What can we expect as far as recovery for my Mom's spinal surgery?

Posted by juliedyan @juliedyan, Aug 11, 2023

I was wondering if anyone could help me on here. My mother is having a decompressive laminectomy on L3 through L5, and a fusion at L4 & 5 a week from Wednesday.

I don't feel like we know what to expect as far as her recovery and the surgeon's office said they would call to explain a week before surgery.
My sisters and I (I live 3 states away) are organizing a schedule to take care of her the first few weeks or however long she needs it. She is 78, a widow and lives alone.

Very important: Are there any supplies we need to order now to help with her recovery (such as a stepping stool to get in the car, special bed, bathroom necessities, etc).

What about riding in a car? The hospital is 2 1/2 hours away from her home. Also, after about a week and a half after surgery, I need to drive her two hours to my sisters home where she can stay until she is doing much better. We are also working with their work schedules (one is a teacher for example and time off is tough).

If you've had this done, what is recovery like? Thank you so much!

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Congrats to your mom’s early successes! I had similar procedures with far more difficult recoveries…Yes - three months to start to feel good and six to make significant recovery. And that first week! Yikes!

Hip pain. Two causes I can think of. (1) My decompression was minimally invasive and the access point was through my right hip/psoas. Ouch! That site was painful for a long time! (2) The fusion part allowed the surgeon to twist (my words) my spine back to its correct alignment. Ouch again! My hips hurt as the load bearing areas had been shifted. That pain has slowly lessened.

Your mom sounds like a super trooper! In a few months she’ll be buzzing around with a smile, I predict!


That would make perfect sense. Thank you!

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You're welcome welcome. There is nothing wrong with asking for more medication, she shouldn't have to suffer needlessly. I pray she gets relief soon 🙏

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