What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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@ess77 Beautiful you! I can grow weeds pretty good. Does that count? Oh, and the roses that are barely getting going this year; the deer keep trimming them. Grrr


@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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Hi Elizabeth @ess77

Wow, those are great photos!!! You're surrounded by lots of lovely plants. I don't have a green thumb for potted plants. In the ground are easy. Lori is right about your perfectly coiffed hair and appearance! You look more like you're on your way to an evening out rather than running errands. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


Hi Elizabeth. You have a green thumb by the looks of your plants. They’re all so healthy and lush! The orchid is so pretty and obviously happy in that window to bloom!

One thing this northern girl has got to ask is, How the heck do you look so fabulous while sitting in the car during a rainstorm. Your hair and makeup are perfection! When we’re in Florida no matter what I do I look like an unmade bed. Fortunately I’m usually on the beach with a big hat. So any hair that’s poking out looks ok. But what a lank and unkempt mop the rest of the time. I’m always in awe of southern belles and their ability to look stunning in the worst weather!
Thank you for the lovely photos!! I need to go brush my hair…hahaha. It’s hot and super humid in Wisconsin today. That’s not a good look on me at all, having lost my cherub-like demeanor by 9 this morning. 😂

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Lori @loribmt

You are too funny with the unmade bed and needing to go brush your hair comments! Bwahahaha!!! I know just what you mean because I was born with naturally curly hair so humidity and rain equals wild! I had long, thick, layered hair when younger. When in dry climates like Phoenix or Vegas, my hair's role model was Farah Fawcett. On the coast in CA where I lived or in Hawaii, my hair looked to Einstein for guidance. If I wanted a nice picture, it better be within an hour of blow drying out the frizz and then applying my hairspray helmet as a humidity force field. The only one time my husband ever complimented my hair was in Vegas with 10% humidity. I should have moved there! Haha Now, with all the targeted cancer meds, I'm just thankful to have enough thin hair left to cover my scalp. I have a wardrobe of hats now instead of hair spray. 🙂


More creek pix. That's not my bird feeder so I have no idea what those two birds are on there. The dove was taking a little nap in the sun.


Lori @loribmt

You are too funny with the unmade bed and needing to go brush your hair comments! Bwahahaha!!! I know just what you mean because I was born with naturally curly hair so humidity and rain equals wild! I had long, thick, layered hair when younger. When in dry climates like Phoenix or Vegas, my hair's role model was Farah Fawcett. On the coast in CA where I lived or in Hawaii, my hair looked to Einstein for guidance. If I wanted a nice picture, it better be within an hour of blow drying out the frizz and then applying my hairspray helmet as a humidity force field. The only one time my husband ever complimented my hair was in Vegas with 10% humidity. I should have moved there! Haha Now, with all the targeted cancer meds, I'm just thankful to have enough thin hair left to cover my scalp. I have a wardrobe of hats now instead of hair spray. 🙂

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The weird thing is, I’d worried as I aged about ‘what if I go bald’ because my hair was thinning so much. Then when I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, I decided to preempt the inevitable and get a buzz cut!! I loved it!! Rocked that look. And having a bald head was so easy! Finally I had a hair style for every weather! 😂

I’d always had stick straight hair. My friends with curly hair were envious and in turn, I was envious of their curls…until Cher…oh baby, finally someone with intentionally long, straight hair. I was finally fashionable until Farrah Fawcett and her voluptuous curls. Le sigh…

My sister lived in Utah, so like with you going to Vegas, when we visited my sis, my hair was awesome! Back in the humidity of home, it returned to limp, lifeless locks. Ah well, at this point in life I’m just thrilled to be alive…with or without hair. 😂


@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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So glad I got to see your beautiful "selfie". Lovely complexion. I also still have photo placement problems. Seems like it is something different any time.


@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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The pictures are great, and...

Elizabeth is such a pretty name, with such a contented and pretty face to match!


The pictures are great, and...

Elizabeth is such a pretty name, with such a contented and pretty face to match!

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@lagrange5, @johnbishop, @gingerw, @californiazebra, @loribmt, and all...You are way too kind and sweet. Thank you for the nice words. I was in a good place in my head and heart as my son was able to get his nerve ablation procedure, although it was quite a full and trying day, and he had received an increase in his pump meds. So, he was finally on his way to some better times. For a while...

Also, I stayed away from him for a day and went out to run errands-to a lab to get tests done, groceries, candles that I love to have on hand, and I stopped in to visit a wonderful upscale consignment shop I haven't visited for several years and dearly love and enjoy cruising through to see the goodies. I haven't had a day totally for me in many, many years so this was a very special day. That's what you see in my face. Some bit of pure joy having the time to do something only for me, that I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it! Yea!

I should have sent one without sunglasses, but oh, well.

Lori, you are a hoot! I'm a hat lady myself. Wear them every chance I get, but I'm out in the sun never and outside only to walk to and from my car or a building or such. No outside walks recently, but if I were to enjoy a walk I'd have a big, floppy hat and a shirt partly covering my arms. As you see, I'm very fair, Mom had curly red hair. Dad had straight black hair. I actually got some of both, color black with waves and at times curls, not especially obedient, so I've had short hair for most of my life. Highly recommend short hair for humid climates. Also, there are wonderful new products, even at the drug store, for curly hair, for gray hair, to make gray hair sparkly and not frizzy, to treat hair to make it healthier. And, I've lost hair in the past due to meds and treatments as have you. But, it grew back white/silver/with some black, and very curly. Wild hair life is fine with me since I let it do its thing, just do my best to make it look like I want it to do what it wants to do...

I've gained due to steroids so have a differently shaped face now, but I'm learning to deal with it and recognize myself most days. You are all wonderfully accepting.

The funny thing, I did get my son a couple of things while out. Can't not have him on my mind, but it was fun to browse on my own timeframe, even if I'm back on antibiotics and had a fever. It was a great day. I saw so many wonderful sights outside my car window! Exhausted, I've been in bed most of today.
Blessings all, Elizabeth


@lagrange5, @johnbishop, @gingerw, @californiazebra, @loribmt, and all...You are way too kind and sweet. Thank you for the nice words. I was in a good place in my head and heart as my son was able to get his nerve ablation procedure, although it was quite a full and trying day, and he had received an increase in his pump meds. So, he was finally on his way to some better times. For a while...

Also, I stayed away from him for a day and went out to run errands-to a lab to get tests done, groceries, candles that I love to have on hand, and I stopped in to visit a wonderful upscale consignment shop I haven't visited for several years and dearly love and enjoy cruising through to see the goodies. I haven't had a day totally for me in many, many years so this was a very special day. That's what you see in my face. Some bit of pure joy having the time to do something only for me, that I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it! Yea!

I should have sent one without sunglasses, but oh, well.

Lori, you are a hoot! I'm a hat lady myself. Wear them every chance I get, but I'm out in the sun never and outside only to walk to and from my car or a building or such. No outside walks recently, but if I were to enjoy a walk I'd have a big, floppy hat and a shirt partly covering my arms. As you see, I'm very fair, Mom had curly red hair. Dad had straight black hair. I actually got some of both, color black with waves and at times curls, not especially obedient, so I've had short hair for most of my life. Highly recommend short hair for humid climates. Also, there are wonderful new products, even at the drug store, for curly hair, for gray hair, to make gray hair sparkly and not frizzy, to treat hair to make it healthier. And, I've lost hair in the past due to meds and treatments as have you. But, it grew back white/silver/with some black, and very curly. Wild hair life is fine with me since I let it do its thing, just do my best to make it look like I want it to do what it wants to do...

I've gained due to steroids so have a differently shaped face now, but I'm learning to deal with it and recognize myself most days. You are all wonderfully accepting.

The funny thing, I did get my son a couple of things while out. Can't not have him on my mind, but it was fun to browse on my own timeframe, even if I'm back on antibiotics and had a fever. It was a great day. I saw so many wonderful sights outside my car window! Exhausted, I've been in bed most of today.
Blessings all, Elizabeth

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Elizabeth, it sounds like you had a long overdue wonderful day out! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Zebra


Ah, the wonderful freedom of being able to go away from home for a few hours!!! After three months of 24/7 care, with lots of sleepless nights, my 157-pound anchor is now able to get to and from the bathroom by himself. It was terrible to be trapped inside with all the outside work undone, so now I'm trying to "ketchup." I started driving two hours each way to load bread donated to our Backpacks program once again...it works, as long as prepare a cooler full of lunch plus extra milk, fruit juice, additional deli meats and cheese in case he has a low blood sugar. After the success of getting somewhat back to normal, I drove two hours north to the river I've monitored for over 30 years, this time not only installing monitors to track water temps all summer, but meeting an attorney from Biodiversity to ground truth a damaged road that our Dept. of Forestry wants to repair, with taxpayer FEMA money, in order to clearcut 800 acres. Having seen how little FEMA was able to do after the Labor Day '20 fire here, I am infuriated to think that FEMA funds could be used to enable, gasp, clear cutting! Even worse, the harvest will lead to winter floods, thus washing out the road again. It feels very good to be back on my broken-footed white horse, tilting at windmills! I've also been working hard in an attempt to catch up on all the work outside. I don't think that I'll ever get even this summer, but I have made some good progress.

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