Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

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Have ypu tried Gabapentin

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I have a weird system. I take gabapentin at nite, but will have what I call left over effects all through the day. I get dizzy hours into the day. Have lost balance a few times. No worries, the wall always catches me😁. GP said it called the hangover effect. Call it what you want, but I don't need it happening when I'm driving, walking my dog or in a store. I had to hold onto the shelving until the dizziness passed. That was frightening, & happened hours later in the afternoon. Never had it do that to me before. I'm not giving up driving & walking my pup because of it. If it means I don't use it, I won't. Anyone else have hangover hours later from it? Thank you


My name is Moí. I live in WA state. Anyone out this way? I live with my service pup GA/Georgia. We are independent, but I've had to accept that I need help in the apt with things my body can't do anymore. Vacuuming & my nerve damaged spine don't get along. I can make myself do it, but I'll be down for days afterwards. I can fold my clothes, but not hang shirts due to right rotator cuff. So far I can still take the trash out. I live on the 2nd floor. That's 15 steps to carry groceries up. I do it smart. Frig & freezer things up first. The rest can wait it's turn. The hardest thing for me is having to accept a care helper to help with things I can't do it have a hard time doing. The thing is, if I get tired or something like gabapentin causes dizziness, they think I need extra care & want to take some of my freedoms away. I won't stand for it. I don't like being judged like I'm senile. I have some physical limitations only. My brain is sharp. Why do they do that to us? They start treating us as if we can't budget out finances or can take care of our medications, or cook my own food. It makes me fearful I'll be put away in some home if I can't find my glasses. We shouldn't have to live in fear & hide how we are feeling out of stress for some person thinking we are needing more care than we do. It angers me when I'm asked if the person can see my monthly budget or if I have a medication log they can see. I don't need help with those things. I don't need help getting dressed or taking a shower. I have to fix my meals as my body is able to tolerate what foods that day. I have an exercise time & don't need to be watched as if I'll fall off the chair. I'm still 99% independent. But to be asked if I shouldn't stop driving because I'm 68 is crossing the line. I don't appreciate someone trying to make me more disabled than I am. Especially when they try mental games on me. I tell them to leave & call the agency manager. I'm not 5 yrs old. Does anyone else have care helpers try to make out that you are worse off than you really are? Shoot, I still wrangle the fitted sheet on my queen bed alone & give my pup her bath. I even volunteer to work with VETS at the VA golf course. I love my Boots. I'm not letting anyone take my joys from me. I was made an honorary RANGERS by a company of RANGERS I was helped & I live it every day. I was taught to respect my elders. Not try to make them feel worthless. How fo your care helpers treat you?


Hi my name is Liz. I have had chronic pelvic pain since 2003, back pain (had one fusion in 2009) and have chronic undiagnosed stomach pain. Do like exchanging ideas and stories.


Hi. My name is Darryl and I am in need of some help. I've had CRPS for abot 2 yeas from a fall that shattered my elbow. The crps first went from my left elbow to my finger tips. In June it went from left elbow to the left side of my face. Two weeks ago it travelled to my right jaw. A week ago it moved up to right eye. Today it has moved down to my right finger tips. I have an appointment on 1/9/23 with a head pain mamagement doctor from UPMC. here in Pittsburgh, Pa. I'm becoming frightened. I turn to you, Rachele and anyone that can give me advice. Thank's, Darryl


Hi Darryl @drg24242, I just wanted to catch up and say hello while you wait for members to chime in. It's been a while since we chatted.

As long as there are no underlying serious health issues to be concerned with, weight loss can be a common symptom of chronic pain. As can loneliness and depression resulting in a lack of desire to prepare food or eat.

Dropping all that weight is not good. If I recall you live alone, correct? Does anyone check on you or help with food shopping or preparation? How about socialization? Do you feel you need more?

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Hi Rachel. It's good to here back from you. Right now I'm still trying to handle shopping on my own but with the crps now having moved to the other side of face and finger tip's I don't know how much longer I'll be able to drive. Yes, I have my sister, who I'm very close to, that would help me with anything but I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I've been hospitalized twice in the last 30 days for abdonimal blockages. I'm also so weak that I can't even walk my dog any more. My phychyocrist keep's trying to adjust med's for anxiety and depression.
I had hoped that the crps had stopped progressing and just stayed with my upper left side, but knew the progression to upper right side now was a possibility.
I recieved a newsletter from that from the rsda site I belong to, stating that the Cleveland Cinic has been making great strides with stem cell research for crps. I assume Mayo is doing the same but would like to know more about this. Please advise. Thank's Darryl


I have a weird system. I take gabapentin at nite, but will have what I call left over effects all through the day. I get dizzy hours into the day. Have lost balance a few times. No worries, the wall always catches me😁. GP said it called the hangover effect. Call it what you want, but I don't need it happening when I'm driving, walking my dog or in a store. I had to hold onto the shelving until the dizziness passed. That was frightening, & happened hours later in the afternoon. Never had it do that to me before. I'm not giving up driving & walking my pup because of it. If it means I don't use it, I won't. Anyone else have hangover hours later from it? Thank you

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I have had similar reactions to the gabapentin.. Dizziness, uneven walking ina wavy pattern. I stopped taking I when I had trouble getting out of bed one morning. Told doc and he looked at me and flipped up his eyebrows. Doubt if he took me seriously. Oh well.Do not be discouraged. Keep looking for a way to feel better My problem is that many of the meds for chronic pain work for awhile, then pain returns Good luck to you.


I have had similar reactions to the gabapentin.. Dizziness, uneven walking ina wavy pattern. I stopped taking I when I had trouble getting out of bed one morning. Told doc and he looked at me and flipped up his eyebrows. Doubt if he took me seriously. Oh well.Do not be discouraged. Keep looking for a way to feel better My problem is that many of the meds for chronic pain work for awhile, then pain returns Good luck to you.

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Regards Colonial1, a fellow warrior that too sees any barrier as an intellectual challenge. Pain I have taken on no differently. With having more side effects, allergic reactions to all such medications, even anesthesiologist have become worried how to put me under when absolutely warrantied. I will admit I have it a bit amusing to hear them admit their fear. I reply, if you are this concerned, how do you think I feel? (smiling) A sense of humor is one of two ways I combat pain. The other is straight on attack by logic. I remind myself it will eventually give up before I do. Besides, there are only two ways it has to end. It gives up, or my time here has reached its conclusion. Either way, I win. I address any barrier with the same mindset. Pros & cons, then how to create another way of achieving my goal. No only means Not yet, to me. I may not be able to climb the mountain or swim the ocean, but that's what a CH-47 & a ship are for. Work smarter, not harder as the ARMY ingrains. Always learn from every battle to be more ready for the next, stronger in heart & mind even if the body needs down time. Look at down time merely as the opportunity to strategize. Turn your mind to other things draw you in. For me, that means music, reading, military history, snail walk with my pup on Base is still walking, marvelling at aircraft, the soft sound of wind chimes stirred by a fan, & many other things. Immersing myself in another, as I am with your reply Colonel1, appreciating that one took the time to speak to just me, can be the lifeline that someone may need at just that moment. So I hope we each here will be another's lifeline as someone has been theirs, & never stop reaching out. For as you do, your thoughts turn from your moment, to focus on theirs. & in doing so, for a time pain does not exist.
Thank you, sir, for giving me a time of painless being. Moí


Hello, I am Lucy. I have chronic pain for several years. My pain is now more acute at times than chronic. I am not used to all these narcotics and do not like it. My doctor is quite good and can explain the brain pathways for depression and pain. I am 71 and still a licensed nurse practicing legal nurse consulting. If I did not have this, I would go crazy.


Hi Rachel. It's good to here back from you. Right now I'm still trying to handle shopping on my own but with the crps now having moved to the other side of face and finger tip's I don't know how much longer I'll be able to drive. Yes, I have my sister, who I'm very close to, that would help me with anything but I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I've been hospitalized twice in the last 30 days for abdonimal blockages. I'm also so weak that I can't even walk my dog any more. My phychyocrist keep's trying to adjust med's for anxiety and depression.
I had hoped that the crps had stopped progressing and just stayed with my upper left side, but knew the progression to upper right side now was a possibility.
I recieved a newsletter from that from the rsda site I belong to, stating that the Cleveland Cinic has been making great strides with stem cell research for crps. I assume Mayo is doing the same but would like to know more about this. Please advise. Thank's Darryl

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Hi, sorry it's taken me a couple days to get back to you. I'm not sure about advancements Mayo Clinic has made on stem cell research for CRPS but I will do a little research and see if I can find you information. I'm sorry to hear the CRPS is advancing but I'm super glad that you are working with a psychologist. Have you ever considered a spinal cord stimulator which is implanted for chronic pain?


Hi, sorry it's taken me a couple days to get back to you. I'm not sure about advancements Mayo Clinic has made on stem cell research for CRPS but I will do a little research and see if I can find you information. I'm sorry to hear the CRPS is advancing but I'm super glad that you are working with a psychologist. Have you ever considered a spinal cord stimulator which is implanted for chronic pain?

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I did try a spinal cord stimulator trial made by Abboit,sp?, in mid November but it did not work. Of course the doctor, whom is supposed to be the best around here, want's me to come and try another manufacturer, but my attitude is that if he felt another manufacturer would help , he would of used it the first time. Just trying to make money!
I also heard from a close friend of my sisters today, That she see's the same doctor I am supposed to see on 1/9/23 that she see's him for knee pain and doubt's if he will know anything about CRPS. Another road block but I'll keep the appointment unles I can find anyone else.
I know that I should be going to a Mayo facility but my financesses will not permit. Thank's for listening. Darryl

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