Anyone using medication for COVID-related anxiety and/or depression?

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jun 19, 2023

I tried Zoloft, Escitalopram which worked somewhat, but the Citralopram, and a few other made my already racing heart crazy! It's a double-edged sword for us.

I read online that Covid, as we all know is an inflammatory / immune nightmare, creating pain, and host of symptoms that Duloxetine, which is for anxiety/depression and pain has helped a lot of people.

Also, since Covid affects our nerve endings, for those folks that get the awful nerve sensations that want to make you jump out of your skin, Gabapentin helps.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I’ve lost thirty pounds and all muscle tone. I try to walk daily but that is the extent of tolerable exercise. Being horrified at the look of one’s body truly does increase the sense of helplessness.
I have tried six different antidepressants. Many are ototoxic and will increase ringing in the ears. I already have extreme tinnitus and hyperacusis so it makes it impossible for me to use these drugs. None of my doctors have been sympathetic to that, and believe I won’t give the drugs a chance. It’s hard to continue with something that makes symptoms worse! In fact it feels foolish to me.
Wondering if anyone else has had this experience? My long Covid journey started with clogged ears. I don’t see that symptom mentioned often.


Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!

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I have severe anxiety disorder and Lexapro was like a miracle for me. Big Time. Older med, but least side effects and does the trick. Everyone is different I guess, but for me, it has always helped me....with the depression and anxiety. 20 mg.


Por genética no puedo tomar la mayoría de los antidepresivos que dan para ayudar a la ansiedad. Post covid me dio disautonomia y mi cuerpo es una locura, síntomas interminables. Me sugirieron tomar Enlyte para controlar la ansiedad. Intente tomarlo pero me detonó una desesperación espantosa. ¿alguien más ha tomado Enlyte?


¿Alguien ha tomado Enlyte para la ansiedad por covid?
Post covid me dio disautonomia y tengo una cantidad de síntomas interminables uno de ellos es la ansiedad, por genética no puedo tomar la mayoría de los antidepresivos por que no me funcionan. Me recetaron Enlyte y me generó una desesperación espantosa. ¿A alguien mas le ha pasado?


¿Alguien ha tomado Enlyte para la ansiedad por covid?
Post covid me dio disautonomia y tengo una cantidad de síntomas interminables uno de ellos es la ansiedad, por genética no puedo tomar la mayoría de los antidepresivos por que no me funcionan. Me recetaron Enlyte y me generó una desesperación espantosa. ¿A alguien mas le ha pasado?

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No. I have not.


I am suffering from EXTREME anxiety, depression, PTSD and terrible Insomnia, all since getting Covid twice, which set this all off to the max! As of today, I haven't slept for 2 days. If I even attempt to take a nap, the minute my eyes close, I get "jolted up" similar to what I believe is like PTSD. I also suffer from 25+ horrible symptoms and down to 90 lbs.

I have always been so very healthy, active and feeling fabulous, weighing in at 127 lbs, but Covid has robbed me of my life, like so many others.

So glad we have this forum where we can all share our experiences, symptoms and get much needed support. The numerous doctors I've seen have done nothing to help and actually deny LT Covid exists.

With that said, can you please share what medications you are using or have tried that helped? I know everybody is different, but it will be helpful to share what has helped.

Thank you in advance for your kindness in responding.


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I suggest speaking to a medical professional that SPECIALIZES in Marijuana treatment for anxiety and depression OR you do your own the research. Soldiers suffering from PTSD swear that marijuana works better than prescription meds. I have a family member that is a veteran and got rid of the pills for marijuana. Those pills causes issues without really treating the problem. It is beyond shocking that a doctor would prescribe med$$$ for depression with a side effect being suicide. Unfortunately we are living in an era where YOU truly have to research your health issues. Seriously. Good luck.


¿Alguien ha tomado Enlyte para la ansiedad por covid?
Post covid me dio disautonomia y tengo una cantidad de síntomas interminables uno de ellos es la ansiedad, por genética no puedo tomar la mayoría de los antidepresivos por que no me funcionan. Me recetaron Enlyte y me generó una desesperación espantosa. ¿A alguien mas le ha pasado?

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I have not heard of Enlyte but will avoid it. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hang in there and a simple reliever for me has been exercise and a bit of calm breathing. Doesn't solve anything but gives me hope.


¿Alguien ha tomado Enlyte para la ansiedad por covid?
Post covid me dio disautonomia y tengo una cantidad de síntomas interminables uno de ellos es la ansiedad, por genética no puedo tomar la mayoría de los antidepresivos por que no me funcionan. Me recetaron Enlyte y me generó una desesperación espantosa. ¿A alguien mas le ha pasado?

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@mtchc, you might be interested in joining this discussion:
- My psychiatrist prescribed ENLYTE for depression.

It can be challenging to find the right medication when many are not genetically compatible. Have you taken a pharmacogentics test to understand which medications work and don't work for you?


My doctor has prescribed Escitalopram, sold under the brand names Lexapro and Cipralex, to treat my LC anxiety. (10mg). Has anyone taken the drug and can share their experience?


My doctor has prescribed Escitalopram, sold under the brand names Lexapro and Cipralex, to treat my LC anxiety. (10mg). Has anyone taken the drug and can share their experience?

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I have a prescription, but haven’t started taking it yet. If I thought it would actually help my LC, I’d immediately start taking it. I hope there are responses of those who do take it. I’ve been exploring the potential side effects and weighing the risks vs. benefits.

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