What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Hi @vellen. I agree, next to the front door isn’t a good place for these paper wasp nests. But if you have them around in a place that doesn’t pose a threat to you, let them hang until the bees move out in the fall. These are really beneficial bees and usually don’t pose a threat to people and the spent nests make really excellent paper for art projects!

I collect the old nests and carefully pull the layers apart, preserving them for the paper! You can paint on the paper with different mediums, use as backgrounds for artwork, I even stitch the paper in art quilts. ☺️

Aw, Teri is adorable! Thank you for sharing!

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Yes, I read how great these hornets are and I leave the other wasp nests alone, I've had a few enter the house but was able to corner them before one of my cats got to it.
Thanks, Tedi is a very intelligent stinker, I enjoy her quite a bit.


Hi Rosemary @rosemary

Neat pix, but yikes on the damage. I'm trying to figure out the second photo. What are we looking at exactly? It almost looked like a rainbow in a sunset. I've never seen anything like that before. Really neat!

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@californiazebra, The 2nd photo is a rainbow looking toward the east. We had a round of terrible storms roll through the state and after it calmed down here, I saw the beautiful colors in #1, and stood in the remaining drizzle to take it. When I turned around to return inside I saw the rainbow and as soon afterwards the sun came out as I returned to go back inside I took #3. I tend to get carried away when I see a beautiful sky!
We had no damage, it passed over us. However, in Lexington 35 miles north, there is extensive damage and power outages caused by downed trees . Our son, along with 27,000 Lexingtonians lost power around 5 PM Sunday. This morning he is still without power, along with the remaining 10,000 residents.


Outside my front door in the top right corner is a small round nest. This is where wasps used to start building their nests but since they're aggressive, I knock those down. I've only seen a couple of these guys, sort of a rust color and they ignore me. Info I found:
"Bald-faced Hornets are known for their large ball-shaped paper nest, which they build in the spring for raising their young." They also fight wasps.
And a picture of Tedi, just because.

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Tedi is surveying his (her?) realm.


Tedi is surveying his (her?) realm.

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Yes, she's waiting for Jinx to exit the window (double pane) for her turn.


The rainbow is beautiful but such a sad loss of a beautiful tree! Did you have a tornado or a severe thunder storm? Hopefully no one was hurt. 🙁

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Lori, No reported injuries, straightline winds and suspected, and lots of downed trees. Our son just texted that his power has come back on. It was off for 50 hours, so things in refrigerator and freezer will need to be tossed.


The views outside my window definitely don’t resemble the Arizona landscapes, where I live. We are camping with my daughter and her family in Minnesota, an hour north of Minneapolis. I’m getting my fill of all the trees, green grass and going for walks with my four grandkids. The temperatures have been lovely! We will be back in Arizona a week from today and back to daily 100+ temperatures. For now, I am savoring the Minnesota views.


Some pix from my very peaceful weekend hikes. The hummingbird was near the creek by me. The duck and turtle from a regional park. The bunny, great blue heron and dove from a nature preserve.


Some pix from my very peaceful weekend hikes. The hummingbird was near the creek by me. The duck and turtle from a regional park. The bunny, great blue heron and dove from a nature preserve.

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So nice to see a variety of critters while enjoying a peaceful walk with nature. Thanks for sharing @californiazebra!


I was finally able to get a clear pic of the Scaly-breasted Munia (aka Spotted Munia and other names) so I could query what it is. Native to tropical Asia. Hmmm. Wonder who brought them here? Lots by the creek. Pretty.

The snowy egret was high in a tree this morning because two coyotes were running around by the creek. The crows were squawking, ducks quacking loudly and squirrels chattering loudly. All wildlife was on high alert!

The great egret (big) was fishing in the creek yesterday. I have a video of him catching a crawdad. Never a dull wildlife moment on my walks.


I was finally able to get a clear pic of the Scaly-breasted Munia (aka Spotted Munia and other names) so I could query what it is. Native to tropical Asia. Hmmm. Wonder who brought them here? Lots by the creek. Pretty.

The snowy egret was high in a tree this morning because two coyotes were running around by the creek. The crows were squawking, ducks quacking loudly and squirrels chattering loudly. All wildlife was on high alert!

The great egret (big) was fishing in the creek yesterday. I have a video of him catching a crawdad. Never a dull wildlife moment on my walks.

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These are stunning pictures.

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