What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Oh Dear, Lorie - That is why I am steadfast in staying South until May - temps in the 80's at home all last week, followed by snow, the a little sleety rain.
My grandson reportedly got up Sunday morning, looked out the front window, and said "Mom, did we miss Spring and Summer?"

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Winter is relentless this year! We may reconsider our return times next year. This year we did need to be home by Mid-March for a few commitments but wow, usually by now it’s spring and a consistent temperature. Last week we had unseasonably high 70s and 80s! This week we’re struggling to be in the 40s. Mother Nature didn’t get the memo in Wis/Minn that spring has sprung!! 🙄


Hello Elizabeth! It’s really great to see you back here with us! You’ve been missed. 😽 I know you and your son have been having some very challenging times the past couple of years so it’s a relief to hear that things are improving for both of you.
The egret is gorgeous and sometimes we do get these little signs that give us a ‘moment’…I have those too! Difficult to explain to others but we know it when we feel it, right? 😊

And Miss Samantha is a very pretty kitty and a lucky girl to have a perfect window seat to check on all the birds, squirrels and other critters outside.
I hope everything stays on the upswing for you, my friend.
Right now, out my picture window…no egrets…just white snow coming down on my daffodils. Sigh. 🙄

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@loribmt, @johnbishop, and all...Thanks for the hugs and good thoughts. Yep. Samantha is a dear little-ish girl. She's getting older but even sweeter, although she knows what she wants and is extremely verbal. If I'm not able to clean her litter every day as I have all her life before limited by life, she will sit in front of the litter box, looking at the mess in total disdain, and howl! I mean it's a heart-wrenching howl, no meow in sight. She sits and does that until I call her and tell her I'll clean it up later today. Then, she gives me a day to get it done, but pouts.

Good gracious! She's one spoiled cat. And, there's another one downstairs....does the same there. So, she keeps me on my toes and I'm very apologetic for the delay. What a cat. What a cat mom....blessings. Elizabeth


@california12 azebra , @johnbishop, @jakedduck1jakedduck1, @loribmt, and all...pics of Samantha didn't go. Here they are...

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Hi Lizzy,
I hope you and your son are doing well.
I bet Sam is licking her chops at that egret.


Hi Lizzy,
I hope you and your son are doing well.
I bet Sam is licking her chops at that egret.

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@jakedduck1 and all...You are so bad, Jake! No, she would want to softly ck it out. She will kill a rat and stare down 4 at a time...on my patio...but she loves all the bird friends. Sits on chair in the sun and quietly watches them meet and greet and eat. Interesting little soul. Very sweet.
Hope all is we in candy-land.
Good to hear from you, my friend.


Yesterday we had 2" of snow. Huh? Last weekend I was starting to pull weeds and it was 65 degrees! This morning we had snow and rain showers. The daffodils and hyacinth are struggling to survive with this crazy-making weather. I spotted some little new growth on my rosebushes a few days ago, but that might be gone with the temps now. The one cherry tree is trying to start blooming its riotously pink blooms, though.

If it weren't for the weather, I'd have nothing to talk about ;))


@californiazebra , @johnbishop, @jakeduckduck1, @loribmt, and all...Hello, my friends. Been off line for a bit getting my son and self better. Some tough months, but leveling g some.
California, love your bird! Egrets are one of my favorites. I'm in Florida, see them often. But, I had a similar encounter a few months ago that blew me away. We were in a very difficult time,I was sitting in my car waiting for my I'll son to come and go to a doc appt. The 1st pic bow is the white angel that came to me and stayed with me looking at me until he came out. It happened 2 different days! Same place. Same circumstance. Can't help but brevet the good Lord was sending me a love message!
Then, had to send a couple if pics of my Samantha looking out my bedroom window. You can see one of my rescue plants that's happy and thriving now. No idea what it is, but love it.
Enjoy! Be blessed. Elizabeth

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Hi @ess77 Elizabeth, so glad to hear you and your son are improving! Samantha is a darling cat and has the best seat in the house. I love your story about the egret! That is one long neck. We have that kind of egret here as well as the smaller one I sent. The tall ones like yours walk like a cartoon. It just makes me smile. I have relatives in Florida who send me pics of all kinds of amazing birds there. They do like to hang out by the water.

I walk down by the creek near me daily. Right now there are many ducks with ducklings -- so cute! They have anywhere from 3 to 6 ducklings each. Mama duck was keeping her eye on me as I pointed the camera. Most exciting is I finally saw the great blue heron again so I could get a pic. I've included those pics and pics of a big turtle at least a foot long and a Canadian goose. I'll post the duckling and goose pic in another comment. It's not showing up here. Saw all of them in the same walk. Very fun!


Here's the duck and duckling pic. I don't know how to make the files smaller so I can post all at once.


Canadian goose, but it's not previewing after I uploaded so I'm not sure it will show up. I guess I'll find out when I hit post.


@californiazebra, Thank you for sharing the photos. I love the one of the duck with her baby. Such a great photo! Love how mama is looking up as if she's thanking someone for a beautiful day with her baby.


Here's the duck and duckling pic. I don't know how to make the files smaller so I can post all at once.

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@xaliforniazebra, @johnbishop , @jakedduck1 and alll...you Rey have an active creek. It must be a big creek to attract so many lovely creatures. I love them all and would get to that space often.
The blue heron is my favorite. Magnificent birds.
I have several feeders on my back patio that visit daily. I added feeders and a fountain during our long couple years hibernation....
Saved my sanity. That and the Mayo owls. Need to ck in with them today. I'll send update. Feeders get red headed woodpecker, downy and even a pleated now. Cardinal families, finch,, chickadees, finch, and more. I'm getting rats again and squirrel families. Love these friends, not rats..love they're personalities and visits.
Be well. Elizabeth

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