When Was The Last Time You Were Happy?

Posted by dfb @dfb, Dec 8, 2023

It has been a long time since I’ve been really happy. Sure I have had moments were I’ve been distracted by brief periods of feeling “happy” but the last time I was truly happy is almost two decades ago.

Before the diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, the pharmacological circus and mind numbing treatments, I was happy. My life since has been a series of hard to believe made for television melodramas.

The last time I was happy I was with my wife and children at Beaver Tail in Rhode Island. If you know the spot then you know on perfect summer day the promontory that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean can turn in Atheists onto believer. Greenfields leading to cliffs where the waves break lead to walking paths that circle the light house. The bridges leading from the main land to Newport are breath taking. The air fresh and clean.

On a perfect summer day my wife and I played with our children for hours on end. No plans. No structure. Just the joy of our children running around and exploring the world, oblivious to the cares of the world.

As I am getting better I find myself searching for those precious moments of happiness. Even the sadness I feel from all that has passed since can not dimmish the warmth they provider to my broken heart.

Today I realized that in those wonderous moments I felt no regrets for what had past nor any concerns for what the future might bring. I was fully and truly in the moment. My family always gave me that gift of relief from what I call the "burden of self".

I believe that if I can let go of the regrets and grief of the past and wipe away my concerns about what tomorrow will bring I might be happy again.

What about you, when was the last time you were happy?

Please share what you do today to embrace the joy in the now!

Thank you!

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It's heartbreaking no one comes to visit. I'm in TX, only because of an injury and multiple surgeries. NY children and 1 grandchild live in Oregon. They have decided to completely abandon us and we have no family anywhere near. Next time Ilk move West closer to them, never farther away.

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I was once invited to N. TX for better health care. Unfortunately at the time we were just passing thru on a move to Golden Valley AZ. I can’t say the health care was anything great in Golden Valley/Kingman AZ.


I have come to believe that from the moment of consciousness until day I die life is suffering punctuated by moments of transcendent joy. It seems to me that no one escapes this reality.

The most direct route I have found to that joy is living in the moment.

The only shortcut I have found to living in the moment is loving others. And truly loving others requires that I love myself and that ain't easy.

I have also found that it is harder for me to love those closest to me who may have wounded me the most, then it is to love a stranger.

I have found no other path to peace. Maybe one day humanity will transcend suffering but not today.

I hope you find the peace you deserve.

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Profound words. I do have transient moments of joy, usually with my dog or out in nature. Nature is my cathedral.
So true about loving yourself, I’ve always struggled with that. I’m estranged from my family and I rarely let others in, because seems like I always end up hurt or disappointed.


I was once invited to N. TX for better health care. Unfortunately at the time we were just passing thru on a move to Golden Valley AZ. I can’t say the health care was anything great in Golden Valley/Kingman AZ.

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I lived at 9,000 in the White Mnts of AZ. I'd like to go back.


I lived at 9,000 in the White Mnts of AZ. I'd like to go back.

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I’m familiar with Flagstaff AZ where there is a road named after my name, which is nearby to the San Francisco Peaks.


On the spectrum of life, as I see it, most of life is between the two nodes of 'being happy'and being in an 'unhappy/sad' state. So do I get flickers of belly laughs a few times in a day or two? Yes, partly because there is often a side of the story that is comic, opposite of tragic.

But really the public radio programs (I listen or read transcripts; no TV, movies for me) similar to perhaps PBS, has a whole range of areas of life from science, philosophy and technology to music and books. I test my understanding or knowledge with what I hear; that's where it becomes interesting. Remember the position SCOTUS took on vaccination? Both agreeing with Biden in hospitals and disagreeing toward suppliers to the government. Or the problem of illicit drugs that exacts more deaths than traffic accidents and murders combined, I find mesmerizing bcz at one level it's a desire to get out of pain -- physical, psychological, social, or even existential. Actually NIMH former head (Dr Insel) believes the solution is three Ps: Place to live, People (to talk with, viz Friends, and Purpose in life) Notice the last two are free, requiring no funding. As humans we are both susceptible to external and internal stimuli, in infinite ways. Yet some basic facts also help us keep Generally on track in life.

In fact need for friendship was on our national news program with Jeremy Nobel of Harvard U quoting, "[It] increases risk of heart attack or stroke or death from either by 30 per cent; risk of dementia by 40 per cent; type 2 diabetes 50 per cent,"

Solution to diabetes is friends? Ha! And during Covid we kept complaining of isolation but seldom reached out for live talks-on-phones, only texts? One wonders what calamity awaits us from our self-imposed social deprivation.

I write this bc this is one area that one can't do alone; one can't be friend with oneself (of course one must truly Like oneself before expecting others to like him/her) This is why I daily attempt to find friend-connection. Unfortunate problem is many feel being without friends is shameful as if no one likes them. No! Friendship happens when simultaneously two find each other interesting and enjoyable. If one likes the other less than the other side then the level of friendship is the Lower level, say just to play tennis or hiking or books or whatever. We also let the other go graciously bc in friendships there is NO compulsion/manipulation. It's the purest relation possible to humans.

I truly hope we all find friends...to laugh and ponder and wonder.


Its been at least 4 years .


Its been at least 4 years .

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I've been thinking about "4 years" and in the middle of my night sleep beak, I thought, 'If so hasn't the person been WITHOUT it at least four, likely much more?

Now that's a Very good news, right?
Now YOU can be your own therapist/do the CBT thing and feel proud that You were able get closer to Your issue By Yourself.
Let's do it, my friend...life is precious.


Haven't been really happy for a long time. I left Maui and took the RV out to travel, got hurt, had 4 back surgeries. Had to find a place to live to recover r. Bought a house inn east bum f**k Texas. Been here 5 years, use a walker and scooter to get
Adult children
have abandoned us and don't speak to us My life sucks!
Just had a total emotional breakdown and am just
Coming out of it.
Holidays are hardest. I reay hate my life. Not sure I'll ever be truly happy again. I'm just marking off the days

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I so understandand I am so very sorry for your suffering.


I have not been truly happy since my before my huband died. It has been 4 years and I miss him every day. I love my daughter very much and she is the only reason I am still on this earth. Talking with her and doing things together gives me moments of great joy. However, she recently moved 2700 miles away for school and now I will only see her twice a year. I still talk and text, but miss her dearly. It is very hard. I have not seen her in 4 months, but she is here for the holidays. I am having such a great time with her, I almost forgot what my life is like. But, she leaves soon and I will be profoundly sad.


I feel fortunate to have moments of happiness on most days. I might run across a photo of my friends or family members that makes me laugh or reminisce. Or, I find myself dancing around my kitchen to some good music. I’m now listening to old style hip hop as I work out at the gym. It’s hard to not feel upbeat when listening to Salt-N-Peper. Lol

I lost a couple of loved ones several years ago and was stuck…under too much responsibility. I knew I needed change when everyone I knew told me I needed a vacation. So, I went with modest expectations.

It was this past summer (2023) when I vacationed with a small group of longtime friends (male and female) at a mountain lake house….complete with a wild bear on the dock! It was beautiful, serene, and life changing. (Hiking, boat rides, locals, music, dining, sunsets, sunrises, sharing, supporting, loving, etc.) We are all similarly situated and bonded in many ways. It was reminiscent of John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High! (…..He was born in the summer of his 27th year, Coming home to a place he’d never been before, He left yesterday behind him, You might say he was born again, You might say he found a key to every door…) I highly recommend it. No pun intended. Lol. We only consumed wine, though.

I felt light as a feather upon my return. Everyone I know asked me what happened on that trip, because I became a different person. It truly changed my life. I immediately began my fitness and health journey. And opening up to other people. I started telling people what they mean to me….hugging and loving.

I’ve encountered some health challenges, but take them in stride. I’ll get through it. And, I will find my next life partner too. I have faith, hope and happiness. And am very grateful.

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