What is the best way to loose extra weight to meet normal BMI?

Posted by spenugo53 @spenugo53, Nov 17, 2023

what is the best way to loose extra weight to meet NORMAL BODY MASS INDEX

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IMO this BMI thing means nothing. Yes, we should all eat properly to maintain our weight, but trying to live up to a useless standard makes no sense to me. Possibly a little more research may be in order on BMI.

My doctor says "Forget BMI" means nothing...you need to lose 7 #'s, watch your diet".
Here is a blurb on BMI ;

"The person who dreamed up the BMI said explicitly that it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of fatness in an individual.

The BMI was introduced in the early 19th century by a Belgian named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet. He was a mathematician, not a physician. He produced the formula to give a quick and easy way to measure the degree of obesity of the general population to assist the government in allocating resources. In other words, it is a 200-year-old hack."

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I had one of the first Gastric Bypass surgeries 50 years ago at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital in NH. I was 15 years old. I lost 400 lbs and when my endocrinologist told me i was obese, it freaked me out. She used the BMI calculator to determine this. Now that my acquired hypothyroidism is under control and my A1C is in the normal range, i have been able to loose weight. My question is, how accurate can this test be, when i have about 15 pounds or more of loose skin? I am 5’ 10” and the scales say I weigh 185. It has been difficult to keep my weight this low. Without the extra skin, I would weigh 170.


I had one of the first Gastric Bypass surgeries 50 years ago at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital in NH. I was 15 years old. I lost 400 lbs and when my endocrinologist told me i was obese, it freaked me out. She used the BMI calculator to determine this. Now that my acquired hypothyroidism is under control and my A1C is in the normal range, i have been able to loose weight. My question is, how accurate can this test be, when i have about 15 pounds or more of loose skin? I am 5’ 10” and the scales say I weigh 185. It has been difficult to keep my weight this low. Without the extra skin, I would weigh 170.

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Wonderful Job! I think the BMI thing is a very poor indicator. Keep up the good work! You are an insperation!


I lost 66 pounds watching calories and exercising. As a type 1 diabetic, I count carbs too. I went from Obese BMI to just Overweight category. But, honestly I don’t know how I’ll be able to find clothes once I reach Normal BMI, since I’m already in some Medium and Small clothes. My nutritionist says to not get distracted with BMI. She’s very experienced, so I value her opinion. She says to go by how I feel. I feel sort of thin already, but have about 20 more pounds to lose.


celia16 | @celia16

Great job, you are exactly right, it does come down to calories in vs calories out.

I agree BMI is just a number / label. You need to find a healthy weight that your comfortable at. That is going to vary by individual.



Has anyone had skin removal surgery? I’m now down 70 pounds. Still more to go. I am really noticing loose skin now. I will need multiple areas addressed. It makes me angry at myself for having gained the weight to start with. If I had maintained my normal weight of 130-150, I wouldn’t be dealing with this. I can’t do anything about it now, except for needling, cold sculpting and surgery. All expensive.


Has anyone had skin removal surgery? I’m now down 70 pounds. Still more to go. I am really noticing loose skin now. I will need multiple areas addressed. It makes me angry at myself for having gained the weight to start with. If I had maintained my normal weight of 130-150, I wouldn’t be dealing with this. I can’t do anything about it now, except for needling, cold sculpting and surgery. All expensive.

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Hi @celia16, this would be a good topic for a new discussion. Would you mind starting a new discussion about skin removal surgery?

See how to start a discussion here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/help-center/


Hi @celia16, this would be a good topic for a new discussion. Would you mind starting a new discussion about skin removal surgery?

See how to start a discussion here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/help-center/

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Yes, I’d love to start a thread on it. It’s just that I haven’t had bariatric surgery. I have had major weigh loss, though. I’ve posted in a couple of threads around here. Not sure if this is for weight loss regular or only by bariatric surgery. Just let me know and if so, I’ll start the thread. Thank you.


My pcp said the Phentermine might help kickstart my sluggish metabolism. Indeed that is what happened it seems. I have been off the led for 1 month and have continued to loose another couple of pounds. PCP thinks periodic times of med will help obtain and maintain. I hope so. My cancer was hormone positive so all most all of the new wonder drugs are hormonal an NOT for me. Phentermine is not hormonal nor is Contrave. Good luck to you! I weigh less now than I did in my 50s.

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Glad it helped you. I have tried it twice.
First time lost about 5 pounds in 3 months. Then stopped loosing and so went off the pills. Tried it again last month and lost 1 pound. Not worth the cost of the pills.
First day on the pill , felt very anxious. Next day and until I month supply was gone, never felt any different. And it didn't curb my appetite. Not that I eat much anyway. So, phentermine did not help me.
Good luck with your journey.

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