What can we expect as far as recovery for my Mom's spinal surgery?

Posted by juliedyan @juliedyan, Aug 11, 2023

I was wondering if anyone could help me on here. My mother is having a decompressive laminectomy on L3 through L5, and a fusion at L4 & 5 a week from Wednesday.

I don't feel like we know what to expect as far as her recovery and the surgeon's office said they would call to explain a week before surgery.
My sisters and I (I live 3 states away) are organizing a schedule to take care of her the first few weeks or however long she needs it. She is 78, a widow and lives alone.

Very important: Are there any supplies we need to order now to help with her recovery (such as a stepping stool to get in the car, special bed, bathroom necessities, etc).

What about riding in a car? The hospital is 2 1/2 hours away from her home. Also, after about a week and a half after surgery, I need to drive her two hours to my sisters home where she can stay until she is doing much better. We are also working with their work schedules (one is a teacher for example and time off is tough).

If you've had this done, what is recovery like? Thank you so much!

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@juliedyan I'm glad your mom came through surgery well. Bless you for taking the first long shift to take care of her during the most difficult part of the recovery. I know you'll do your best. You may want to keep a journal so you'll be able to look back and measure her progress. Those 15 minute naps will be beneficial too. I'm sure your mom will appreciate your help even though she may not be able to tell you that until she feels better.

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Also, thank you for the idea of keeping a journal. That may help measure pain etc!


Also, thank you for the idea of keeping a journal. That may help measure pain etc!

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The journal is so helpful to record meds and symptoms. Time collapses when pain and sleeplessness are in the picture. My team advised using the lift recliner as part of the bed to walking to sitting rotation. Unless it is completely flat the posture in the recliner puts more pressure on the lumbar spine. Walking even a little helped my pain in the first week and gave a lift to my spirits too! Thanks for posting the update. I’m sure others have, like me, wondered how things are going for you all. Keep up the great support work and all the best to your mom ( things do get better!)


Not sleeping...I remember it well! But slowly that condition righted itself and I now sleep wonderfully. Yes, I remember when the surgical meds all wore off at once - maybe 48 hours post +/-. I also felt miserable...but things slowly improved. Your mom will slowly feel better and she'll be 100% thankful for your kind support!


Hi all. Just got home from taking care of Mom the last week and wanted to update you on her progress. It's been a whirlwind! This photo is the DAY OF surgery. They sent her home!! We were all so excited and confused! She was fine until the next day and then all hell broke loose. Day 2-5 were terrible. My sister left and I got there on Day 6. To be honest, this is where she turned a corner. Still a lot of pain but she was walking (got the constipation issue taken care of) and not doing too bad! Of course still pain but manageable. By day 12 she was doing a lot better. Now, the main issue is her hip pain. It is terrible. She is still nursing a shoulder replacement and it is hard for her to sleep in a good position nursing her back and shoulder. She said the hip pain is worse than her back. Maybe bursitis inflamed again? She is calling in the morning to see if there is anything they can do to help her. All in all considering everything, she is honestly in a better place than I thought she ever would be. I was scared about the whole rehab hospital thing (she still would have gone if her insurance would have paid for it). I was SHOCKED they sent her home on the day of surgery. It was at a surgical center. I'm praying that when the healing is overwith (I know that can take up to a year) that she will finally be in better shape. I am taking her to Italy (where she was born) September 2024 and her goal is to be able to go. Thank you everyone for your advice! Also I can't remember if I wrote this but this all stems from her getting hit by a man on a mountain bike at full speed while she was walking down the sidewalk. This was after my Dad passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. She's been through hell.


Hi all. Just got home from taking care of Mom the last week and wanted to update you on her progress. It's been a whirlwind! This photo is the DAY OF surgery. They sent her home!! We were all so excited and confused! She was fine until the next day and then all hell broke loose. Day 2-5 were terrible. My sister left and I got there on Day 6. To be honest, this is where she turned a corner. Still a lot of pain but she was walking (got the constipation issue taken care of) and not doing too bad! Of course still pain but manageable. By day 12 she was doing a lot better. Now, the main issue is her hip pain. It is terrible. She is still nursing a shoulder replacement and it is hard for her to sleep in a good position nursing her back and shoulder. She said the hip pain is worse than her back. Maybe bursitis inflamed again? She is calling in the morning to see if there is anything they can do to help her. All in all considering everything, she is honestly in a better place than I thought she ever would be. I was scared about the whole rehab hospital thing (she still would have gone if her insurance would have paid for it). I was SHOCKED they sent her home on the day of surgery. It was at a surgical center. I'm praying that when the healing is overwith (I know that can take up to a year) that she will finally be in better shape. I am taking her to Italy (where she was born) September 2024 and her goal is to be able to go. Thank you everyone for your advice! Also I can't remember if I wrote this but this all stems from her getting hit by a man on a mountain bike at full speed while she was walking down the sidewalk. This was after my Dad passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. She's been through hell.

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Did she have a spinal fusion?


Did she have a spinal fusion?

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This is what she told me she had: decompressive laminectomy on L3 through L5, and a fusion at L4 & 5


This is what she told me she had: decompressive laminectomy on L3 through L5, and a fusion at L4 & 5

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It sounds like hip flexor tightening. Look up Iliopsoas muscle pain.
Because the spine, particularly the lumbar spine and hips are closely connected, decreased mobility of the lumbar spine may create greater reliance and stress on the pelvis and hips to maintain posture and support movement.


It sounds like hip flexor tightening. Look up Iliopsoas muscle pain.
Because the spine, particularly the lumbar spine and hips are closely connected, decreased mobility of the lumbar spine may create greater reliance and stress on the pelvis and hips to maintain posture and support movement.

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I had tethered spinal cord release surgery with a laminectomy. Ask her Dr or pt what types of stretches she can do. 1 thing that I know helped me was to lay on your side and reach your arm above your head as far as is comfortable and lif the leg and rotate the hip area, if that makes sense. I can get a video link showing what I'm talking about if you like. Also did they give her muscle relaxers or pain meds?


I had tethered spinal cord release surgery with a laminectomy. Ask her Dr or pt what types of stretches she can do. 1 thing that I know helped me was to lay on your side and reach your arm above your head as far as is comfortable and lif the leg and rotate the hip area, if that makes sense. I can get a video link showing what I'm talking about if you like. Also did they give her muscle relaxers or pain meds?

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Thank you. I can look this up. And yes she has muscle relaxers and pain meds. She’s about out though!


It sounds like hip flexor tightening. Look up Iliopsoas muscle pain.
Because the spine, particularly the lumbar spine and hips are closely connected, decreased mobility of the lumbar spine may create greater reliance and stress on the pelvis and hips to maintain posture and support movement.

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That would make perfect sense. Thank you!

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