Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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I had Covid in February 2020. Very sick for two weeks with a more digestive type illness. Could not eat due to nausea and extreme fatigue and lost 10 lbs. Developed Long Covid, really bad for a year with fatigue, dry cough, exercise intolerance, dizziness, strange pressure in head, headaches, poor memory, brain fog, depression/anxiety, edema, elevated blood markers for risk of blood clots, the list goes on. Was getting a little better and then symptoms were exacerbated by one dose of vaccine in January 2021. Vaccine injury with nerve pain, terrible memory and cognitive problems. Can't get another vaccine. Two years from illness I was feeling generally better, with fewer Long Haul episodes, but had developed inflammation in my blood vessels, elevated triglycerides, pre diabetes and sudden weight gain in belly area with extreme edema in abdomen. No reason that makes sense. I eat a healthy, organic diet, walk daily and practice holistic medicine. Weight increasing and I can't seem to stop it. I am at risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, despite my history of being slender and fit. Somehow, Covid did this to me.

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I had Covid at the end of Nov 2020., into Dec. I suffered from severe nausea during the different phases of Covid. I loss quite a bit of weight during that. Now during the last year or so my weight has shot up about 20 pounds. Mostly in my torso area. My diet hasn’t changed. I’ve never really had issues with my weight like this.


I had Covid at the end of Nov 2020., into Dec. I suffered from severe nausea during the different phases of Covid. I loss quite a bit of weight during that. Now during the last year or so my weight has shot up about 20 pounds. Mostly in my torso area. My diet hasn’t changed. I’ve never really had issues with my weight like this.

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Having the same issue. Does anyone has any solutions?


I had Covid at the end of Nov 2020., into Dec. I suffered from severe nausea during the different phases of Covid. I loss quite a bit of weight during that. Now during the last year or so my weight has shot up about 20 pounds. Mostly in my torso area. My diet hasn’t changed. I’ve never really had issues with my weight like this.

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I have had the same issue. Unexplained weight gain in my abdominal area. I also haven’t change my diet. As time goes along, the fat accumulation gets worse. I am facing needing to try a radical change in diet and multiple supplements to heal the damage to my gut.


Has anyone had success getting Covid weight gain back off?? I’m sure it’s due to inflammation & perhaps spike protein issues. What’s the solution? It’s not ‘business as usual’…at least not for me. Low calorie & exercise does not budge the scale!

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I’ve been gaining weight for no reason. I hardly have an appetite, and when I do eat, I eat healthy foods with no carbs, and still gaining weight. 😩
I have an upcoming endocrinologist appointment and hopefully they can find out something. I actually have Graves’ disease, but it was in remission and I don’t think I have Graves back because I’m gaining weight instead of losing. I’m pretty sure the thyroid is going in the opposite direction – hypothyroidism. Hopefully they can find what’s going on so I can take some medication so I can get back to normal.. Im getting very impatient and frustrated with all of this… it’s going on 4 months for me with all these Long Covid symptoms. 😖😩😣


I’ve been gaining weight for no reason. I hardly have an appetite, and when I do eat, I eat healthy foods with no carbs, and still gaining weight. 😩
I have an upcoming endocrinologist appointment and hopefully they can find out something. I actually have Graves’ disease, but it was in remission and I don’t think I have Graves back because I’m gaining weight instead of losing. I’m pretty sure the thyroid is going in the opposite direction – hypothyroidism. Hopefully they can find what’s going on so I can take some medication so I can get back to normal.. Im getting very impatient and frustrated with all of this… it’s going on 4 months for me with all these Long Covid symptoms. 😖😩😣

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yes i have the same problem, i have been working hard to get the 35lbs i gained off, i too am trying everything, i know anything with sugar makes it worse, probably because it causes whole body is off..when i do lose a little my body really fights me and puts it back's like fighting some little weight demon inside me...i will not let this covid @#$%^&*& win, i will keep fighting!! hang in there..


Thank you for your comment. I guess I have a false sense of security about what I think the Covid clinic will do and distinguished them from regular docs. I’m trying to get into one and now I have to pray that my encounters aren’t what you experienced. Thanks again

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I missed this! Sorry.
I hope your experience is great, and would love to know how it went? Just fyi- looking at me you would not think “obese”— I am very tall and hide it well. But prior to Covid I was exercising and doing great. Thing is, I got back to exercising… but weight has been an issue. My estrogen went crazy and Thyroid, too. Incidentally, I know verrrry few women who say upfront that they are struggling with weight gain who “need” to be told: “oh hey- you might not know? But you’re overweight..,”


yes i have the same problem, i have been working hard to get the 35lbs i gained off, i too am trying everything, i know anything with sugar makes it worse, probably because it causes whole body is off..when i do lose a little my body really fights me and puts it back's like fighting some little weight demon inside me...i will not let this covid @#$%^&*& win, i will keep fighting!! hang in there..

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Me too! The frustrating part is when you try to explain it and people don’t get it. Long Covid has been a nightmare and the last thing we need with all these problems is weight gain that doesn’t want to go away.


Enzyme Digests Amyloid-Beta Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
by Weill Cornell Medicine (google this, website won't let me share link in discussion).

Here's an article you may find interesting.
I found it just asking myself hypotheticals about another supplement called Olive leaf extract (oleupeurin, sp?) The active ingredient is what is lauded in olive oil. What's interesting is that the scientist's supposition is the buildup of the precursor to amyloid peptides get produced in the organs over time and then develop into the devastating plaques that for Alzheimers.
Why this should be interesting for long covid sufferers is the belief that most people were "fine" to "healthy" prior to contracting covid and Long haul covid. But interestingly, the original post i was replying to was of a triathlete. I have to say that in my practice the stressors of Tri athletes and their bodies is extraordinary. Most are superb competitors but their bodies are aged beyond their years. A colleague of mine, a doctor, said the mitochondria of endurance atheletes can be 10 years beyond their chronological age.

What the take home is from this is the want/pursuit/priority of healthier living. including exercise (or moderation for some) and other factors (drinking smoking). The average person's general health is overestimated as good.

Like the above research article intimates. These negative precursors start way before the tragic singular event.

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Interesting. The information doesn't fit in with my recovery plan and research for/analysis of LC symptom relief but thanks for sharing.


I’ve been gaining weight for no reason. I hardly have an appetite, and when I do eat, I eat healthy foods with no carbs, and still gaining weight. 😩
I have an upcoming endocrinologist appointment and hopefully they can find out something. I actually have Graves’ disease, but it was in remission and I don’t think I have Graves back because I’m gaining weight instead of losing. I’m pretty sure the thyroid is going in the opposite direction – hypothyroidism. Hopefully they can find what’s going on so I can take some medication so I can get back to normal.. Im getting very impatient and frustrated with all of this… it’s going on 4 months for me with all these Long Covid symptoms. 😖😩😣

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Please post what u find out! I too have considered seeing an Endocrinologist…

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