Why don’t anxiety meds work for me?

Posted by dorothy1914 @dorothy1914, Feb 13 5:13pm

In Sept. 2024 out of nowhere I developed extreme anxiety. Went to primary care doctor and was prescribed Effexor (which I had successfully taken previously). This time it didn’t provide any help. Dr. then prescribed Lexapro (which didn’t help) and then Celexa (which didn’t help). By this time, I lost 45 pounds by not being able to eat and constant diarrhea. Dr. then told me to find another practitioner as there was nothing more she could do for me. Since then I have seen 4 PNP and none of their prescribed meds have helped. What do I do?

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Are you talking about professionals in the mental health field too? Why are your doctors unwilling to treat you anymore. Did you not follow their instructions or decide that you knew best? I have a brother who refuses to go to therapy and continues to diagnose himself and know best how to treat his all encompassing depression for 40 yrs

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To @scain
On the contrary. I followed their instructions to the T allowing myself to continue on with some medications when the main side effect of three different medications was anorexia. My PCP said I shouldn’t worry about the excessive weight loss and just worry about fixing the anxiety. So, as a result of listening to her, I have irreparable damage to my body. She decided not to treat me anymore as she was frustrated by my lack of success. Also, there were PNPs who wanted to put me on drugs that I had already been taken off of due to severe side effects. My current Primary Care doctor has a horrible bedside manner and ridiculed me for my anxiety. It’s not easy finding someone who will listen and not judge. I have never felt or acted like I knew best.”


To @rick98
Hello Rick, most of the prescribers I have been seeing will not see me anymore as they won’t prescribe any benzos at all. There was only one PNP who would treat me if I agreed to his plan: .5 Ativan morning, .5 Ativan afternoon and 1mg Clonazepam at night for sleep. Knowing of your struggle with Clonazepam, I said that was not what I wanted to do. We left it where I would call him if I changed my mind. I have watched many, many of Dr. Josef’s videos and saw a wonderful documentary of Dr. Ashton describing her tapering method. I think the documentary dated back to the 1950s or 60s. I have been receiving emails from Dr. Josef’s facilities. I contacted him via email to inquire about his program. I mistakenly thought he had opened a location in Tucson, Az., but I was mistaken. He only treats/assists those people who live in a city where he has a program. Tonight is a weird one…I feel liked I am getting the flu (flushed face, headache, pains in my legs and back, stuffy ears) but I know it’s “just my anxiety.’ I wish you well with the taper. Try to find the documentary of Dr. Ashton. I think you’d enjoy watching it.
p.s. so happy to hear back from you. Even though the topic is difficult, hearing from you brightens my day.

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Doxepin helped me wean off benzodiazepines a few years ago.
It was actually a happy accident.

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