, adults in the workplace across the world are also suffering.

Workplace, discrimination and retaliation (if you report the sometimes unlawful behaviors):
Robs an individual of their self worth, causes enormous amounts of stress, exacerbates pre-existing health conditions, can limit one's career growth, results in the hard work one does not being recognized and can also include defamation of character, slander, hostile and unhealthy work environments and even SUICIDE!

Sometimes the behavior can be subtle but the abuser knows exactly what he or she is doing. Often the abuser is manipulative and convinces individuals who they perceive as weak to do the dirty work for them so when the behavior is finally reported they are protected.

*****Please visit;*****

Please sign this petition and together let's put an end to a behavior that should never be accepted nor encouraged.

I welcome your stories and I also thank you in advance

In Solidarity Against Cruelty to Human Beings.........

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On my way to therapy to continue processing the re-traumatization by employer. I wish individuals who were trained in one area also had too have additional trainings prior to being given the opportunities to supervise others.

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I think its a good start because being trained to do one thing and then being promoted to do another job does not mean that because for example; an excellent typist will be an excellent or even a good supervisor in that office.
Training is a must but more importantly is how good that supervisor is in the new role. How can a company afford to keep someone in charge of a program when no one likes him/her, many have complained and/or many have resigned, transferred or have become seriously sick?
You have no idea how sad it is to lose so many quality and hard working individuals because of an evil spirit who's gifted in manipulating others to think he/she is perfect and the chaos taking place is not their fault.
As we all know people talk and even the people that have to deal with this type of individual do so out of obligation not desire but still an employer thinks this is ok?????
Wake up please! What will it take? Lives are being destroyed by a lack of compassion and mutual respect but if one stands up for his or her rights they're made to suffer? I cannot believe I'm an American citizen l...
The more you know.......
Roxie 🙁


Gathering I am lucky with this problem but I hear stories from buddies and spouses and this just can't be ok. Very sorry for all that hurt at work. We have enough problems. Work should not be 1 more.


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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I've been reading some more comments here and I feel like I got to know some of you. It's been a real pleasure to get to know you. I just joined this community. I have been feeling really down and in need of positive human interactions.

The whole issue of child bullying/adult bulling has hit a nerve for me. I recently was making a comment about this on Facebook and a friend thought I was complaining about superficial things. He totally misunderstood me. I have to admit, my reply might have come off a bit harsh. I have been dealing with bullying pretty much my whole life. Not just at work, but day to day life since childhood.

I'm just so pleased how supportive everyone here is. I'm not used to that. I don't have many close friends. I don't know how to reach out and other friends don't know how to interact with me, I think. I keep myself so closed off to protect myself from all the hurt. I'm happy there's a community like this out there.



I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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Hi Maverick,
I'm touched by your experiences. Thank you for sharing with me. I have invested over a decade to this employer and I'm not going anywhere. It's what they would love! I work hard and have excellent reference letters so I'm not concerned about my job security nor references because all one has to do is have a friend call for a reference and if any derogatory comments are made " another suit". We, when we are right, have to take a stand against cruelty to a human being. I have suffered so much needlessly over stigma and discrimination but in the end I'm still alive and accountability is coming.
Thank you for being concerned for my health and you're so right that no job is worth my health nor my life. Interestingly, I'm ok on that front today and my darkest day's are behind me. Now my focus is accountability and damages and my first court date is this coming week to serve defendants with notices. Now, because of all the pain I endured, I just want to expose everyone who intentionally almost killed me.
I'm seeing this through to the very end my friend because I didn't do anything to warranted being treated in such a cruel and persecutory manner.
Please sign the petition below and don't hesitate to open up, make friends and heal a little day by day...


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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Best wishes on the court date! I am wondering about the law suit. I know you may not be able to discuss it. What is the tact you are taking? I was successful in getting unemployment from one employer, but there were a few others that just got away with it, one because I was just too naive.


Im in a much better place today than I was September 8th, 2011. The journey has not been an easy one but I have faith in myself as well as other entities that I will be restored to whole and never bothered again.... ever.
To play with someone's life is very serious and to look the other way and/ or encourage workplace violence is a shame. I'm sure some reader's are thinking to themselves "what did I allow to happen?". I could have been dead! Shame on you for participating and ignoring cries for help.
I'm alive and have a purpose.


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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Im sorry LizKat I'm holding some details very near at this point but when I'm done I will most definitely share.
What I would suggest to everyone is document document document!
Thanks for your support.


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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Hi Roxie

That's what I thought! So I will wait until it is over


I can relate to this. I had my share of craze bosses. One got me fired. One I had to sue. It was a nightmare. It really does spiral out of control. The worse is feeling you are all alone. You can't use them for reference or even put it in your resume either. It's a loose loose situation. I would recommend to you to start looking for another job. No job is worth your mental and physical health. Talk to your therapist about ways to deal with it, skills you can use to help you through. Don't let the abusers win. They get to you because they know they can. The employers are people too and many are not competent at dealing with people issues. Stay strong and talk to someone, but most of all, get out.

For me, it's been a long hard journey and I finally cracked. I hit bottom and was very depressed for several years. I couldn't get back to work. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year. She has helped me tremendously, but I still have a long way to go. I'm still petrified of the work situation. I'm afraid of going back to work and having the whole thing happen again. I know I have to push myself harder.

You are not alone.

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Thanks for understanding.

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