What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Sometimes Mother Nature isn't so nice.


Sometimes Mother Nature isn't so nice.

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One day all the smoke will clear.
The Sky will be an azure blue.
The Sun will be a brilliant yellow.
The Moon will be a pearly bright.
The Stars will be twinkly lights.
Keep looking out your picture window.


Hey @jakedduck1 I finally have some fresh ducky pictures for you! Not as crisp as I’d like because I was about 150 feet away and trying not to scare them off! Lookit all the fuzzy babies in the late afternoon sun. 👀


One day all the smoke will clear.
The Sky will be an azure blue.
The Sun will be a brilliant yellow.
The Moon will be a pearly bright.
The Stars will be twinkly lights.
Keep looking out your picture window.

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Hi @lagrange5 -- I love that. It's beautiful. That brought to my mind the story of the hospital window that I would like to share with anyone that hasn't heard it.

Two seriously ill men were confined to a hospital room, one near the window and the other flat on his back near the door. The man near the window was allowed to sit up for an hour each day. The man by the door was envious and asked him to describe what he saw out the window.

The window man described the lovely park below with a beautiful lake. Ducks played in the water and children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. He vividly described the world below each day including a parade that went by. The man by the door began to live for that hour a day description that would broaden and brighten his world.

The day came when the man by the window passed away and the man by the door requested to be moved near the window. He asked the nurse to prop him up so he could see outside, but was stunned to see nothing but a plain wall outside his window. He shared his confusion with the nurse who let him know the man who was previously by the window was blind.

The blind man not only had a beautiful and imaginative mind, but displayed such an act of kindness to the other man. So, the next time your window view isn’t as ideal as you would like, close your eyes and picture every beautiful detail your mind can imagine. Remember that act of kindness and share your beautiful vision of the world with someone struggling to see its beauty.

So, I ask, “What’s outside your imaginary picture window today?”

If you can't make it to a 4th of July celebration, imagine everything you might want to see in that celebration and parade. If others are with you, take turns adding to the story of what you see. You'll end up with a fabulous and vivid memory of the best 4th of July celebration ever! Blessings, Zebra


A loony time on the lake this morning. A baby loon out for breakfast ride mom.


A loony time on the lake this morning. A baby loon out for breakfast ride mom.

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@loribmt how adorable is that???!!! That's so sweet to see the baby riding on mama's back. Great pix! Thanks for sharing.


Hey @jakedduck1 I finally have some fresh ducky pictures for you! Not as crisp as I’d like because I was about 150 feet away and trying not to scare them off! Lookit all the fuzzy babies in the late afternoon sun. 👀

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Haven't seen that many duckies since the great ducky race for Mantorville Stagecoach Days 🤣Ok, I know, it's just water under the bridge.


Haven't seen that many duckies since the great ducky race for Mantorville Stagecoach Days 🤣Ok, I know, it's just water under the bridge.

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Soo cute!


Haven't seen that many duckies since the great ducky race for Mantorville Stagecoach Days 🤣Ok, I know, it's just water under the bridge.

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That’s awesome!! 😂


Apparently my grasshopper pics didn't post. I'll try again.
We have the muncher and a tall weed full of both color, green and brown grasshoppers. There are still hundreds of babies hopping around the yard. It's good to see finally this year.

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